Zone1 A question for the USMB left.

My interpretation of your personal culture war against the culture war is that your solution is for Democrats to become Republicans under threat of living in a fascist nation if they drive.

Its kind of the same result if we give up on liberal Western democracy for some fascist “dear leader” utopia under a Trump.
I don't know how long it took you get dig up all those quotes, but that's kinda creepy.
The problem is the Rs are running a “steaming pile of fascist shit” according to you Confused_Dblack.

That “steaming pile of fascist shit” wants more than beating Joe Biden. Trump’s is intent on defeating western liberal democracy .

Should all Americans vote against evil on a straight Democrat ticket from Presidency down to dogcatcher until the Rs do not exist anymore for running a ““steaming pile of fascist shit” for President after he already tried to overturn one election he lost using his powers as President in a criminal conspiracy to stay in power.

Another “Conspiracy Theory” proven true: US Govt colluded with Social Media Companies 221101 {post•5}. dblack Nov’22 Cactpt: See, the thing is, you Trump supporters don't really understand how repugnant you are to sane, moral people. Twitter banned Trump because pretty everyone on the board of directors saw him as a malignant force in society. I don't agree with what they did - I think it's better to expose shitbags like Trump in the full light of day. But I don't think their assessment is wrong. He's a steaming pile of fascist shit. dblvck 221101 Cactpt00005
OK ANTFA, otherwise you wouldn't know the meaning of fascism if it jumped up and spit you right in the face.
If Dems gave up on the culture war horseshit, if they quite trying to socialize everything in sight, many Republicans would. So would independents. More than enough to tilt the election away from Trump. But Democrats won't do that. They care more about their party, their side of the culture war, than they do about their nation.
You're just crying that people won't do what you want them to do. Again, let us all know when you're prepared to abandon your ideology and pick one side or the other for the sake of unity.

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