Absolutely disgusting! US cluster munitions targets civilians in Sevastopol

Read what i said, i didn't say i lived in Ireland i said some of my family ancestors were from there,

Sorry, "Irish" Russian. My mistake.

it was on my Mothers side, a great Grandad i never knew was from the Town of Bray in the Republic of Irealand,

Bray? Sister city of Würzburg in Germany, Begle in France and Dublin in California, USA.

You made on March 16th 1945 Würzburg within 20 minutes and with about hundredthousand bombs to something what the people called "Grab am Main" (grave on the river Main) - one of the countless war crimes of the allies in Germany.

on my Dads side we go back centuries in England in particular in the North West of England, no Russians in my family

Really astonishing, Russian.

so we can put that one to bed right here and now, i could ask are you really German?

Since about 45,000 years.

Sorry, "Irish" Russian. My mistake.

Bray? Sister city of Würzburg in Germany, Begle in France and Dublin in California, USA.

You made on March 16th 1945 Würzburg within 20 minutes and with about hundredthousand bombs to something what the people called "Grab am Main" (grave on the river Main) - one of the countless war crimes of the allies in Germany.

Really astonishing, Russian.

Since about 45,000 years.

As for Grab am Mein terrible as it was that's what WW2 was, total War one you started, your Man Goebbels made a speech in 1943, the Totaler Krieg speech, look up what the lunatic said, well that's what the German people got, total war.
Would that be the same so called international court

English: "International Court of Justice" (ICJ),
French: "Cour internationale de Justice" (CIJ)
German: "Internationaler Gerichtshof" (IGH)

the US and Russia are not signed up to?

What doesn't mean Putin will not be immediatelly arrested in most countries of the world - including the USA, I guess.

the same international court that has not indicted ONE Nato official no US official?

"Gut Ding will Weile haben." = "Good things take time." All criminal world leaders hate the international court.

we are still waiting for Israeli criminals to be indicted for crimes against Humanity and Genocide, that internationl court?

As far as I know got Netanyahu an order from the international court to stop a special attack because of humanitarian problems. Israel under Netanyahu did not do so. A very stupid behavior of Netanyahu. But I do not know whether this fear of the ICJ became real and whether this negative humanitarian consequences really did happen.

Not to forget: Israel was attacked from a terror army without uniforms and Israel is in war against the terror organisation Hamas. The Hamas got every year billions from official insititutions and governments all over the world, Betrt had been this institutionms had given this money directly to the Palestinian people. I remember a study 10-15 years ago when someone found out with all this money every Palestinian could get an own house with a premium car in front of this house. But what did do the Hamas really with all this money? No one knew - 10-15 years ago. But this report changed nothing. Not even elections did happen and nevertheless democracies gave a lot of money.

And you are on a very low level of education. What you call "genocide" means (asides that this shows an ignorant and bad anti-Semitic character): An arabic Palestinian from a hundred years ago has today in average about 15 descendents. That's the highest population growth of the world - thanks of Israel. The Israeli made out of dirt and sand a new modern high tech country.
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English: "International Court of Justice" (ICJ),
French: "Cour internationale de Justice" (CIJ)
German: "Internationaler Gerichtshof" (IGH)

What doesn't mean Putin will not be immediatelly arrested in most countries of the world - including the USA, I guess.

"Gut Ding will Weile haben." = "Good things take time." All criminal world leaders hate the international court.

As far as I know got Netanyahu an order from the international court to stop a special attack because of humanitarian problems. Israel under Netanyahu did not do so. A very stupid behavior of Netanyahu. But I do not know whether this fear of the ICJ became real and whether this negative humanitarian consequences really did happen.

Not to forget: Israel was attacked from a terror army without uniforms and Israel is in war against the terror organisation Hamas. The Hamas got every year billions from official insititions and governments all over the world - iunsted to give this money directly to the Palestinian people. I rememerb a study 10-15 years ago wher someione found out with all this moiney every Paoiasuiansnas could get an won house with a premium car in front of this house. But wejatz am,de teh Hamas really wirth all this money? No one knew - 10-15 years ago. But this report changed nothing. Not even elections did happen and nevertheless democracies gave a lot of money.

And you are on a very low level of education. What you call "genocide" means (asides that this shows an ignorant and bad anti-Semitic character): An arabic Palestinian from a hundred years ago has today in average about 15 descendents. That's the highest population growth of the world - thanks of Israel. The Israeli made out of dirt and sand a new modern high tech country.
I know very well what Genocide is it's what your Country under the Nazis carried out, and i have been watching Zionists genocide on my TV every night for the past few months, and i was talking about the ICC, as for arresting Putin any Country that had the balls to try that wouldn't be around very long, did you know the Americans have the Hague invasion act? it gives the US authority to invade the Netherlands if any US person is put on trial in the Hague, they have already threatened the Judges,like i said when Israeli war criminals and Nato war criminals are indicted get back to me.
As for Grab am Mein terrible as it was that's what WW2 was, total War one you started, your Man Goebbels made a speech in 1943, the Totaler Krieg speech, look up what the lunatic said, well that's what the German people got, total war.

Nice that you give every German the moral right to thrwo bombs into your living room because your nation did do war crimes. Your luckjis that very most Germans are not a moralist like you are.
Nice that you give every German the moral right to thrwo bombs into your living room because your nation did do war crimes. Your luckjis that very most Germans are not a moralist like you are.
What are you on about, my Mother had to spend many nights in Manchester in a air raid shelter because the Luftwaffe were bombing the City, one morning when she came out of the shelter she found half of the street where she lived had been wiped out including one of her friends, so cry me a river.
As for Grab am Mein terrible as it was that's what WW2 was, total War one you started, your Man Goebbels made a speech in 1943, the Totaler Krieg speech, look up what the lunatic said, well that's what the German people got, total war.

Nice that you give every German the moral right to thrwo bombs into your living room because your nation did do war crimes. Your luck is that very most Germans are not moralists like you.

The "total war" story was by the way only an propagandistic radio inscenation of the Nazis. Only Nazi members where there and they got informations what to do. Indeed the Nazis said in this moment "We lost the war" and started the hot phase of the holocaust.
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What are you on about, my Mother had to spend many nights in Manchester in a air raid shelter because the Luftwaffe were bombing the City,

We bombed Manchester? Why?

one morning when she came out of the shelter she found half of the street where she lived had been wiped out including one of her friends, so cry me a river.

"So cry me river?" ... aha ... got it, Russian: You say with this sentence: Brits have every right to murder Germans. Germans do not have any right to murder Brits - that's why the Russians are right to murder in masses Ukrainians in many thousands of war crimes.

Ever thought about a brain transplantation, anti-Semitic Brit-Russian? Just in the moment I got a delivery of cheap brains. Brain prices think - ah sorry "sink" - in times of war.
Nice that you give every German the moral right to thrwo bombs into your living room because your nation did do war crimes. Your luckjis that very most Germans are not a moralist like you are.

The "total war" story was by the way only an propagandistic radio inscenation of the Nazis. Only Nazi members where there and they got informations what to do. Indeed the Nazis said in this moment "We lost the war" and started the hot phase of the holocaust.
That Totaler Krieg speech took place with a audience of total Nazi fanatics, it was clear the war was lost by then but they wanted total war more total and radical than they could imagine, he finished by saying Nation rise up Storm break loose, i think he borrowed that from Bismarck, strong rhetoric and many are overcome with the fervour it.
We bombed Manchester? Why?

"So cry me river?" ... aha ... got it, Russian: You say with this sentence: Brits have every right to murder Germans. Germans do not have any right to murter Brits - that's why the Russians are right to murder in masses Ukrainians in many thousands of war crimes. Ever thought about a brain transplantation, anti-Semitic Brit-Russian? Just in the moment I got a delivery of cheap brains. Brains prices think in times of war.
Hitler started the war against civilian Cities, that's why Manchester was bombed you fool, like i said it was total war that you started, and i already told you arsehole i am not Russian.
What are you on about, my Mother had to spend many nights in Manchester in a air raid shelter because the Luftwaffe were bombing the City,

We bombed Manchester? Why?

one morning when she came out of the shelter she found half of the street where she lived had been wiped out including one of her friends, so cry me a river.

"So cry me river?" ... aha ... got it, Russian: You say with this sentence: Brits have every right to murder Germans. Germans do not have any right to murter Brits - that's why the Russians are right to murder in masses Ukrainians in many thousands of war crimes. Ever thought about a brain transplanaision, anti-Semitic Brit-Russian?
That Totaler Krieg speech took place with a audience of total Nazi fanatics,

Exactly. It was a propaganda inscenation. Unfortunatelly not made from Shakespeare but from Goebbels.

it was clear the war was lost by then but they wanted total war more total and radical than they could imagine, he finished by saying Nation rise up Storm break loose, i think he borrowed that from Bismarck, strong rhetoric and many are overcome with the fervour it.

Eh? If you know something about real history what's only partially stupid why are you so totally stupid to support Putin?
We bombed Manchester? Why?

"So cry me river?" ... aha ... got it, Russian: You say with this sentence: Brits have every right to murder Germans. Germans do not have any right to murter Brits - that's why the Russians are right to murder in masses Ukrainians in many thousands of war crimes. Ever thought about a brain transplanaision, anti-Semitic Brit-Russian?

Exactly. It was a propaganda inscenation. Unfortunatelly not made from Shakespeare but from Goebbels.

Eh? If you know something about real history what's only partially stupid why are you so totally stupid to support Putin?
I support Russia because they are on the right side of History, sad to say you are on the wrong side of it, when we see German supplied Panzers attacking people in Donbas once again like in WW2 and supporting Ukrainian Nazis you have no excuse.
Russian People as revenge for pogroms of their ancestors
only Jews will be the victims ? I dont think so ,🇸🇦 Muslims are gonna hunt 🇷🇺 you down in Tatarstan, Caucasus. Tyva, Sokha will be free stats in 1-2 days. and free of Muscovites

by the way, have you seen this video ?


we dont care , dont want to die ? leave Ukraine , 🇸🇦 🇷🇺 bitch


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