Absolutely disgusting! US cluster munitions targets civilians in Sevastopol

I support Russia because

You are an enemy of the free world.

they are on the right side of History,

The winners of world war 1 never had been on the right side of history - or did you never think about what had happend with all the "solutions" of wrold war 1? They exploded. Very short: In world war 1 the nationalisms, colonialisms (including genocides), imperialisms and a slaveholder mentality combined with a borderless greed destroyed the weaker multi-nationalistic political structures. Afterwards all "solutions" of the winners of World War 1 started to exploded and do still explode. Also Russia - and somehow also China - are still exploding territorially - without any need to do so because of a pressure via insane population growth. Russia is a nearly empty country and the biggest country of the world. All people who live in Russia could live there in wealth, peace and happiness. Instead of this this biggest country of the world is doing expansive wars and tries to dominate the whole world with a stupid dictatorship. And specially: Russia attacks Europe and the own stable roots now - and so it is also an enemy of the UK, fake-Brit.

sad to say you are on the wrong side of it,

History has by the way no side. Time has only one dimension and only one direction what means: history not knows experiments. But one thing is very clear: When Germany (and/or Scandinavia) will fall then England will be lost. Except we will construct an outboard motor which will move England faster to the USA.

when we see German supplied Panzers attacking people in Donbas once again like in WW2 and supporting Ukrainian Nazis you have no excuse.

Russian, I have not any problem to speak with you as if you would be a Brit. But what you are doing is extraordinary stupid. You try to find a past which never existed in the way how the winners of World War 1+2 saw it and/or tried to excuse themselve for the potentially extremely dangerous nonsense they made. What you are doing is not to have an opinion. What you are doing is suicide. Totally independent whether you are a Brit or a Russian.

It is by the way somehow amusing that the British "Swabians" - the Scots - financed the invention and construction of tanks which had been used afterwards from the Brits to fight against the Scoitsh independence. Why do I use "Scoitsh" instead of Scottish? I heard this word once in a Scottish joke and it remembered me to the word "deutsch" (German), undear Celtic+Anglo-Saxon and Norman derivate with international inclusions ... or Russian liar.

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So they resorted to warfare to correct political issues!
Yes, of course. "Political issues" is just another form of warfare.
What NATO aggression?
NATO aggressions against Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, Libya and so on... Say nothing about NATO-countries supported Ukrainian genicide of the Russians.

You been smoking that wacky weed again?
I do not smoke weed and I don't recommend it to you, either.
The Ukrainian people already hated Yanukovych.
Less then half of them hated him. Another half - voted for him. As well as half of Americans hates Biden and another half hates Trump.

And what did he do when they protested him?
And what did American government with the protesters who attacked White House? Yes, they arrested them. That's how a system, any system, works.

He ordered his goons to start shooting and killing the protesters.
When protesters shoot police - police shoot protesters. That's how the system works.

You think Ukrainians needed someone to "instigate" them to drive him out of office, after that? Yanukovych did enough all on his own :auiqs.jpg: You Putin sycophants never use common sense.
Ukrainian nationalists decided that they don't need to follow law, to rule the country. And it meant the start of the civil war (which included foreign support of both sides and foreign invasion).
Ukrainian nationalists decided that they don't need to follow law, to rule the country. And it meant the start of the civil war (which included foreign support of both sides and foreign invasion).

What's just simple absurde nonsense. Russia had sent since 2008 soldiers without uniforms (combatants, terrorists) into this region of the Ukraine and made Russian war propaganda there. And they murdered Ukrainians who tried to defend themselves. Most victims in this fake "civil war" from Putins grace had been Ukrainian civilists. What you call "civil war" had been indeed a kind of pre-war of the Russians under Putin in the Ukraine.
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You are an enemy of the free world.

The winners of world war 1 never had been on the right side of history - or did you never think about what had happend with all the "solutions" of wrold war 1? They exploded. Very short: In world war 1 the nationalisms, colonialisms (including genocides), imperialisms and a slaveholder mentality combined with a borderless greed destroyed the weaker multi-nationalistic political structures. Afterwards all "solutions" of the winners of World War 1 started to exploded and do still explode. Also Russia - and somehow also China - are still exploding territorially - without any need to do so because of a pressure via insane population growth. Russia is a nearly empty country and the biggest country of the world. All people who live in Russia could live there in wealth, peace and happiness. Instead of this this biggest country of the world is doing expansive wars and tries to dominate the whole world with a stupid dictatorship. And specially: Russia attacks Europe and the own stable roots now - and so it is also an enemy of the UK, fake-Brit.

History has by the way no side. Time has only one dimension and only one direction what means: history not knows experiments. But one thing is very clear: When Germany (and/or Scandinavia) will fall then England will be lost. Except we will construct an outboard motor which will move England faster to the USA.

Russian, I have not any problem to speak with you as if you would be a Brit. But what you are doing is extraordinary stupid. You try to find a past which never existed in the way how the winners of World War 1+2 saw it and/or tried to excuse themselve for the potentially extremely dangerous nonsense they made. What you are doing is not to have an opinion. What you are doing is suicide. Totally independent whether you are a Brit or a Russian.

It is by the way somehow amusing that the British "Swabians" - the Scots - financed the invention and construction of tanks which had been used afterwards from the Brits to fight against the Scoitsh independence. Why do I use "Scoitsh" instead of Scottish? I heard this word once in a Scottish joke and it remembered me to the word "deutsch" (German), undear Celtic+Anglo-Saxon and Norman derivate with international inclusions ... or Russian liar.

Stop taking the Drugs, free world where the hell is that?
Stop taking the Drugs, free world where the hell is that?

Where I live as long as I live.

PS: I do not smoke cigarettes, I do not drink alcohol and I never used any form of drugs. All this things make no one free.
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A Ukrainian copter attacked a residential house in the village of Gorodishche in the Kursk region, according to Alexei Smirnov, the acting governor.
Five people died, including two children. Two more people were wounded, they were taken to hospital in serious condition.
What's just simple absurde nonsense. Russia had sent since 2008 soldiers without uniforms (combatants, terrorists) into this region of the Ukraine and made Russian war propaganda there. And they murdered Ukrainians who tried to defend themselves. Most victims in this fake "civil war" from Putins grace had been Ukrainian civilists. What you call "civil war" had been indeed a kind of pre-war of the Russians under Putin in the Ukraine.
"Ukrainian civilists" like those who committed Odessa massacre?
There are two options - both sides play by rules, or both sides play without rules. NATO decided to play without rules in 1999 and then in 2003. Ukrainian nationalists decided to play without rules even earlier - during the First Chechen campaign, when they supported Chechen terrorists on the Russian territory.
So, if you don't want to follow existed rules, we'll write the new rules and force you to follow them. It's quite possible that those rules won't include existence of the German state and/or German nation.
Where I live as long as I live.

PS: I do not smoke cigarettes, I do not drink alcohol and I never used any form of drugs. All this things make no one free.

Where you live :abgg2q.jpg: well you have the red Army to thank for that they liberated Germany from the Nazis, history you forgot or regret i can't make my mind up.
"Ukrainian civilists" like those who committed Odessa massacre?

No idea what are the backgrounds of this criminal deeds what had happened in the backgound of a football game in Odessa in 2014. In Germany is currently the EM. One of the very best goal kicks I've ever seen in my life was made from an Ukrainian player. The games here are very peaceful and only some British fans shine with a bright anti-German arrogance.

There are two options - both sides play by rules, or both sides play without rules.

There are no "two sides". Russia is a criminal nation with the ressources of a contintent. Russia has to leave the territory of the Ukraine. Best date to do so is yesterday.

NATO decided to play without rules in 1999 and then in 2003.


Ukrainian nationalists decided to play without rules even earlier - during the First Chechen campaign, when they supported Chechen terrorists on the Russian territory.

Oh good that you remenerb me to your "private" Chechen terroro army. Your criminal Nazi terror army did you integrate meanwhile into tzhe Red army.

So, if you don't want to follow existed rules, we'll write the new rules

Putin is your rule, slave of Putin. With me has this absurde man nothing to do.

and force you to follow them.

... Hmmm ... I guess my only duty in case I would meet Putin will it be to call the Feldjäger - the German military police - who will bring him to the international court.

It's quite possible that those rules won't include existence of the German state and/or German nation.

Russian, I do not understand what you did not understand when I said to you that this is totally unimportant for me. I guess most Russians would be very happy when they would be governed from a German woman like Catherine and not from a 24/7 full time superidiot and supercriminal like Putin. Exists currently any plans to rename St. Petersburg in Putingrad and/or to make out of Putin also a new kind of Lenin-mummie?

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No idea what are the backgrounds of this criminal deeds what had happened in the backgound of a football game in Odessa in 2014. In Germany is currently the EM. One of the very best goal kicks I've ever seen in my life was made from an Ukrainian player. The games here are very peaceful and only some British fans shine with a bright anti-German arrogance.
Ok. I think I got you. Didn't you say, that you don't mind to burnt alive, too, as those victims of Ukrainian nationalists? So, when in the night your skyes suddenly flash with the light brighter than thousand Suns, don't ask "For what? ". For this, my little nazi girl, for this.

There are no "two sides". Russia is a criminal nation with the ressources of a contintent. Russia has to leave the territory of the Ukraine. Best date to do so is yesterday.
There are always at least two sides. Your inability to understand this leads you into your own self-destruction.

I mean pure illegal and unjustful aggression of NATO countries against Serbia and Iraq.

Oh good that you remenerb me to your "private" Chechen terroro army. Your criminal Nazi terror army did you integrate meanwhile into tzhe Red army.
It's not private. When all bad, prowestern Chechens were killed, good, pro-Russian Chechens joined Russian Army. As well as good Ukrainians, Poles, Germans and other will do soon.

Russian, I do not understand what you did not understand when I said to you that this is totally unimportant for me. I guess most Russians would be very happy when they would be governed from a German woman like Catherine and not from a 24/7 full time superidiot and supercriminal like Putin. Exists currently any plans to rename St. Petersburg in Putingrad and/or to make out of Putin also a new kind of Lenin-mummie?
Catherine was not a German. She was a Russian of German origin. And no, I don't think that Putin is a super-duper good (quite contrary) , but he is definitely much better than all your incompetent imbeciles in charge together.
I do not care about ethnicity of leader of the Russian Federation. I do care about his competence.
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Where you live :abgg2q.jpg: well you have the red Army to thank for that they liberated Germany from the Nazis ...

The Russian tyrants overtook the Nazi system and renamed only the organisations. Out of the HJ for example was made the FDJ and so on. The Soviet-tyranny replaced the Nazi-tyranny. By the way: Stalin still murdered in masses Jews in the east of Europe after world war 2.

And your "heroic" picture is absurde. Russians raped every female being what not had been a street lamp. Only in Berlin did do suicide about 100,000 women because of the "honor" of the Russian soldiers to destroy their bodies.

By the way: Do you really think anyone believes you when you say you are a Brit with also Irish ancestors? If you are really a Brit then you are extraordinary stupid.

The text here is about Greek curse tablets and pronunciation and use of language of the ancient Greeks. I need some other thoughts from the European roots when I speak with you, because you are extremely boring.
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The Russian tyrants overtook the Nazi system and renamed only the organisations. Out of the HJ for example was made the FDJ and so on. The Soviet-tyranny replaced the Nazi-tyranny. By the way: Stalin still murdered in masses Jews in the east of Europe after world war 2.

And your "heroic" picture is absurde. Russians raped every female being what not had been a street lamp. Only in Berlin did do suicide about 100,000 women because of the "honor" of the Russian soldiers to destroy their bodies.

By the way: Do you really think anyone believes you when you say you are a Brit with also Irish ancestors?
I don't give a rats arse what you believe, and with that post you just showed what a unrepentant Nazi you are, see my avatar ? it's the British memorial in Normandy i was there a couple of weeks ago at Ver Sur Mer it commemorates 22thousand British Soldiers who gave their lives liberating France from you bastards including my Uncle.


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... When all bad, prowestern Chechens were killed, good ...

I saw how you murdered some Chechen women who did do a terror attack in Moscow because you had murdered their sons and husbands. This left in me only a feeling of contempt. You are barbars, Russian! Graceless barbars.
The Russian tyrants overtook the Nazi system and renamed only the organisations. Out of the HJ for example was made the FDJ and so on. The Soviet-tyranny replaced the Nazi-tyranny. By the way: Stalin still murdered in masses Jews in the east of Europe after world war 2.

And your "heroic" picture is absurde. Russians raped every female being what not had been a street lamp. Only in Berlin did do suicide about 100,000 women because of the "honor" of the Russian soldiers to destroy their bodies.

And what is the bad side? I mean they deserved it, if we are talking about collective responsibility.
The only problem I see about post-war Germany, is that allies (both Russians, Brits and Americans) were too kind, merciful, and liberal, and didn't totally eradicated the seeds of the Nazies. And we got what we got - the new generation of the European nazies, who forgot the lessons of their history and/or want to replay it.
No problem. If you want to replay, we can to reshow you it.
I saw how you murdered some Chechen women who did do a terror attack in Moscow because you had murdered their sons and husbands. This left in me only a feeling of contempt. You are barbars, Russian! Graceless barbars.
Justification of terrorism?
How nice of you to show another reason to teach you a lesson. You see, terrorists (as well as nazies) do not have ethnicity, religion, sex or age. You (nothing personal) are just dangerous animals (no offense) to be killed to protect innocent human beings. And when you are eliminated, your society will be much more healthy.

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