Zone1 If the perp who did this is brought to trial, what should the verdict be?

I wont say that guilt-ridden white libs are not informed

They are just misinformed by bad logic
I'm asking what you can prove. What does it actually mean when you say no informed people think so? Informed according to who? You? Who's you?
Notice: Never any outrage amongst the Black Commumity no matter the volume or the severity of the murders, violence, killings, rapes, unprovoked, suckerpunchingscum,

100% silence. But for Coach Lebron and other "elite" TV black chime in to bash others?
100% silence 😂

You don’t get out much do you
Is it commonly understood to be true? Prove that. And again I'm asking for causations not correlations which don't speak to causes.
I have already answered you. You dislike the answer, although you know that the answer is right. Light skinned people have always had more prestige than dark skinned people.
I have already answered you. You dislike the answer, although you know that the answer is right. Light skinned people have always had more prestige than dark skinned people.
If you feel you've sufficiently shown cause ok. I'm happy to see you rest your argument on what you've presented so far. Lol
It means I think they have huge gaps in their knowledge
They who and based on what? Let's take Ta-Nehisi Coates's historically extensive Case For Reparations.

What do you think you could add, intellectually speaking, to that treatise on systemic discrimination during the twentieth century? I'm fascinated to discover what you imagine to be your equivalent intellectual contribution. Lol
Wrong. I know you think what you've presented shows sufficient cause.

Race and crime in the United States​

According to the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3% in cases where the race was known. Including homicide offenders where the race was unknown.

The per-capita offending rate for African-Americans was roughly eight times higher than that of whites

In the United States, crime data are collected from three major sources:


Race and crime in the United States​

According to the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3% in cases where the race was known. Including homicide offenders where the race was unknown.

The per-capita offending rate for African-Americans was roughly eight times higher than that of whites

In the United States, crime data are collected from three major sources:

Those are statistics for rates of criminality. I want you to give me proof these disparities are caused by the racial make up of black people, which is your argument, no?
They who and based on what? Let's take Ta-Nehisi Coates's historically extensive Case For Reparations.

What do you think you could add, intellectually speaking, to that treatise on systemic discrimination during the twentieth century? I'm fascinated to discover what you imagine to be your equivalent intellectual contribution. Lol
Systemic racism is the current alibi for black failure when there is no evidence of racial discrimination.

Curried Goats,

What do you think of Chris Copeland? Why do you think he did what he did? Are you proud of him, or ashamed?
Those are statistics for rates of criminality. I want you to give me proof these disparities are caused by the racial make up of black people, which is your argument, no?
The proof is that Negroes have high crime rates everywhere they live, even when they live in black run countries.

That makes sense when one thinks about characteristics that had survival value in sub Saharan Africa.
The South has always been the economic backwater of the United States. During the 1850's the vast majority of European immigrants moved to the Northy, because that was where the economic opportunities.

The industrial revolution happened in the North. The computer revolution is happening on the West Coast.
The west coast is dead.
Systemic racism is the current alibi for black failure when there is no evidence of racial discrimination.
You not willing or being intellectually incapable of addressing the evidence isn't the same as there being no evidence. Here's a pretty thorough breakdown of the socioeconomic inequalities built purposefully into New Deal Policies. Those policies actually existed. You need a bit more than, "no they didn't" as a counter.
Curried Goats,

What do you think of Chris Copeland? Why do you think he did what he did? Are you proud of him, or ashamed?
Are you talking about the basketball player who got stabbed? That's basically all I know about, why would I be ashamed or proud of him one way or another? I don't know him. He has nothing to do with me. The fact that you think I would even have feelings of shame or pride around a rando stranger just because we're both black is weird.
The proof is that Negroes have high crime rates everywhere they live, even when they live in black run countries.
That's proof of a correlation not causation. It's okay if you don't know the difference. You did your best.
That makes sense when one thinks about characteristics that had survival value in sub Saharan Africa.
I'm sure that makes all the sense to you.

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