It’s the economy: Greatest time to be alive is now. Thanks Biden!

Every Republican claims they're not a Bush fan . . . NOW! :auiqs.jpg:

There are even members here - BackAgain , CrusaderFrank , Oddball , who claim they never supported Bush, after being his biggest fans during the 2000s when they posted on Hannity Forums.

Bush sent checks to everyone in 2004 under the sham that because President Clinton had managed the economy so well, we had a surplus and he was returning the money.

And then he promptly put two wars on the nation's credit card, exploding the deficit and debt. you didn't agree with that but you agree with Biden forgiving student loans? you didn't agree with that but you agree with Biden forgiving student loans?
Forgiving these outrageous student loans has been a Democratic, not just Biden, position since well before the 2020 race.

My own position on it is that they should remove all interest from these loans, and pay back past interest. I'm not quite in favor of completely wiping them out unless it's means-tested. Some ultra-wealthy family sending little Chadford or Wadsworth or Edrick or BUCKLEY (Tucker's son
) to Yale or Harvard shouldn't have their loans forgiven. They've already unfairly gotten into the school in the first place through 'Legacy Admissions'. Which newly-minted Republican "populists" should be bitching about, but are quite silent about. What a shock!
Coming from you that means.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Nothing.
If I want your opinion I'll beat it out of you, punk.
Forgiving these outrageous student loans has been a Democratic, not just Biden, position since well before the 2020 race.

My own position on it is that they should remove all interest from these loans, and pay back past interest. I'm not quite in favor of completely wiping them out unless it's means-tested. Some ultra-wealthy family sending little Chadford or Wadsworth or Edrick or BUCKLEY (Tucker's son
) to Yale or Harvard shouldn't have their loans forgiven. They've already unfairly gotten into the school in the first place through 'Legacy Admissions'. Which newly-minted Republican "populists" should be bitching about, but are quite silent about. What a shock!

In other words, the ”ultra-wealthy” should further subisdize those that make much less. Gotcha.

I am not “ultra-wealthy” but we would be considered wealthy by Democratic standards. Should my kids get the same breaks? Can they go to a private college and get loans for 75k+/yr, majoring in post-colonialism? I have a feeling the means test of which you speak has something to do with wealth, despite the fact that my family pays more taxes that many make. What if we saved for our children’s college and paid for it? Do we get a refund on the interest we earned on the money we saved? Sorry, but liberals are the exact reason why college is so expensive in the first place. Gay, who was recently relieved(resigned under pressure) of her duties as Harvard president, makes 800k/yr as a tenured professor. Not only was she woefully unqualified to be president, but she is woefully unqualified to be a professor making that kind of money given her record of plagiarism. Does any of that make sense to you? Harvard is the epitome of what is wrong with education and it is rife with left-wing nuts.
Bwahahahaha.... panties in a wad over virtually nothing other than modernizing banking. lol
Doing away with currency and being monitored by Uncle Sam on a fed card ......meaning they control your right to buy a gun if they choose, or many other things you take for granted.
Doing away with currency and being monitored by Uncle Sam on a fed card ......meaning they control your right to buy a gun if they choose, or many other things you take for granted.
You clearly are not very informed on this issue. Couldnt be implemented without congress and would be in addition to physical currency, not instead. Sigh. Regardless.... what do you think about these stories!!!!!

You clearly are not very informed on this issue. Couldnt be implemented without congress and would be in addition to physical currency, not instead. Sigh. Regardless.... what do you think about these stories!!!!!

View attachment 885275
Australia drew one step closer Wednesday to potentially establishing a central bank digital currency (CBDC), as the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) announced an upcoming pilot phase for its digital version of the Australian dollar called the eAUD.
Wow. Just wow. Here are just 10 reasons why you should be thankful for the time in which you live. We are truly living in the age of honey and wine.

  1. Best employment environment in history*** - Not just low unemployment but highest number of open jobs compared to pre-pandemic
  2. 66% of Americans own a house valued at record levels** - Huge driver of household wealth
  3. Wages growing much faster than inflation**** - People are gaining in real terms
  4. 401Ks are growing and higher than any time before the pandemic***** - Congratulations!
  5. Record levels in the stock market - Doesn’t help everyone but a good measure of confidence
  6. Record amount of Americans with health insurance* - Thanks Obamacare!
  7. Crime rates falling in an era of near historically low crime levels****** - Quit crying about outliers, you are safer than ever
  8. America is fighting zero wars - Yep… Biden has us in zero wars and the only one to get us out of one.
  9. US based manufacturing is rocketing up as companies “reshore” ******
  10. FSU and Georgia iced out of the NCAA playoffs!

*Health insurance:
**Home ownership:
***Job Openings & Unemeployment
****Wages growth faster than prices
*****401K values
****** Crime

Bloomberg: "China is investing in industrial production at a rapid pace, which strengthens its position in the global market and could provoke stiff opposition from the West"

So no "convergence" with the capitalists is possible.
I thought Fox was the entire right-wing media.
No, there's 12 hours per day, at least, of talk radio. There's Newsmax, oann, the Salem radio network, the fake religious stations like CBN, Sinclair TV network, which has bought up a huge number of local news stations to pump propaganda each night.
No, there's 12 hours per day, at least, of talk radio. There's Newsmax, oann, the Salem radio network, the fake religious stations like CBN, Sinclair TV network, which has bought up a huge number of local news stations to pump propaganda each night.
but you are ok with presidents who sniff little girls and cannot speak two sentences cogently?
In other words, the ”ultra-wealthy” should further subisdize those that make much less. Gotcha.

I am not “ultra-wealthy” but we would be considered wealthy by Democratic standards. Should my kids get the same breaks? Can they go to a private college and get loans for 75k+/yr, majoring in post-colonialism? I have a feeling the means test of which you speak has something to do with wealth, despite the fact that my family pays more taxes that many make. What if we saved for our children’s college and paid for it? Do we get a refund on the interest we earned on the money we saved? Sorry, but liberals are the exact reason why college is so expensive in the first place. Gay, who was recently relieved(resigned under pressure) of her duties as Harvard president, makes 800k/yr as a tenured professor. Not only was she woefully unqualified to be president, but she is woefully unqualified to be a professor making that kind of money given her record of plagiarism. Does any of that make sense to you? Harvard is the epitome of what is wrong with education and it is rife with left-wing nuts.
You have an issue with the president of Harvard making $800k per year but you're fine with the CEO of Kroger making $22M? :laugh:

Harvard endowment: $51B
Kroger worth: $33B


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