House rules J6 Committee illegitimate...all subpoenas void...

Then they should have complied with the subpoena and testified to that fact. But then they didn't want to perjure themselves.

Some didn't want to participate in the infomercial since it was not a fact-finding mission.
But all the exculpatory evidence never made it into the record anyway.
You might want to consider taking your head out of your butt.

Why is everything that you post extreme left wing lunatic drivel?
The directions were to peacefully and patriotically let Congress know that there needed to be some discussion and possible investigations into the irregularities in the election.

People outside of your bubble cult knew/know this.
They also know that particular thing was about to happen when the Democrats started the chaos to stop that from happening.

People in your bubble think that there were no irregularities, because everyone that they trust has told them that, and you all never question them.
And there is nothing that will ever change that.

This discussion would have made those irregularities public record and the Democrats really could not take that risk.
What I believe is the election was NOT STOLEN, and Biden won the electoral and popular vote, by a substantial amount. And even with irregularities that you vaguely claim, of which all elections have, there is no way possible for Trump to have won, the electoral college....he lost too bigly!

Trump lost....but was too afraid to admit to his loss, and made up his evidence free claim, that he won....then convinced those followers susceptible to his lies, to believe his and his co-conspirator's lies, that got bigger and bigger as every day passed!
What I believe is the election was NOT STOLEN, and Biden won the electoral and popular vote, by a substantial amount. And even with irregularities that you vaguely claim, of which all elections have, there is no way possible for Trump to have won, the electoral college....he lost too bigly!

Trump lost....but was too afraid to admit to his loss, and made up his evidence free claim, that he won....then convinced those followers susceptible to his lies, to believe his and his co-conspirator's lies, that got bigger and bigger as every day passed!

There is no national popular vote to win or lose.
The rest of this is just noise.
Worry about canada, you dried up old prune.

We don't have to worry about Canada. We have good, sane governance, that doesn't revolve around a criminal conman out to destroy the country, at the moment. We're still at or near the top of the Best Countries in the World to Live, while the USA continues its steady slide to authoritarism, and failure.

This is like living over a meth lab and waiting for the explosion, and hoping we're not home when it happens. We have to worry about what happens to our country when the dictator declares Marshall Law and unleashes the army to "keep the peace". We already have a housing shortage here, that we're working hard to solve. We don't need another round of refugees running away from tyranny.

While admittedly the "draft dodgers" in the 60's and 70's have made some great contributions, Roots Clothing Company being one example, we don't need YOUR chaos inflicted on our nation, just as we're all getting back on our economic feet after covid.
We don't have to worry about Canada. We have good, sane governance, that doesn't revolve around a criminal conman out to destroy the country, at the moment. We're still at or near the top of the Best Countries in the World to Live, while the USA continues its steady slide to authoritarism, and failure.

This is like living over a meth lab and waiting for the explosion, and hoping we're not home when it happens. We have to worry about what happens to our country when the dictator declares Marshall Law and unleashes the army to "keep the peace". We already have a housing shortage here, that we're working hard to solve. We don't need another round of refugees running away from tyranny.

While admittedly the "draft dodgers" in the 60's and 70's have made some great contributions, Roots Clothing Company being one example, we don't need YOUR chaos inflicted on our nation, just as we're all getting back on our economic feet after covid.
Canuck'istanians may Have had enough of the leftist man-child in Blackface.

No, all the subpoenas are not null and void. Nothing has been done yet, nor will it likely go through if they take the proper and required full house vote after the 3R/2D blag committee vote....before a request can go to the Supreme court, for the SC to then decide....

It's all a bunch of wishful thinking, at this point.
What does the SC have to do with it? This is a Congressional issue. You loons are way out of touch.
What I believe is the election was NOT STOLEN, and Biden won the electoral and popular vote, by a substantial amount. And even with irregularities that you vaguely claim, of which all elections have, there is no way possible for Trump to have won, the electoral college....he lost too bigly!

Trump lost....but was too afraid to admit to his loss, and made up his evidence free claim, that he won....then convinced those followers susceptible to his lies, to believe his and his co-conspirator's lies, that got bigger and bigger as every day passed!
F curve says you're wrong, deluded, and intensely gullible.

The Democrats were able to slide this by you because YOU aren't a statistician.

Every statistician ALL OVER THE WORLD who's looked at this says the results are completely impossible.

The likelihood of simultaneous F curves is smaller than 1 part in 10 million. YOU were bamboozled, by people with technology and a mission.

When Trump gets back into the White House (which he will), he's going to make this kind of bamboozling completely impossible.

Which means YOU and the psychopaths in your party's leadership will have to play fair. And they're not going to like that one bit. But y'know what? Fuck em. Our vote is TOO IMPORTANT to be mangled by the likes of the Bidenistas and their commie brethren.
No, it isn't. You are just another far Left whackjob.
Mac is no leftist. He calls himself a centrist. And I would call him more of a contrarian. That's pretty much what those who call themselves centrists are these days.
The right wing leadership determined this and its all about partisanship.

We saw what happened on 1-6, and we know who planned it. The speaker was trying to overturn the election himself as he lead the case of state AGS trying to sue over the election results. So this is nothing but republican fascism.
The likelihood of simultaneous F curves is smaller than 1 part in 10 million. YOU were bamboozled, by people with technology and a mission.
Name names, of who these technologists with a mission were.

How they used their technology in all the different swing states to bamboozle and coordinated with the separate states running their own show, especially the Republican run swing states.

Biden was leading in ALL THE POLLS starting in the May before the election in Nov. THAT is when Trump started saying the election would be stolen from him if he lost.. He KNEW he was losing, big time!

You have ZERO EVIDENCE to prove your conspiracy Scruffy, zip, nada, nothing, NONE! You have no people to point to and charge for the alleged crimes and no paper work or evidence that it was done. You have feelings....

it is YOU who has been bamboozled!
No they're not. They're claiming Trump has lost his shit and is completely unhinged.

Trump is the guy who says he's going to prosecute all of the Democrats, and he spent his entire term as President trying to file charges against someone, anyone.

There is no question that Trump is a white supremacist. He's not using a dog whistle, either. He's very open that black votes are not to be counted and tried to order a stop to the counting of votes from "urban areas" in 2020.
You seem desperate with this post. Very desperate
Testify to what?

They were all at the White House planning dinner. What went on there? Everybody else who was there took the 5th or didn't show up.

Bannon COULD have shown up and take the 5th like Flynn at the other pardoned criminals. But he didn't even bother showing up. He's not even a member of government so he can't claim immunity.
You seem desperate with this post. Very desperate

Not in the slightest. I'm watching Republicans turning on Trump, business leaders walking out on him, half empty rallies, crazy rambling speeches saying about sharks and Hannibal Lector. No policies except revenge on Democrats.

And the abject cruelty of Republican policies for women. Pregnant women in abortion ban states, are being advised to get Medi-Vac coverage, in case of complications in their pregnancy that can't be treated in their home state.

2 years after Roe, deaths from the complications of pregnancy are now 43 women for 100,000 women. This charge is from 2015 when it was only 26.4 death. In the reddest states - Mississippi, Alabama, the death rate is nearly 80 deaths per thousnand. The death rate for infants in the first year of life has skyrocketted 13% since Roe was overturned.


Now lets look at death rates by state in the USA. The more restrictive the state laws, the higher the death rate. When abortion is banned, miscarriage is suspect.

Republicans are killing women and children with their abortion ban.
They were all at the White House planning dinner. What went on there? Everybody else who was there took the 5th or didn't show up.

Bannon COULD have shown up and take the 5th like Flynn at the other pardoned criminals. But he didn't even bother showing up. He's not even a member of government so he can't claim immunity.

Not in the slightest. I'm watching Republicans turning on Trump, business leaders walking out on him, half empty rallies, crazy rambling speeches saying about sharks and Hannibal Lector. No policies except revenge on Democrats.

And the abject cruelty of Republican policies for women. Pregnant women in abortion ban states, are being advised to get Medi-Vac coverage, in case of complications in their pregnancy that can't be treated in their home state.

2 years after Roe, deaths from the complications of pregnancy are now 43 women for 100,000 women. This charge is from 2015 when it was only 26.4 death. In the reddest states - Mississippi, Alabama, the death rate is nearly 80 deaths per thousnand. The death rate for infants in the first year of life has skyrocketted 13% since Roe was overturned.

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Now lets look at death rates by state in the USA. The more restrictive the state laws, the higher the death rate. When abortion is banned, miscarriage is suspect.

Republicans are killing women and children with their abortion ban.

Abortions have increased, retard.

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