Joe Biden’s Presidency: a legacy of weakness and failure

Bet your arse. “Covid will be gone by spring” cost lives.
Denying science cost lives….’Nikki was in charge of security,‘ Nuking storms….he’s a child.
We could do this for a week.
So Biden reads a teleprompter ? Who doesn’t ….Hilarious. He can read, Trump can’t
Biden CAN'T read from a teleprompter! Have you seen him try to give speeches? It's embarrassing. He loses his place on the teleprompter and just starts babbling.
Biden CAN'T read from a teleprompter! Have you seen him try to give speeches? It's embarrassing. He loses his place on the teleprompter and just starts babbling.
Biden repeatedly give speeches and manages to stay on topic

It is Trump who can’t keep up with a teleprompter
Biden CAN'T read from a teleprompter! Have you seen him try to give speeches? It's embarrassing. He loses his place on the teleprompter and just starts babbling.
And Nikki was head of security during the insurrection, according to sniffles Trump. It’s hard to differentiate Trumps senility from his stupidity. He’s always been stooopid and lied to cover it up. But he’s taking it to a new level.
Huh? Biden has a mental illness because he passed an infrastructure package, keeps job growth at levels repugnants couldn’t dream about, curbs inflation and has a wife who will actually hold his hand in public ? Oh, promotes affordable healthcare when repugnants have never touched the issue....that’s your definition of mental illness ?
We need a potus that has zero authoritarian qualities. There are no issues that require it. That kind if leader presents strength.
Biden CAN'T read from a teleprompter! Have you seen him try to give speeches? It's embarrassing. He loses his place on the teleprompter and just starts babbling.
Democrat voters don't care if he has dementia.
Democrat voters don't care if he has dementia.
No kidding. Talk about having 2 poor choices. As a patriotic citizen I'm calling out america. We have to do alot better as far as people running for office.
Biden CAN'T read from a teleprompter! Have you seen him try to give speeches? It's embarrassing. He loses his place on the teleprompter and just starts babbling.
Surely you jest. Trump was so befuddled by questions, he stopped giving press conferences. Biden gives them all the time. It’s amazingly refreshing listening to a real live humanoid in Biden, then a braggadocios gaff a minute lunatic. How many times did we have to listen to Trump brag about sucking a dictators cock ? It was fking embarrassing to be an American.
He does fine compared to Mr. Orange Mindlessly Rambling Man.
Joe doesn't do "fine" compared to a houseplant, John! He's never been bright. Probably the dumbest man to sit in the Senate for all those years. What's happening now however has nothing to do with his IQ! He's in severe cognitive decline. Compare him now to just six or seven years ago and the contrast is striking.
Does Trump take questions from anyone other than fix News minions….?
He surrounds himself with handpicked cheering munchkins. That’s the only time…..other than tweets, and he still manages to act foolish.
Trump has never hid from questions from anyone, Dagosa.
Joe Biden has been a laughingstock from the start.

He showed he was both racist and sexist in his selection criteria for a VP.

And he picks a moron to boot.

Nobody thinks he's in control.

And Reagan literally had mental illness while in office.
That’s your hero.
Alzheimer's disease...his own family states that. See post #17

If that were true, it just shows how bad Biden is. A demented Reagan still outshines Lieden any day of the week, month or year.
If that were true, it just shows how bad Biden is. A demented Reagan still outshines Lieden any day of the week, month or year.
It is true. Reagan had two recessions, a crime infested administration and started trickle down. He wasn’t perfect.
How much healthcare did he initiate ? How much did he reduce the deficit, how much infrastructure did he sign into law. Biden did….
Joe Biden has been a laughingstock from the start.

He showed he was both racist and sexist in his selection criteria for a VP.

And he picks a moron to boot.

Nobody thinks he's in control.

Trump is his opponent. You obviously took him seriously.
Trump still thinks the revolution was won buy capturing the airports…..let’s look at what you and Trump believe.
All really stupid QAon shit. . Moron is Trump and your middle names. You believe in a deep state ? And you have no clue wtf you’re talking about.
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