Katie Britt proposes federal database to collect data on pregnant people

Sounds like dogma ... I'm perfectly fine if Catholic Services wants to offer all the medical and financial help to pregnant women without mentioning abortion ... ten blocks down Main Street is Planned Parenthood where an expecting mother and father can get all the same help PLUS abortion services ...

You know this ... we all do ... you just like telling others what to believe ... you know ... dogma ... spay and neuter, it's the right thing to do ...
Good luck with your pregnancy.
Its probably so they can track women who have abortions.
So you are speculating.

As I suspected.


No Sale.
Its a pro life organisation.
That is not a bad thing.

So long as they act within The Law and so long as they uphold proper ethical standards within their belief framework...

They have every right to serve-up Information and Resources as Alternatives to Abortion...

Every right.

Here in America we have a time-tested maxim...

"I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

This is much ado about nothing.

Wake me up if they ever actually begin collecting data on pregnant women without their assent.
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So you don't want these services made available? ... we have all that here ... this is up-and-running in Texas, Idaho, Alabama ... is the only difference abortion-related services? ...

Why do you think it's unhinged to protect the weakest in our communities? ...
federalism, reiny, and the constitution. but

would you, would any woman or person likely to access this information, trust the information from a federal site????? these are the guys who said the deadly jab was safe?

The More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed (Moms) act proposes to establish an online government database called “pregnancy.gov” listing resources related to pregnancy, including information about adoption agencies and pregnancy care providers, except for those that provide abortion-related services.

At first I thught it was a good idea to help mothers. And then I read the detail and realised thatit was just more oppression of women by this crazy woman trying to rebuild its career.

The good news is it has little chance of becoming law. And it further reminds everyone of how unhinged theese people are.

An organisation cannot give people bad advice. Some people may be better served by having an abortion. Giving other advice based on political nonsense is something we call evil.

This is just pro life trash in the govt guise.
1984 meets The Handmaid’s Tale
An organisation cannot give people bad advice. Some people may be better served by having an abortion. Giving other advice based on political nonsense is something we call evil.

This is just pro life trash in the govt guise.
It’s not pro-life, it’s anti-abortion. There’s a difference in the two philosophical concepts.

There are VERY few women for whom abortion is an acceptable option (rape victims and those in immediate danger of death). They all deserve to know all of their options.
Katie Britt proposes federal database to collect data on pregnant people
Oh, and, by the way...

The term is "pregnant WOMEN" and not "pregnant PEOPLE"...

There are only two genders... Male and Female...

Now... while women are people... not all people are women... about half the world's population, give-or-take...

And only females are capable of getting pregnant...

So the term "people" should not be used in connection with pregnancy status...

Doing so diminishes Women...

Women have it rough enough as it is... they don't need fruitcake "pretend" women intruding on their hallowed space.
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So you are against government funds for Planned Unparenthood, right?
how deeply do planned parenthood delve into the plumbing of my wife and daughter? out of state travels and other personal details?

for a small government conservative to give PRESIDENT BIDEN this extraconstitutional power is , frankly, unexplainable.
federalism, reiny, and the constitution. but

would you, would any woman or person likely to access this information, trust the information from a federal site????? these are the guys who said the deadly jab was safe?

The Canadian Constitution? ... because SCOTUS ruled each State decides the matter ... Go to the prenatal care websites from the Texas Government and see if this is what you want ... or go to California's and see if that serves your needs better ...

Trust the internet? ... no, and neither should you ... if you're pregnant, go see a doctor ...

Do you mean the "deadly jab" that won the most recent Nobel Prize in Medicine? ...
how deeply do planned parenthood delve into the plumbing of my wife and daughter? out of state travels and other personal details?

for a small government conservative to give PRESIDENT BIDEN this extraconstitutional power is , frankly, unexplainable.
Pathetic dodge.

Try bringing an answer.

The More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed (Moms) act proposes to establish an online government database called “pregnancy.gov” listing resources related to pregnancy, including information about adoption agencies and pregnancy care providers, except for those that provide abortion-related services.

At first I thught it was a good idea to help mothers. And then I read the detail and realised thatit was just more oppression of women by this crazy woman trying to rebuild its career.

The good news is it has little chance of becoming law. And it further reminds everyone of how unhinged theese people are.

An organisation cannot give people bad advice. Some people may be better served by having an abortion. Giving other advice based on political nonsense is something we call evil.

This is just pro life trash in the govt guise.

Register pregnancies? That's as sick as it gets. Talk about government interference. Welcome to Gilead.
Funny, some of the folks whining about this support national health care. Under a single system every single pregnancy, surgery, vaccination, doctor visit, psychological treatment, and everything else would be conveniently tracked, monitored, and cataloged for future use. No worries about that though. How did liberals get so dumb?
Funny, some of the folks whining about this support national health care. Under a single system every single pregnancy, surgery, vaccination, doctor visit, psychological treatment, and everything else would be conveniently tracked, monitored, and cataloged for future use. No worries about that though. How did liberals get so dumb?
shouldn't every important medical fact be part of your MEDICAL record? hipaa information. medical use only.
shouldn't every important medical fact be part of your MEDICAL record? hipaa information. medical use only.
It's more about access. The government would find it difficult to simply request the information under HIPAA. That's not the case under a single system.
A partial service is unhelpful. This is just fundie nonsense. Join the modern world.

Are you really trying to claim there aren't abundant online abortion resources? The feds have been funding PP for decades, it's way past time to show "women" that there are other options.

Pregnant "people"? Did Brits forget that only women can get pregnant? The so called data base is intended to give women the resources to deal with pregnancy. There is nothing sinister about it.

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