House rules J6 Committee illegitimate...all subpoenas void...

Garland has been held in contempt just like Bannon. One has to go to jail the other does not. How fair is that?
Because one testified......eventually.
One didn' all.
Holder committed so many crimes he left Obama midway through his presidency just to avoid prison.
Just because a person leaves office doesn't make the crime go away.

AND I didn't see Eric's name on the list.

List of people granted executive clemency by Barack Obama​

Wikipedia › wiki › List_of_people_grante...

Obama holds the record for the largest single-day use of the clemency power, granting 330 commutations on January 19, 2017, his last full day in office. He also ...
Because one testified......eventually.
One didn' all.

Just because a person leaves office doesn't make the crime go away.

AND I didn't see Eric's name on the list.

List of people granted executive clemency by Barack Obama

View attachment 967635
Wikipedia › wiki › List_of_people_grante...
Obama holds the record for the largest single-day use of the clemency power, granting 330 commutations on January 19, 2017, his last full day in office. He also ...
Either way it won't happen because the Jan 6 committee was a fraud. All of their subpoenas are now null and void. Bannon goes free
I hear there's a lot going on in Toronto these days, yes?

I'm not in Toronto, so my comments are limited. The last time I was there in January, I noticed it seemed shabby and dirty, in comparison to when I lived there. I stress that compared to large American cities (see Buffalo), it's a paradise, but Canadians are used to better.

The last of my friends still living in Toronto says that the Conservatives have been running the city now for on a "cut taxes" platform for so long, the city is suffering for it. The new NDP Mayor said she'd have to raise taxes 30% to pay for all of the repair work the city needs, but she managed to hold the rate increase to less than 10%.

And in an ominous sign for Trudeau, a Toronto by-election was won by a Conservative. This is the first time a Conservative has been elected to Parliament in Toronto in decades.

It's amazing how quiet and unobtrusive good government is.
Either way it won't happen because the Jan 6 committee was a fraud. All of their subpoenas are now null and void. Bannon goes free

Polly want a cracker? Endlessly parroting Republican lies, doesn't make them any more true than the first time you posted them.

The House vote has no effect at all, and Bannon is going to jail. Nothing short of a Presidential pardon will stop it and Biden is not going to pardon this asshole. There is NOTHING the House can do to stop it.
About fucking time is all I can say.

Should have been done months ago when all the evidence of corruption came out.

Honestly, we didn't even need that.

It was presented as a simple infomercial - here, buy this idea that President Trump shouldn't be reelected.
No one bought it.

It was clear in real time that it was not an actual investigation.
Either way it won't happen because the Jan 6 committee was a fraud. All of their subpoenas are now null and void. Bannon goes free
No, all the subpoenas are not null and void. Nothing has been done yet, nor will it likely go through if they take the proper and required full house vote after the 3R/2D blag committee vote....before a request can go to the Supreme court, for the SC to then decide....

It's all a bunch of wishful thinking, at this point.
It was never anything more than a poorly scripted infomercial.
There was no fact fining, there wasn't even any interest in fact finding.

You have to be completely brainwashed and stupid to even post something so patently false. Didn't you recently claim to be a praticing "trial attorney". This post is proof positive that you're no lawyer, and you can't even define "fact finding".
You have to be completely brainwashed and stupid to even post something so patently false. Didn't you recently claim to be a praticing "trial attorney". This post is proof positive that you're no lawyer, and you can't even define "fact finding".

Worry about canada, you dried up old prune.
So true about Garland and Holder who refused to testify but neither was sent to jail. The democrats have been sending to prison nothing but lots of republicans.
Contrary to known reality. Both Garland and Holder testified and submitted reams of requested documents as well. Bannon never testified and didn't turn over any requested documents.

Turn off Faux Not News. You know they give you the most balanced lies.
Either way it won't happen because the Jan 6 committee was a fraud. All of their subpoenas are now null and void. Bannon goes free
Except their partisan resolution does not have the force of law behind it. We'll know in a matter of days.

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