House rules J6 Committee illegitimate...all subpoenas void...

Fyi, this happened early on when republicans disputed the legitimacy of the committee....

In a late-night court filing defending the Jan. 6 panel’s structure, House Counsel Douglas Letter noted that the 2005 committee — which consisted entirely of 11 Republicans appointed by then-Speaker Dennis Hastert — proved that there is precedent for a select committee operating without a contingent of members appointed by the minority party. That panel, appointed over Pelosi’s objection to investigate the failures of the government response to Hurricane Katrina, was nevertheless a valid exercise of the House’s power, Letter noted. Claims that the Jan. 6 committee is invalid because it lacks GOP-appointed members fail to reckon with this precedent, he said.
Was it funny when literally everyone on the J6 panel were Democrats or wanted to be?

There were two Republicans on that Committee, and they volunteered when the rest of the Party was too afraid of the Dictator wanna-be and too desperate to hold onto power, to do the job they were elected to do - protect the Constitution. Both of these Republicans are very conservative with genuine conservative values, not MAGA white supremacy or anti-democratic authoritarianism.

Liz Cheney, unlike Elise Stephanik, a "loyal MAGA" who refused to serve, voted for every single piece of legislation Donald Trump put forward, and supported everything he did as President, right up to January 6th. Stephanik, who used to be a "never Trumper" has now fully embraced alternate reality and the Big Lie, and she's now 3rd in command of House Republicans, regardless of how many times she voted against Trump's policies.

But Cheney is neither gullible, nor stupid, and she is not so desperate to hold onto power that she would compromise her conservative values in the face of an attempted overthrow of the governnment.

Cheney has no desire to be a Democrat, but she is primed and ready to head a rebirth of the Republican Party once Trump loses this election and his criminal trials continue.
What they knew about Trump's plot to nullify the election and install himself as prez.

There was no plot other than to investigate the irregularities of the election.

Not for nothing - that was exactly what Congress was about to do when the Democrats created the chaos that stopped that from happening.
All the more reason to include them if one is seriously looking for facts - so your parroted answer is dismissed with prejudice
Teabaggers like, like GYM and JIM.
"Gym" Jordan is hilarious if you are 12.
If you are over 12 - well ---
No, just a reference to Gym's college days at the Gym.

Ex-OSU wrestler alleges Jim Jordan asked him to deny ...​

Sports Illustrated › more-sports › 2020/02/12 › jim-j...

Feb 12, 2020 — Ohio representative and former Ohio State University wrestling coach Jim Jordan aided and abetted in the university's cover-up of sexual ...
It was never anything more than a poorly scripted infomercial.
There was no fact fining, there wasn't even any interest in fact finding.
You might want to consider taking your head out of your butt.

To their knowledge regarding 1/6 and communications and possible directions from Trump.

The directions were to peacefully and patriotically let Congress know that there needed to be some discussion and possible investigations into the irregularities in the election.

People outside of your bubble cult knew/know this.
They also know that particular thing was about to happen when the Democrats started the chaos to stop that from happening.

People in your bubble think that there were no irregularities, because everyone that they trust has told them that, and you all never question them.
And there is nothing that will ever change that.

This discussion would have made those irregularities public record and the Democrats really could not take that risk.

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