Logical next step?

You've never sent ANYONE running for the hills, in your entire posting history. And calling me a "lying commie bitch" does not mean I am one. In fact, the only people who consistently claim others are lying, are themselves "liars".

If the only way you can "win" the argument is to lie about other people and call them names, it doesn't say much about your belief system, or your reasons for supporting a white nationalist government.

Your refusal to acknowledge the white nationalism which underpins the Party of Trump, show you to be in complete denial. They say it openly. They're not going to count "urban votes, or let non-whites vote.

No it is not. The point of Civil Rights lawsuits is to prevent the suppression of minority voters.

You keep posting Russian, Chinese and Iranian propaganda and lies - all of which Republicans are gleefully parroting as their own ideas.

Really, check out this thread, posts 245 & 246.

Let's see. Should I accept the evaluation of the best legal authorities, or go with the word of some anonymous idiot on the internet? I'll consider that choice and get back with you.

My apologies
I forget that you can't read.
Just go with whatever that maddow guy tells you.
by contrast, when prosecutors have sought evidence from the President, the Court has consistently rejected Presidential claims of absolute immunity.

During the treason trial of former Vice President Aaron Burr, for instance, Chief Justice Marshall rejected President Thomas Jefferson’s claim that the President could not be subjected to a subpoena. Marshall simultaneously recognized, however, the existence of a “privilege” to withhold certain “official paper.” United States v. Burr, 25 F. Cas. 187, 192 (No. 14,694) (CC Va.).

And when a subpoena issued to President Richard Nixon, the Court rejected his claim of “absolute privilege.” United States v. Nixon, 418 U. S. 683, 703. But recognizing “the public interest in candid, objective, and even blunt or harsh opinions in Presidential decision making,” it held that a “presumptive privilege” protects Presidential communications. Id., at 708.

Because that privilege “relates to the effective discharge of a President’s powers,” id., at 711, the Court deemed it “fundamental to the operation of Government and inextricably rooted in the separation of powers under the Constitution.” Id., at 708. Pp. 9–12

This is the tragedy of people like you. You don't let such a thing as not being informed stop you from claiming things with great certainty.

They weren't denied anything by the State, did you read your own damn link? Try again ignorant ass. BTW it was all as coordinated stunt.

First, I'm not advocating for any harm to come to trump, or any of his supporters, but in the light of the recent Supreme court ruling, serious uncomfortable questions present themselves. A reasonable person might believe trumps threats to seek revenge on his opponents, as well as his offer to trade environmental protections for a billion dollars present a threat to the constitution and the wellbeing of the country. Having sworn to protect and defend the constitution, and in light of the new presidential authority, it is Biden's duty to prevent any chance of trump winning the upcoming presidential election in any way his newfound authority allows. Should Biden, exercise his newfound authority by imprisoning trump in Guantanamo, or some other way? If congress opposes such actions, they can always impeach him if they can get enough of our representatives to find him guilty.

Leftards need to STAND DOWN.

Any aggressive moves by leftards at this point will be perceived as hostile and destructive.

America is speaking right now. America wants the convicted felon. Because he is BETTER than anything the leftards have to offer.

America sees through the bullshit from the left. Including THIS ^^^ stupid bullshit.

Yes, some leftards will be incarcerated. Because they richly deserve it. All we:ve gotten from the leftist asswipes who promised to unite the country, is DESTRUCTION. They tear down statues in an effort to destroy history, they sit down on freeways so people can't get to work, they piss away working class tax money on ILLEGAL aliens, many of whom are vicious criminals and some of whom are even outright terrorists.

America has HAD ENOUGH of leftards. Any attempt to infringe on this election will be seen as an overt effort to seize and retain power, against the will of the People. If that happens, a lot of leftards will get hurt.

Lefties had their chance, and they blew it. America is hip to the bullshit coming from the left. And America doesn't like it. Proof? The left is losing, BADLY, in every single swing state, and in every poll that matters. Lefties are bleeding votes, they're losing thousands of votes every single day. Because they don't want to listen, they're in total denial of the fact that America has HAD ENOUGH of their bullshit.

The cat's out of the bag, and it ain't going back in. And good luck catching it. This present cadre of leftard psychopaths is finished. The best thing lefties can do is stand down and live to fight another day. Because the alternative is much, much worse.

Leftards need to STAND DOWN.

Any aggressive moves by leftards at this point will be perceived as hostile and destructive.

America is speaking right now. America wants the convicted felon. Because he is BETTER than anything the leftards have to offer.

America sees through the bullshit from the left. Including THIS ^^^ stupid bullshit.

Yes, some leftards will be incarcerated. Because they richly deserve it. All we:ve gotten from the leftist asswipes who promised to unite the country, is DESTRUCTION. They tear down statues in an effort to destroy history, they sit down on freeways so people can't get to work, they piss away working class tax money on ILLEGAL aliens, many of whom are vicious criminals and some of whom are even outright terrorists.

America has HAD ENOUGH of leftards. Any attempt to infringe on this election will be seen as an overt effort to seize and retain power, against the will of the People. If that happens, a lot of leftards will get hurt.

Lefties had their chance, and they blew it. America is hip to the bullshit coming from the left. And America doesn't like it. Proof? The left is losing, BADLY, in every single swing state, and in every poll that matters. Lefties are bleeding votes, they're losing thousands of votes every single day. Because they don't want to listen, they're in total denial of the fact that America has HAD ENOUGH of their bullshit.

The cat's out of the bag, and it ain't going back in. And good luck catching it. This present cadre of leftard psychopaths is finished. The best thing lefties can do is stand down and live to fight another day. Because the alternative is much, much worse.

He's not actually a felon.

That was not a real trial.
One Texas woman with an ectopic nonviable pregnancy went to court and got an Order to allow her doctor to perform an abortion and Ken Paxton threatened to prosecute the doctor and the hospital if they performed the abortion. She had to go out of state.

There is a pregnant woman being kept on life support so her baby can gestate. That's happening now in Texas, as I write this. If the woman receives immediate care and placed on life support before she stops breathing on her own, so there is no interruption to the oxygen supply, there are cases of women being 14 weeks pregnant when they suffered a stroke and were pronounced brain dead, and delivering a healthy baby more than 110 days later.

Women all over the USA are their states over THEIR right to life saving abortions in the case of pregnancy complications. 1 in every 50 US pregnancy is an ectopic pregnancy which is 100% non-viable, and continuing the pregnancy risks the life of the mother because when, not if, her tube bursts, which can never be predicted, she has 10 minutes to get to surgery.

Even Texas women admitted to hospital to await the moment when that happens, have nearly died, because the fetal heart kept beating while the woman bled out, and they couldn't help her until it stopped. She still doesn't know if she can have another baby.

These stories are horrific. 300% increase in pregnancy related deaths for women in states with abortion bans. 13% increase in infant mortality in Texas as women are forced to carry non-viable pregnancies to term, and watch their babies die in their arm, due to missing organs, or developmental issues.

80% of the women dying in the USA from pregnancy complication could be saved. That's beyond criminal, and speaks to hatred and misogyny which is at the core of Republicans treatment of women.

Pure commie propaganda from almost 2 years ago. And she got the headlines she wanted. Also the TX Supreme Court affirmed she was eligible for treatment under TX law.


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