Record Memorial Day Travel Week Indicate Strong US Economy - Thanks Biden/Buttiegieg

Marketwatch has very different numbers vs. what you claim.

“According to MarketWatch, credit card debt increased by 16.6% between Q3 2022 and Q3 2023, the largest increase of any household debt category. In March 2024, Equifax reported that outstanding bankcard balances increased 10.7% year-over-year to $1 trillion. However, the average American still spends less of their income on debt than in most of the 2000s, with the most recent debt payment-to-income ratio from Q4 2023 at 9.8%. This means that the average American spends almost 10% of their monthly income on debt payments.”
There are zero different numbers there but they dont compare to income. Coming out of all time low covid numbers they did go up but so did income. Awesome. That is why I showed you what normal looks like and how it compares to wages. We are below where you were in 2019 in debt. And we are near all time low defaults. The fact that they can scare you with a recent tick up to normalize from covid lows shows why people are easy to fool.

If you think its that bad then short the economy with your savings. I dare you.
The robust Biden economy has a record 44M Americans confident enough in their economic future that they are traveling in record numbers.
  • TSA screened record number of air travelers leading into Memorial Day well ahead of pre-pandemic 2019.
  • Half of the top 10 travel days in history were in the last 5 days.
  • AAA predicts a record high 44M Americans will travel this weekend and many travel industry publications are predicting a record summer of travel beating current travel record year of 2005.
  • High travel numbers over the Memorial Day Weekend correlate to good economic years and never happens in a recession year
  • High travel numbers will put pressure on gas prices

All good signs relative to the economy because the US has not seen good Memorial Day numbers in a recession year in decades of AAA data and therefore it is a key signal of strength. Basically Americans are confident enough in their situation to travel. This is great news unless you live in Florida and don’t like swarms of tourists or get bothered by an additional few cents on gas enough that you'd rather see a bad economy.

Thanks for the Economy Biden. Thanks for the travel records Buttigieg!

Inflation isn’t keeping Americans from having fun this Memorial Day weekend

TSA sets new record for number of travelers screened in a single day

Nearly 44 Million Travelers Leaving Town for Unofficial Start of Summer

Memorial Day travel could break a record from 2005 with 43.8 million expected to hit the road

Go talk to the wall; Americans don't believe this. And you know this
No worries.. they are buying plane tickets and hotel rooms. Load up on the stock market or miss out on all that Biden has done to rocket power this economy at your own risk!
/----/ There are plenty of worries for working class Americans, you troll. Like I said, no one is buying your crap.
In a New York Times/Sienna College poll this month, only 21% of voters described the economy as "excellent/good," compared to 79% who called it "fair/poor." “Bidenomics” has become synonymous with an economy that many Americans see as headed in the wrong direction."
Credit card debt is actually near all time lows when you adjust for what people make now. You have been shown that multiple times but you wont address it.

2024 average balance is $7,226 and with a wage of $63,795. You have 11.3% debt.

2019 average balance was $6,194 with a wage of $54,099. You had 11.5% debt

You have less debt now compared to your income even though the dollars are up. Its not rocket science dude. It is simple algebra.
geezus gator take that democratic flag out of your said once here you were kind of well and those like you will not notice price increases like the people below you on the income scale do.....retirees who were doing great,many are now using some of those funds they never thought they would use...yea its simple math gator...
Record low burden of credit card debt. Here is a comparison to 2019:

  • 2024 average balance is $7,226 and with a wage of $63,795. You have 11.3% debt.
  • 2019 average balance was $6,194 with a wage of $54,099. You had 11.5% debt
People have about $10,000 more salary are only $1,000 more in debt. That is a better leverage than they had in 2019 when you guys thought the economy was the best ever... guess what? Today's economy beats 2019 by almost every metric, including people confident enough to travel.
Bankruptcy increased by 17% - 18% in 2023 .. which most likely has contributed to a minor dip in consumer credit spending habits... regardless .. you can share all the macro insights on the economy, which doesn't capture the micro insights consumers are experiencing. More consumers are living paycheck to paycheck and using credit cards to pay for common goods and services like groceries and utilities (with crushing interest rates).

Go team biden!!
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There are zero different numbers there but they dont compare to income. Coming out of all time low covid numbers they did go up but so did income. Awesome. That is why I showed you what normal looks like and how it compares to wages. We are below where you were in 2019 in debt. And we are near all time low defaults. The fact that they can scare you with a recent tick up to normalize from covid lows shows why people are easy to fool.

If you think its that bad then short the economy with your savings. I dare you.

The numbers are there for anyone to compare. Total debt is rising and debt is rising as a percentage of income. I can understand you want to caveat the numbers compared to 2019 but rising debt is a here and now matter.

I’m actually protecting my savings because Biden’s Green New Boondoggle spending is eroding that value because of Bidenflation. Cost of living increase of 20% since Biden was elected doesn’t present the picture you represent.
geezus gator take that democratic flag out of your said once here you were kind of well and those like you will not notice price increases like the people below you on the income scale do.....retirees who were doing great,many are now using some of those funds they never thought they would use...yea its simple math gator...
Im giving you the facts. You are giving me a narrative. The economy is great. It doesnt work for everyone though, especially those at the bottom as you point out. The GOP has no solutions for the people this great economy doesnt work for at the bottom. The GOP has solutions for how people like me accumulate more though. They are against every policy for the poor and struggling. When you guys try to post how bad it is I list the things that would help and you puke on them. Guaranteed healthcare, living wage laws, higher taxes for wealthy to fund more education and infrastructure in poor areas... etc...
Im giving you the facts. You are giving me a narrative. The economy is great. It doesnt work for everyone though, especially those at the bottom as you point out. The GOP has no solutions for the people this great economy doesnt work for at the bottom. The GOP has solutions for how people like me accumulate more though. They are against every policy for the poor and struggling. When you guys try to post how bad it is I list the things that would help and you puke on them. Guaranteed healthcare, living wage laws, higher taxes for wealthy to fund more education and infrastructure in poor areas... etc...
Guaranteed healthcare, living wage laws, higher taxes for wealthy to fund more education and infrastructure in poor areas... etc...
if none of these things do they help right now?...
The numbers are there for anyone to compare. Total debt is rising and debt is rising as a percentage of income. I can understand you want to caveat the numbers compared to 2019 but rising debt is a here and now matter.

I’m actually protecting my savings because Biden’s Green New Boondoggle spending is eroding that value because of Bidenflation. Cost of living increase of 20% since Biden was elected doesn’t present the picture you represent.
Cost of living is up less than wages since 2019 which means average people are better off. Sorry youre not one of them. Maybe you dont work as hard as the average person? Look down at your boots and pull them up by the straps on them.
The robust Biden economy has a record 44M Americans confident enough in their economic future that they are traveling in record numbers.
  • TSA screened record number of air travelers leading into Memorial Day well ahead of pre-pandemic 2019.
  • Half of the top 10 travel days in history were in the last 5 days.
  • AAA predicts a record high 44M Americans will travel this weekend and many travel industry publications are predicting a record summer of travel beating current travel record year of 2005.
  • High travel numbers over the Memorial Day Weekend correlate to good economic years and never happens in a recession year
  • High travel numbers will put pressure on gas prices

All good signs relative to the economy because the US has not seen good Memorial Day numbers in a recession year in decades of AAA data and therefore it is a key signal of strength. Basically Americans are confident enough in their situation to travel. This is great news unless you live in Florida and don’t like swarms of tourists or get bothered by an additional few cents on gas enough that you'd rather see a bad economy.

Thanks for the Economy Biden. Thanks for the travel records Buttigieg!

Inflation isn’t keeping Americans from having fun this Memorial Day weekend

TSA sets new record for number of travelers screened in a single day

Nearly 44 Million Travelers Leaving Town for Unofficial Start of Summer

Memorial Day travel could break a record from 2005 with 43.8 million expected to hit the road
Hey Citygator:
They don't?

Odd that they are spending money like crazy on leisure travel
If you are wealthy, you're doing fine. Middle class America is not, and it's going to get worse as the consequences of the treasonous a-hole's OPEN BORDER policies are felt for decades into the future. These 'migrants' are driving up housing costs even higher. FACT. Inflation isn't coming back down.

The government constantly pees on your leg and then tells you that it's raining. The real inflation, unemployment, and crime numbers are being covered up.
The government has turned against its citizens.

Trump 2024 - or we are done.
im talking about one poll marc.....bidens approval ratings...if he is doing so great,why dont we ever see a poll with him at least in the high 40's?...
So, you're not ready to commit to the polls in general then?

Got it.

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