Biden really lied. Did the Media mention he lied?

Aren't you a conservative? Your party exists entirely to redistribute wealth from the lower and middle classes to the upper class. Shouldn't you be happy if Biden is helping the rich?
That is Democrats lies in action.
No, my party was founded to wipe out slavery. I believe now we must wipe out those who had slaves, the democrats.

Can I give you a tip about the Rich? Take my Grandson the day he graduated the university. He got nothing from Democrats. He is getting rich being paid by the Rich. Should he remain poor?
Denial is a river in Egypt :itsok:
Gish Gallup overwhelms with rapid fire lies.
Gish Gallup
No, my party was founded to wipe out slavery. I believe now we must wipe out those who had slaves, the democrats.
I don't care HOW MANY times you use the word Democrats.

Slavery was in the SOUTH.
Those Southerners were Conservatives, always have been, still are to this day.
Yes, technically the (D) had Slaves, but those (D) were Southern (D) who support the Racist Actions of the SOUTH and are todays (R).

Was it Conservatives that wiped out Slavery? >>>>>>No, my party was founded to wipe out slavery.
I don't care HOW MANY times you use the word Democrats.

Slavery was in the SOUTH.
Those Southerners were Conservatives, always have been, still are to this day.
Yes, technically the (D) had Slaves, but those (D) were Southern (D) who support the Racist Actions of the SOUTH and are todays (R).

Was it Conservatives that wiped out Slavery? >>>>>>No, my party was founded to wipe out slavery.
B.S. Democrats are he party of racism, always have been.

From the link:

Speaking of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, let’s review (since they don’t teach this in schools): The percentage of House Democrats who supported the legislation? 61 percent. House Republicans? 80 percent. In the Senate, 69 percent of Democrats voted yes, compared with 82 percent of Republicans. (Barry Goldwater, a supporter of the NAACP, voted no because he thought it was unconstitutional.)
Precisely why Franks gets the credit by me at least, for the way that war was fought.

Supposing Biden had done this for Ukraine at the first moment?
I won't go through all of [the lines of operation]. But one of the lines of operation was support to opposition forces. Another of the lines of operation was direct action to attack Taliban enclaves, leadership and so forth. Another of the lines of operation was humanitarian assistance. Factually, there were a total of nine of these lines of operation. We executed eight of them simultaneously from the very beginning of the operation. ...

I think it's well documented that we did not choose to work with all opposition leaders, and factually we still don't [work] with all opposition leaders. When the operation started, we worked with opposition leaders in the north, the Northern Alliance. As the operation moved along, our people, our Special Forces, gained a toehold with some opposition leaders in the south. That's where we saw Chairman Karzai enter the equation, and that's where we saw Sherzai, who is now the governor of Kandahar, enter the equation.

So what started in the north with the introduction of Special Forces subsequently moved into the south as well, when we were able to establish contact and begin to build relationships with those tribal leaders.

Franks did in days what Biden has not done in Ukraine for several years.
"It went on and on, and that was the point. This was not a debate. It was [Trump] (the felon) using a technique that actually has a formal name, the Gish gallop, although I suspect he comes by it naturally. It’s a rhetorical technique in which someone throws out a fast string of lies, non-sequiturs, and specious arguments, so many that it is impossible to fact-check or rebut them in the amount of time it took to say them. Trying to figure out how to respond makes the opponent look confused, because they don’t know where to start grappling with the flood that has just hit them."

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