54 days vs 113.

Spot on. We were all reminded of their failure to do so recently when The Crazy went after Dr. Fauci in vitriolic fashion rather than take the opportunity to better prepare the country for the next pandemic.
The next plandemic?
SCOTUS is corrupt.
Thomas especially.

The time has come for SCOTUS to be elected, not selected.
Would change a number of things on Supreme Court...

  • 13 members to reflect the 13 lower courts
  • Terms of 26 years or death (therefore every Presidential term has two nominations unless death)
  • Only one term allowed (no reappointment)
  • No gifts or future employment (you retire after the court) (allowed books and speaking engagements)
  • Senate can reject a nomination with 60 votes (above simple majority)
The Court is presently too conservative when consider that 6 out of the 9 justices were nominated by a GOP PResident but GOP has only won one popular vote for president in the last eight presidential elections.

I would also ask that the menhod of changing the constitution be reviewed... It is crazy... A majority of the people by a considerable margin might want to change something and they can't... In Europe, changing the constitution is a simple vote and 50% plus one vote changes the constitution... The will of the people is paramount...

There will be people bitching about this, but they don't believe in the will of the people...
Would change a number of things on Supreme Court...

  • 13 members to reflect the 13 lower courts
  • Terms of 26 years or death (therefore every Presidential term has two nominations unless death)
  • Only one term allowed (no reappointment)
  • No gifts or future employment (you retire after the court) (allowed books and speaking engagements)
  • Senate can reject a nomination with 60 votes (above simple majority)
The Court is presently too conservative when consider that 6 out of the 9 justices were nominated by a GOP PResident but GOP has only won one popular vote for president in the last eight presidential elections.

I would also ask that the menhod of changing the constitution be reviewed... It is crazy... A majority of the people by a considerable margin might want to change something and they can't... In Europe, changing the constitution is a simple vote and 50% plus one vote changes the constitution... The will of the people is paramount...

There will be people bitching about this, but they don't believe in the will of the people...
The only thing I disagree with is........
  • Terms of 26 years or death (therefore every Presidential term has two nominations unless death)
Way too long.
The Court is presently too conservative when consider that 6 out of the 9 justices were nominated by a GOP PResident but GOP has only won one popular vote for president in the last eight presidential elections.
Which in part explains how it came to be that the beliefs of the Court's conservatives do not reflect those of a majority of Americans on a variety of issues. Rather, they are a reflection of the project Repubs have been engaged in for decades. Minority rule.
You forget that trying to dismiss the impeachments despite demonstrable abuses of power and violations of law, the Jan 6 committee's stunning revelations about the details of Don's plot to install himself as the country's un-elected leader, the 4 criminal indictments approved by 4 grand juries, and the findings in civil cases of liability for tax fraud and sexual assault..............does not work outside the echo chamber of the POT media bubble.

In the real world, none of what you have written is true or believed (see any poll)

The J6 Infomercials had no stunning revelations.

You clearly don't understand how a grand jury works

The list goes on and on.
Which in part explains how it came to be that the beliefs of the Court's conservatives do not reflect those of a majority of Americans on a variety of issues. Rather, they are a reflection of the project Repubs have been engaged in for decades. Minority rule.

Add to the previous post -

neither of you understand

(1) there is no national popular vote to win or lose.
(2) there shouldn't be any connection between the beliefs of the American people and The Supreme Court.

The SCOTUS fidelity is -TO THE CONSTITUTION - not to the feelings of the American people.

You two shouldn't even be allowed in a group where serious people discuss serious subjects.
Fake Impeachments
Fake J6 Infomercials
Fake trials

The trained seals in the Echo Chamber of The Democrat Media Bubble have lost all ability to think for themselves.

Everything is "fake" to the Trump Cult except Trump. Everyone is lying to them, except Trump. Everything is "rigged" when Trump loses, and all of Trump's failures are someone else's fault. Trump did nothing wrong

Even though Trump was in the middle of a fraud trial that began before he announced he was running, when he was elected President and even though Trump Hotel Toronto went bankrupt (his 7th bankruptcy), while Trump was running for President, Trump is a great businessman and the best president in history.

Talk about a trained seal.
Add to the previous post -

neither of you understand

(1) there is no national popular vote to win or lose.
(2) there shouldn't be any connection between the beliefs of the American people and The Supreme Court.

The SCOTUS fidelity is -TO THE CONSTITUTION - not to the feelings of the American people.

You two shouldn't even be allowed in a group where serious people discuss serious subjects.

You haven't the first clue as to what "either of us understand".

1. Trump didn't just lose the popular vote in 2020, he lost the electoral college too. BIGLY. It wasn't even close. Nobody disputed he won the EC in 2016, so your "point" doesn't have one.

2. The Supreme Court Justices are not allowed to have their decisions affected by either their personal or religious beliefs, which is why Allito is having so much trouble with the flags being flown at family homes. The decisions are to be based on the law, and the Constitution, and this Court is not following either.

Allito and his entire "originalist" movement is just absolute fucking bullshit. The Founders would not have created an vehicle under which the Constitution could be amended if they wanted future generations to always follow their 18th Century world view.

The Founders had the good sense to know the world would move on and things would change, and the Constitution would need to keep up with the times. And since there hadn't been anything close to a democracy since the Roman Republic became the Roman Empire after the death of Julius Cesaer, their Constitution was a grand and very imperfect experiment. The "beta" version of self-determination, to use 21st Century lingo.

The French Revolution (1789 - 1799) hadn't happened yet. One of the templates they used was the Magna Carta (1215). The Roman Republic lasted for 500 years and ended in 27 BC. Thereafter it was the Roman Empire, which ruled Europe for more than 500 years, and the Byzantine Empire which ruled the Middle East until the 15th Century.
Which in part explains how it came to be that the beliefs of the Court's conservatives do not reflect those of a majority of Americans on a variety of issues. Rather, they are a reflection of the project Repubs have been engaged in for decades. Minority rule.
There had to be a concerted effort for the United States to go from a Republic to a Democracy to a Dictatorship. And the Progs and Neo Cons over decades did this.
There had to be a concerted effort for the United States to go from a Republic to a Democracy to a Dictatorship. And the Progs and Neo Cons over decades did this.
We aren't anywhere near a dictatorship. But Trump is trying hard to get there. He won't succeed. But he'll do a lot of damage in the process.
20 year term limits is what I favor.
There should be 1 from each Circuit Court, with a term equal to the number of Justices. 1 replacement every year. If there is an even number of Circuits, then the one being replaced stays on 1 more year as Chief Justice.
There had to be a concerted effort for the United States to go from a Republic to a Democracy to a Dictatorship. And the Progs and Neo Cons over decades did this.

They did, and they are -


Laid the groundwork.

Progressives have never been the majority in the country, so they had to move the Focus of Government from elected officials to an unelected administrative state.
These people are never held to account because they are not subject to anyone beating them in a popular election.
And regardless, he's still a twice impeached president. That never goes away, Even if he gets re-elected.
Thats bad news for dems. History will show that he won reelection and when students go look to see why he was impeached, they are going to be shocked that dems did that. That is simply a fact.
SCOTUS is corrupt.
Thomas especially.

The time has come for SCOTUS to be elected, not selected.

I disagree with SC elections. People would voted based on which past decisions they liked, not whether they were Constitutional. But this business of appointing people who have never served on the bench needs to end.

Clarennce Thomas served as Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education in 1980 and 1981, and as Chairman of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1982-1990. Prior to 1980 he was a staff attorney for Monsanto. From 1990-1991, he served as a Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and was elevated to the Supreme Court in late 1991.

Ditto ACB. She was in private pratice, and teaching Constitutional Law before Trump appointed her to the DC Court of Appeals, and then elevated her to the SC a year later.

Republicans went all batshit crazy about the appointment of a black woman Justice and screamed "affirmative action appointment" when Biden appointed Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, but she's the most qualified Justice on that bench. She was first appointed to the federal bench in 2013. She was elevated to the Federal Court of Appeals in 2021.
Thats bad news for dems. History will show that he won reelection and when students go look to see why he was impeached, they are going to be shocked that dems did that. That is simply a fact.

Try waiting until after the election before you start gloating about "history". Trump has never WON an election. Never. He won the Electoral College in 2016, but he wasn't the people's choice at all.

And he hasn't won anything since.
I disagree with SC elections. People would voted based on which past decisions they liked, not whether they were Constitutional.
Hence, during an election people could find out their background and decision making.
PEOPLE, make the decision, instead of politicians.
But this business of appointing people who have never served on the bench needs to end.
Clarennce Thomas served as Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education in 1980 and 1981, and as Chairman of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1982-1990. Prior to 1980 he was a staff attorney for Monsanto. From 1990-1991, he served as a Judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and was elevated to the Supreme Court in late 1991.

Ditto ACB. She was in private pratice, and teaching Constitutional Law before Trump appointed her to the DC Court of Appeals, and then elevated her to the SC a year later.

Republicans went all batshit crazy about the appointment of a black woman Justice and screamed "affirmative action appointment" when Biden appointed Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, but she's the most qualified Justice on that bench. She was first appointed to the federal bench in 2013. She was elevated to the Federal Court of Appeals in 2021.

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