Question: Should the Doctor be legally mandated to register a pregnancy or would it be the Pregnant woman?

We had the data on for everything but a large scale test for years, but because there hadn't been a large scale outbreak to test the vaccines on, that last piece was missing.

The biochemist on the Moderna vaccine said she grafted the covid19 DNA onto the vaccine over the weekend after she received it, and then it was simply a matter of producing enough of the vaccine to run the tests, and to gather and process the data. It was THAT ready to go.

We put birth control pills on the market even though they causes clotting in 1/1000 women, and a large percentage of women can't take them at all because of side effects. And we had no data whatsoever on long term effects of taking the drugs, because we never have that information until years after they've been on the market.

That clotting number compares with 1/100,000 for the covid vaccine. I don't recall any hysteria about that clotting risks for birth control pills even though we were told about it back in the 60's when they were introduced.

And that's a pretty big piece to be missing to go around forcing something on people.

After we got the long term data, we had the warnings. We also never forced people by mandates to take birth control.

It's about the force, you old cat lady dried up Canuck.
I just want to logistically who should be in forming the Government of the pregnancy?

I am leaving out the father.

If the responsible party doesn't inform the Government then what is the penalty? I doubt a fine would do.

So lets presume it is the woman that has to do it... She doesn't and says nothing and is a serious risk of going cross State lines and having an abortion (maybe she is 16 and in high school). With violation of the law and very serious chance of another one been broken, should the woman be brought into custody until the woman gives birth...

Nothing disgusting, you would have these bunch of pregnant women overseen by guards to protect the baby..

There is also the issue of pregnant women doing dangerous activities e.g. Hiking, Smoking, Drinking, Running....

I see a compromise here... Maybe we could get a trusted man to oversee the woman during pregnancy....

Very telling that you're leaving out the father.

Also, all pregnancies that are under a doctor's care are "registered", in the records of the hospital, insurance companies, birth certificates, medical boards, etc.

I wonder how you people don't know there very basic facts of life in the modern world.
By the USSC pushing when life starts to the states then if a state says it is during fertization, then the states make that call..

Yes it could be challenged in USSC, what way do we think that is going?
We do have a very conservative court but I can't think where in the Constitution they could cite for this. Strict construction would say life begins at birth I'd say.

By having a child together the parents (married or not) have entered a contract.

So by having an abortion in another state you are entering into interstate commerce...

Sounds stupid, but that arguement will go in front of the USSC and guess what is likely to happen
Not sure about the contract part. Can you enter into a contract with knowing it? Also, interstate commerce is protected by various laws.

They have been given the right to decide when life starts...
So they have effectively said when fertized egg gets citizenship rights.

I am not arguing you the common sense about this, this is about the law and how it will be argued.
When you take common sense out of it, anything is possible.

Scary, I am afraid I might be giving them ideas but some of these people think Handmaids tale is a comedy.

Remember these people don't think Democracy or the law matters, they think their version of religion is right and anything else is evil.

Look at the way they speak... How many times do they call people who vote Democrat (over half of America) evil.
they never say why are they voting Democrat is evil, but it is if they believe in Democracy and Law over their Religion.
Again, we agree.
Stop believing the right wing lies and bullshit marty. 60 years in development and testing is the LONGEST we've ever had in testing a vaccine. The ONLY testing that hadn't been done was a large scale test using the Covid 19 DNA.

They're also the safest vaccines I've seen in my lifetime.

Republicans wanted the pandemic to continue because it would help their election chances. You have to be an idiot not to understand that. Just like they're refusing to do anything about the border, to help their election chances.
I don't think they wanted to continue but they definitely wanted to use it...

They have a narrative of evil big wasteful government and they make sure they push that when they get into power.

So Border not fixed, it is the Government run by Biden fault... Not that Trump cut security funding to those nations making them far less safe to live and make a living...

Inflation. Main cause of Inflation was price of Oil... Who cut the supply of Oil with a big global deal before leaving office ? Trump...

They will never own those actions... NEVER
And that's the one I am talking about. 60 years is a long time to get data, and yet we forced something on people when we didn't have the data.

We didn't start seriously working on these vaccines until after SARS in 20002. Don't forget, there hasn't been a major pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1918. The pharmceutical industry didn't really get started until the 1930's and 40's when penicillin and insulin were discovered, and polio became an issue. And the science is light years ahead of what it was in the 1950's.

The polio vaccine was developed, from scratch, in 3 years - between 1952 andd 1955. 3 years and they were putting it into kid's arms. No "years of testing" or long term results.

All of that bullshit that Republicans told you were lies, to frighten you into refusing the vaccine, because they wanted Americans to continue dying, so Republicans would be elected. It wasn't about "freedom" or your "rights". It was always a lie to keep the pandemic going until Repubicans are back in control.
And that's a pretty big piece to be missing to go around forcing something on people.

After we got the long term data, we had the warnings. We also never forced people by mandates to take birth control.

It's about the force, you old cat lady dried up Canuck.

We have never had "long term data" on any drug ever, prior to it's approval. That's a bullshit lie. It's only after they've been in mass use for years that problems get noticed. See Thalidomide.

We have been forced to be vaccinated and for our children and grandchildren to be vaccinated in order to go to school, since I was a child.

Members of the military were forced to be vacccinated upon enlistment.

Public health and vaccines have never been "optional" in my lifetime.
We didn't start seriously working on these vaccines until after SARS in 20002. Don't forget, there hasn't been a major pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1918. The pharmceutical industry didn't really get started until the 1930's and 40's when penicillin and insulin were discovered, and polio became an issue. And the science is light years ahead of what it was in the 1950's.

The polio vaccine was developed, from scratch, in 3 years - between 1952 andd 1955. 3 years and they were putting it into kid's arms. No "years of testing" or long term results.

All of that bullshit that Republicans told you were lies, to frighten you into refusing the vaccine, because they wanted Americans to continue dying, so Republicans would be elected. It wasn't about "freedom" or your "rights". It was always a lie to keep the pandemic going until Repubicans are back in control.

because Polio was far more dangerous than COVID turned out to be.

We are now seeing the risks for younger people are probably in favor of them not getting the jab.
We have never had "long term data" on any drug ever, prior to it's approval. That's a bullshit lie. It's only after they've been in mass use for years that problems get noticed. See Thalidomide.

We have been forced to be vaccinated and for our children and grandchildren to be vaccinated in order to go to school, since I was a child.

Members of the military were forced to be vacccinated upon enlistment.

Public health and vaccines have never been "optional" in my lifetime.

How long does it normally take to get a drug FDA approved? You have all those years of data you didn't have with the COVID shots.

And those forced vaccines were far more well vetted than the COVID one, and most of them actually prevent said diseases, not just attenuate them.

Do we force Flu shots on people?
Dude, i spent many years in the military knowing that the Flue jab is a bunch of dead virus cells that are then injected into your arm, so you build up antibodies in the hope of not catching that years flu. Got that? Now if the flu gets into 5 different people, and on the 6th that is you, the mutated flu virus can end up making you miserable, because of the change in the virus. Now the Kung Flu jab, was supposed to alter your DNA, making you susceptible to other problems later on in life as we are seeing with 18 to 34 year old men.
Since COVID, more young people are dying of heart attacks. Here's what we know The Marxists/Demofascists are the most EVIL people on the planet, and need to be removed like a cancerous tumor.
Unfortunately, once these things start it is difficult to stop it. And when the other shoe drops at some unspecified time, the pain and agony will increase geometrically.
If a woman goes to see a doctor and a pregnancy test comes back positive, that is going into a "Chart" that will be digitally archived/registered somewhere. Maybe not a mandate per se, but the pregnancy is being recorded and charted. More than likely, going to an insurance company who will issue payment to the Doctor.
I don't think they wanted to continue but they definitely wanted to use it...

They have a narrative of evil big wasteful government and they make sure they push that when they get into power.

So Border not fixed, it is the Government run by Biden fault... Not that Trump cut security funding to those nations making them far less safe to live and make a living...

Inflation. Main cause of Inflation was price of Oil... Who cut the supply of Oil with a big global deal before leaving office ? Trump...

They will never own those actions... NEVER

They still believe that Republicans have a better record on the economy than Democrats. They believe this because Republican tell them so. There isn't a single economic number or statistic you can name that supports this lie, but it's just common knowledge among members of both parties.

Republican lies the general population believes:
  • Raising the minimum wages costs low wage workers jobs. In fact, unemployment has gone down, each time the minimum wage goes up.
  • Tax cuts cause government revenues to rise. No they do not. They increase deficits. The massive spending increases that accompany the tax cuts increases the revenues.
  • Democrats are communists
  • Democrats aren't Christians - 70% are
  • Republicans are the party of Law and Order - no they most definitely are not
  • The rest of the world respects Donald Trump - no they don't. In fact, our opinion of the USA in general is right in the toilet, because of Trump. Nobody trusts you people to do the right thing at all.
Dude, i spent many years in the military knowing that the Flue jab is a bunch of dead virus cells that are then injected into your arm, so you build up antibodies in the hope of not catching that years flu. Got that? Now if the flu gets into 5 different people, and on the 6th that is you, the mutated flu virus can end up making you miserable, because of the change in the virus. Now the Kung Flu jab, was supposed to alter your DNA, making you susceptible to other problems later on in life as we are seeing with 18 to 34 year old men.
Since COVID, more young people are dying of heart attacks. Here's what we know The Marxists/Demofascists are the most EVIL people on the planet, and need to be removed like a cancerous tumor.

You need to read your own links, Mike. The increase in heart attack deaths happened in the first two years of the virus - before young people were getting vaccinated. The study your link quoted was completed in September of 2022 - BEFORE YOUNG ADULTS WERE EVEN VACCINATED. The increase in heart attack deaths was BECAUSE THESE PEOPLE HAD COVID, not because they were vaccinated.

From the link you quoted:

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, heart attack deaths across all age groups have become more common in the U.S., according to a September 2022 study by Cedars Sinai hospital in Los Angeles.

The age group hit the hardest? People between 25 and 44, who saw a 29.9% relative increase in heart attack deaths over the first two years of the pandemic (which means the actual number of heart attack deaths were almost 30% higher than the predicted number).
“Young people are obviously not really supposed to die of heart attack. They’re not really supposed to have heart attacks at all,” Dr. Susan Cheng, a cardiologist at Cedars Sinai and co-author of the study, told TODAY in a segment aired Feb. 9.

And no, the MNRA vaccine does NOT alter your DNA.

Very telling that you're leaving out the father.

Also, all pregnancies that are under a doctor's care are "registered", in the records of the hospital, insurance companies, birth certificates, medical boards, etc.

I wonder how you people don't know there very basic facts of life in the modern world.
Pregnancies are not registered with any of those organisations until birth...

Insurance companies maybe if there is a claim but they are a private Org and will politely tell the State Government to fuck off unless they change the law...

A person has to enter a hospital to have a record of that... Doesn't necessarily happen, any good clinic will have the proper equipment..... Planned Parenthood do them..
Small problem... The Scientists were right and the Anti Vaxxers were wrong...

All you have to see is the excess deaths by area.

What were they right about?

They vaccine attenuates COVID like a Flu shot, it doesn't prevent it like a measles shot or a Polio shot.

And yet it was sold like that.

The vaccine is showing side effects in younger people, making the risk analysis between the shot and not taking it different then when it was pushed for everyone.

People were also contagious when attenuated, negating part of the efficacy of the shot reducing spread.

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