It’s the economy: Greatest time to be alive is now. Thanks Biden!

Numbnuts it's not an opinion
ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS, N.J. and SAN MATEO, CA, September 7, 2023 – CNBC, First in Business Worldwide, and SurveyMonkey today announced the results of the latest CNBC Your Money Survey.
Dumbass they did a survey of people
Survey . . . of people's opinions?

You really are a mental midget.
Proof you didn't even click. It's not from Media Matters, it's a segment of Chris Hayes' show, that Media Matters put on their site. Because it's really good. And it explains most of what has been posted in this thread. That you have trolled and brought zero facts to.
Media matters is a democrat cult opinion piece
Wow. Just wow. Here are just 10 reasons why you should be thankful for the time in which you live. We are truly living in the age of honey and wine.

  1. Best employment environment in history*** - Not just low unemployment but highest number of open jobs compared to pre-pandemic
  2. 66% of Americans own a house valued at record levels** - Huge driver of household wealth
  3. Wages growing much faster than inflation**** - People are gaining in real terms
  4. 401Ks are growing and higher than any time before the pandemic***** - Congratulations!
  5. Record levels in the stock market - Doesn’t help everyone but a good measure of confidence
  6. Record amount of Americans with health insurance* - Thanks Obamacare!
  7. Crime rates falling in an era of near historically low crime levels****** - Quit crying about outliers, you are safer than ever
  8. America is fighting zero wars - Yep… Biden has us in zero wars and the only one to get us out of one.
  9. US based manufacturing is rocketing up as companies “reshore” ******
  10. FSU and Georgia iced out of the NCAA playoffs!

*Health insurance:
**Home ownership:
***Job Openings & Unemeployment
****Wages growth faster than pricesg
*****401K values
****** Crime
63 percent of Americans are doing worse since Biden was elected.
The Le
If you think this putrid economy is going to get Tater reelected you'll be disappointed
The Left knows full well that Tater's handlers have run the country into the ground and all they have is smoke and mirrors. The party bosses also know that unless they can exclude Trump from the race there is a very real chance he can win a third time
Wow. Just wow. Here are just 10 reasons why you should be thankful for the time in which you live. We are truly living in the age of honey and wine.

  1. Best employment environment in history*** - Not just low unemployment but highest number of open jobs compared to pre-pandemic
  2. 66% of Americans own a house valued at record levels** - Huge driver of household wealth
  3. Wages growing much faster than inflation**** - People are gaining in real terms
  4. 401Ks are growing and higher than any time before the pandemic***** - Congratulations!
  5. Record levels in the stock market - Doesn’t help everyone but a good measure of confidence
  6. Record amount of Americans with health insurance* - Thanks Obamacare!
  7. Crime rates falling in an era of near historically low crime levels****** - Quit crying about outliers, you are safer than ever
  8. America is fighting zero wars - Yep… Biden has us in zero wars and the only one to get us out of one.
  9. US based manufacturing is rocketing up as companies “reshore” ******
  10. FSU and Georgia iced out of the NCAA playoffs!

*Health insurance:
**Home ownership:
***Job Openings & Unemeployment
****Wages growth faster than prices
*****401K values
****** Crime
There’s something wrong with previous U.S. jobs reports.

The government quietly erased 439,000 jobs through November 2023, a closer look at the numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows.

That means its initial jobs results were inflated by 439,000 positions, and the job market is not as healthy as the government suggests.
Marxists/Demofascist must lie all the time or else their house of cards start to tumble down.
MSN Marxists/Demofascist must lie all the time or else their house of cards start to tumble down.

There’s something wrong with previous U.S. jobs reports.

The government quietly erased 439,000 jobs through November 2023, a closer look at the numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows.

That means its initial jobs results were inflated by 439,000 positions, and the job market is not as healthy as the government suggests.

And yet, even with those revisions 3,203,306 jobs were added and there are 2,884,000 more people working than there was at the start of 2023. Anyone that is not a mindless partisan drone would be happy about those numbers.
The stability of modern capitalism rests on:
-Generation of money and debt out of thin air, better known as the fractional banking system. More accurately defined as the robbery of future labor.
-The brutal control of elites by blackmail (pedophilia, murder) and threats of physical elimination.
The stability of modern capitalism rests on:
-Generation of money and debt out of thin air, better known as the fractional banking system. More accurately defined as the robbery of future labor.
-The brutal control of elites by blackmail (pedophilia, murder) and threats of physical elimination.
You are describing crony capitalism, not true capitalism that has raised more people out of poverty than any other economic system out there. When i first entered the job force, it was minimum wage working as a burger flipper at McDonalds. After that i became a short order chief, then a salesman, but finally i found by God given talent and that was to fix F-15s. When William Jefferson Clinton got in, i knew right then and there, that the decline of Ameria was coming, because it was more important for him to put cigars where they shouldnt be, instead of stopping the dumbing down of America...
MSN Marxists/Demofascist must lie all the time or else their house of cards start to tumble down.
100% false report. The data is easily available here:

Nonfarm Payroll Employment: Revisions between over-the-month estimates, 1979-present

From 1st est to 3rd for Trumps last year and all Biden’s:
2020 Overestimated the number of jobs added by 64k each month
2021 Underestimated the number of jobs added by -59k each month
2022 Underestimated the number of jobs added by -20k each month
2023 Overestimated the number of jobs added by 15k each month

THEY ARE NOT ADDITIVE. That report isnt a distortion… it is a lie. They are estimating total jobs on top of revisions so they are incorporated in the next month’s totals. The totals are within 15k per month on a number that is around 170M.

If every month I said there were 170,015,000 and there was actually 170,000,000 at the end of the year there was only 15,000 jobs over estimated… not 180,000 or 15k per month times 12. You guys are idiots.
Last edited:
100% false report. The data is easily available here:

Nonfarm Payroll Employment: Revisions between over-the-month estimates, 1979-present

From 1st est to 3rd for Trumps last year and all Biden’s:
2020 Overestimated the number of jobs added by 64k each month
2021 Underestimated the number of jobs added by -59k each month
2022 Underestimated the number of jobs added by -20k each month
2023 Overestimated the number of jobs added by 15k each month

THEY ARE NOT ADDITIVE. That report isnt a distortion… it is a lie. They are estimating total jobs on top of revisions so they are incorporated in the next month’s totals. The totals are within 15k per month on a number that is around 170M.

If every month I said there were 170,015,000 and there was actually 170,000,000 at the end of the year there was only 15,000 jobs over estimated… not 180,000 or 15k per month times 12. You guys are idiots.
Increased government spending and hiring have padded 2023 year-end unemployment numbers by over 400,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Are you calling Joe Bidumbs administration a bunch of LIARS?
This has been explained many times, from the Inflation Reduction Act to reducing the price of pharmaceuticals

If your award winning thread includes any reasoning that includes the IRA reducing inflation, it is not worth reading. The IRA did not have any significant effect on reducing inflation.
Are you calling Joe Bidumbs administration a bunch of LIARS?
Im calling FOX a bunch of liars. If you had $20 in your wallet every month and I estimated you had $25 every month Fox wants you to believe you have $5X12, or $60, less money in your wallet than I estimated. LOL. What a bunch of tools. And you fell for it. The article is a bold faced lie.
What's wrong with that? Bush sent everyone money in 2004 to get re-elected

I think you know what is wrong with it. Would it be ok for a multi-billionaire with multi-billionaire friends to promise x number of dollars to everyone that could provide proof that they voted for him? Biden is essentially doing the same thing for student loan debt using our tax dollars as leverage.

I am not a Bush fan, so…

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