Question: Should the Doctor be legally mandated to register a pregnancy or would it be the Pregnant woman?

Now, with the USSC having made bans on abortions a possibility, liberal Democrats are suddenly concerned about the nanny state.

But only when it comes to abortion.

ATF is compiling a federal database on gun owners, though they are specifically forbidden by law to do so. The FBI - "the premier law enforcement agency in the world" - spies on "dangerous" groups such as "traditional Catholics."

Democrats are perfectly happy with this, but are shocked - shocked! - when it is turned on groups they support.

The Democrats have complained about the FBI spying on unions, the Civil Rights Movement, and every other left wing group and organization that has come down the pike, including Black Lives Matter.

Republicans cheered those efforts, until the right wingers started up with their militias and right wing terrorism starting with Oklahoma City.
The neo-fascist, authoritarian right would require the doctor to report the pregnancy and the woman to keep her registration papers on her at all times.

The doctor would be jailed for failing to report; the woman would be jailed for failure to present her papers when required.

And if the woman spontaneously miscarries? What happens to her then?
The Democrats have complained about the FBI spying on unions, the Civil Rights Movement, and every other left wing group and organization that has come down the pike, including Black Lives Matter.

Republicans cheered those efforts, until the right wingers started up with their militias and right wing terrorism starting with Oklahoma City.
I’m not responsible for your fantasy version of republicans. I’ve stated many times that the FBI has a long history of abuse of its role, as far back as it’s Murders of John Dillinger and Kate Barker. I’ve mentioned their attempted asdasination of MLK more than once and not to cheer them for it.

It has moved to a new level in the last few decades becoming an intelligence organization as ruthless as the CIS, but with law enforcement powers.
They sure as hell were not tested or had been around for decades when we were first given these vaccines in the 1950's. The death rate for children in the 1950's was 4 times what it is today, and that's due to the vaccines which wiped out most forms of childhood illness.

Kids DIED from the polio vaccines we were given.

The MNRA vaccines have been around and been tested for nearly 20 years but lacked a large scale test of their safety. They're the safest vaccines I've ever seen.

Polio was horrendous and vaccine tech back then was rudimentary... But the Polio vaccine as flawed as it was, saved millions of lives.

The COVID vaccine is a different kettle of fish... It was subject to far more rigiourous testing than a normal vaccine.

Normal Vaccine testing is pretty slow and low priority... Work in a Big Pharma for any length of time and you will see inefficiency at rates that would scare you. Sorry I have worked in bad broken governemnt and they were far better run than Big Pharma..
And it's still force when made to make a choice over your livelihood or the shot, it's just force that CowboyTwat agrees with.
There are plenty of places where you have to do things as part of your job.

Health and Safety, Hard hat on a site...

Must wear a seatbelt when a driver...

All the other vaccines if you are in the Military...

There is loads of these type of constraints
Dude, i spent many years in the military knowing that the Flue jab is a bunch of dead virus cells that are then injected into your arm, so you build up antibodies in the hope of not catching that years flu. Got that? Now if the flu gets into 5 different people, and on the 6th that is you, the mutated flu virus can end up making you miserable, because of the change in the virus. Now the Kung Flu jab, was supposed to alter your DNA, making you susceptible to other problems later on in life as we are seeing with 18 to 34 year old men.
Since COVID, more young people are dying of heart attacks. Here's what we know
Yet there is no coloration between high vaccine areas and low vaccine areas...

Actually the opposite is quite true...

This is your problem... Higher the vaccine uptake the lower your excess mortality...
Massachusetts (one of the highest vaccine rates)


Alabama (one of the lowest vaccine rates)

Clearly Massachusetts have lower excess deaths not only before the vaccine was given out.

But by 22% during 2021 the year Vaccines started and continued through '22 and '23....

So sorry, your theory doesn't hold up... Statistics show vaccine not only saves lives but does it considerably.

The Marxists/Demofascists are the most EVIL people on the planet, and need to be removed like a cancerous tumor.
Maybe this is what clouds your judgement...

You struggle to see actual facts because of an irrational blind hatred..
You're trying to walk it back now?
Walking nothing back...

There is plenty of places that you need to be vaccinated to work or attend...

I think we are being very patient with the non vax people, scientifically they are not supported, they want to engage in dangerous activity... Don't mind if the rest of consider you idiots and preferred not to spread the virus by being in contact with ye...

The real question should be, what do you do to people who have been convinced to ignore scientific evidence and listen to witch doctors on TV/Web.... Their ignorance cost lives, a lot of lives...
I could post excess mortality rates all day and their blindness will not change.
Walking nothing back...

There is plenty of places that you need to be vaccinated to work or attend...

I think we are being very patient with the non vax people, scientifically they are not supported, they want to engage in dangerous activity... Don't mind if the rest of consider you idiots and preferred not to spread the virus by being in contact with ye...

The real question should be, what do you do to people who have been convinced to ignore scientific evidence and listen to witch doctors on TV/Web.... Their ignorance cost lives, a lot of lives...
I could post excess mortality rates all day and their blindness will not change.

You guys were caught goose-stepping, we don't forget it
A doctor would be legally responsible to record a birth or a death. If the pregnancy ended either way he would be obligated to report it.
There are plenty of places where you have to do things as part of your job.

Health and Safety, Hard hat on a site...

Must wear a seatbelt when a driver...

All the other vaccines if you are in the Military...

There is loads of these type of constraints

Hard hats aren't a shot using recent and not fully vetted technology. And you don't inject seatbelts into your circulatory system.

All those other vaccines were based on tech tested before use and monitored for decades afterwards.

But now the COVID clowns have made all vaccines suspect in the minds of some of the public because it was somehow seen as a way to GET TRUMP even though he is the one that had the vaccines rushed through approval.
Where was the Government forcing anyone to get a vaccine...

If you wanted to keep your fucking job taking the vaccine was mandatory. Vaccines have been mandatory in the milliatry for decades..

After that you are just trying to equate something which you can't equate...
The government did the same thing to private industries by withholding contracts from businesses that didn't meet certain vaccination percentages. It was a gift to Big Pharma.

The government did something similar to restrict free speech by heavily pressuring Big Tech to censor certain opinions or stories.

All of this is textbook fascism.

Polio was horrendous and vaccine tech back then was rudimentary... But the Polio vaccine as flawed as it was, saved millions of lives.

The COVID vaccine is a different kettle of fish... It was subject to far more rigiourous testing than a normal vaccine.

Normal Vaccine testing is pretty slow and low priority... Work in a Big Pharma for any length of time and you will see inefficiency at rates that would scare you. Sorry I have worked in bad broken governemnt and they were far better run than Big Pharma..

I took the polio vaccine. I was scared as hell, but polio was even scarier, and there were lots of kids around who had it.

Hard hats aren't a shot using recent and not fully vetted technology. And you don't inject seatbelts into your circulatory system.

All those other vaccines were based on tech tested before use and monitored for decades afterwards.

But now the COVID clowns have made all vaccines suspect in the minds of some of the public because it was somehow seen as a way to GET TRUMP even though he is the one that had the vaccines rushed through approval.

No new vaccine is based on "years of testing". And no long term dangers are noted until the vaccine has been in use for years.
The government did the same thing to private industries by withholding contracts from businesses that didn't meet certain vaccination percentages. It was a gift to Big Pharma.

The government did something similar to restrict free speech by heavily pressuring Big Tech to censor certain opinions or stories.

All of this is textbook fascism.

NONE of what you've listed is "fascism". ALL of it is sound public health practices.
No new vaccine is based on "years of testing". And no long term dangers are noted until the vaccine has been in use for years.

There was far less testing done on the COVID vaccines than previous ones, and they were not produced meeting GMP standards, so batch quality varied widely -- leading to some batches injuring a lot of people.

NONE of what you've listed is "fascism". ALL of it is sound public health practices.

Actually, collusion between government and industry is the definition of fascism. "Public health" is also the typical excuse used by fascists for power grabs. It was one of the original arguments by Hitler for rounding up Jews, for example.

Granted, there are all sorts of scare tactics that authoritarians use. National security was the one used for the Patriot Act. Fear of COVID was even more effective at manipulating people, as I see it was on you.
Or taking a Covid Shot. The government mandated those even for prego women and if the "Choice" not to get the jab, might of cost her a job or a flight on an airline. Make sure to register all those unwanted CO2 breathers, so then later on the Gubermint can send the ATF over and SWAT the woman.
Where was the Government forcing anyone to get a vaccine...

If you wanted to keep your fucking job taking the vaccine was mandatory. Vaccines have been mandatory in the milliatry for decades..

After that you are just trying to equate something which you can't equate...
The government did the same thing to private industries by withholding contracts from businesses that didn't meet certain vaccination percentages. It was a gift to Big Pharma.

The government did something similar to restrict free speech by heavily pressuring Big Tech to censor certain opinions or stories.

All of this is textbook fascism.
Sorry but the scientific evidence was overwhealming against the anti vaccine scaremongering...

The Anti Vaccine propaganda based on bad science killed a lot of people as I have shown in Alabama v Massachusetts above...

This is it... You want the Government to sit on there hands and let people die because the spreading of lies....

Simply put with evidence above which I produced in 5 min but there is studies and comparisons done else where that the vaccine saved lives and any side effects were blown up so more people from Red states die...

That is the sad part about it... People died believing malicious or ignorant bullshit...

I noticed you didn't answer the excess deaths argument on #46
Sorry but the scientific evidence was overwhealming against the anti vaccine scaremongering...

The Anti Vaccine propaganda based on bad science killed a lot of people as I have shown in Alabama v Massachusetts above...

This is it... You want the Government to sit on there hands and let people die because the spreading of lies....

Simply put with evidence above which I produced in 5 min but there is studies and comparisons done else where that the vaccine saved lives and any side effects were blown up so more people from Red states die...

That is the sad part about it... People died believing malicious or ignorant bullshit...

I noticed you didn't answer the excess deaths argument on #46
It really wasn't. Now, because of the censorship pushed by the government, most of the counterarguments and counterfacts were not revealed to most of the public until later.

You're pushing a false dichotomy with the "people will die" argument though. Government doesn't save people. Individuals make their own choices. If your argument is that "spreading of lies" kills people, then you might as well just throw out freedom of speech. You can have a lot of security with full government control, but it doesn't mean quality of life is going to be good.

More people died in Red states because of the distribution of worse batches to those states in most cases. In other cases, it came down to median age. Many Red states have older median ages than Blue states. The older the population, the higher the death toll, usually.
I took the polio vaccine. I was scared as hell, but polio was even scarier, and there were lots of kids around who had it.

No new vaccine is based on "years of testing". And no long term dangers are noted until the vaccine has been in use for years.

NONE of what you've listed is "fascism". ALL of it is sound public health practices.

No new vaccine TYPE is pushed on people as quickly as this one is, no was as forced as this one is as soon as it was availible.
Legally mandates to register the pregnancy


Just wow

Welcome to the Handmaid’s tale
Funny, the same folks whining about a pregnancy registry are the same folks who support single payer government health care. Do they honestly believe a government who already spies on them for no apparent benefit will give privacy on health care? No, they will track everything, including pregnancy and abortions.

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