Were the 14 million Americans who voted for Biden in the Primary the victim of a bait and switch?

She's a fucking moron and we're talking about the next alleged "Leader of the Free World" and this is the best you guys can come up with? This country should be embarrassed.

Frankly, most speeches I've heard from her are pretty good, but you'll concentrate on the few times she stumbles.

As opposed to hours of sheer lunacy that come out of Trump's mouth.

I refuse to accept or support either.
if that makes you feel special, sure.

I deal in practicalities. We already know what a nightmare a Trump presidency will be because we lived through it.
Sounds like a struck a chord. Did that not compute with your programming? Did that send you into a loop, robot?
Nope. Just pointing out that it's obvious that you never considered voting Democratic anyway, so our candidate is really none of your concern. Like I said. we got this.
Here's one more for the road, Synthia, and I could keep these coming all day if I wanted to, because that's how much a dumb fuck this woman is. There is endless material, but hey, let's put her in charge of world affairs. What can possibly go wrong?

"We also recognize just as it has been in the United States, for Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way of its impact has been the pandemic," Harris said in March. "So to that end, we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in COVID recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to, I believe, what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy."

This is what you get when you send stupid people to college.

Education doesn't increase a person's IQ. It can't. The best it can do is to make a person better able to use, to utilize, their IQ.

But when you don't have one to start with, you get a Kamala Harris
She absolutely can win, especially against the blustering gasbag you clowns lined up behind despite a massive record of losses. You could have actually had a decent nominee like DeSantis or Haley who would clean her clock in a debate. Instead, you stuck with your babbling incoherent assclown who rambles on with his word salads that sometimes put hers to shame.

The debate between those two will be a galactic battle of retards.
No fucking chance. She's even more unlikeable than the Beast. Face it, the Dems fucked up badly.
Actually, he's typing and not speaking.

Or do you use voice software because of your inability to read?

Biden hasn't resigned.

No, they don't need him to do that to retain their power, just get the fuck out of their way for November. But I forgot, you don't do 'conspiracy' theories. Tell me, how many threads have you moved to that bunghole on the board that turned out not to be 'conspiracy' theories, have you ever counted?
Bernie did not have anything taken away from him.

Bernie did not have the Democratic party nomination. HE wasn't even a Democrat until a few days before he decided to run. He ran away from being an Independent or Social-Democrat.

^^Typically well-informed dimocrap^^

Don't take my word for it, take the word of the head of the DNC

Frankly, most speeches I've heard from her are pretty good, but you'll concentrate on the few times she stumbles.

As opposed to hours of sheer lunacy that come out of Trump's mouth.

It's not a few times. She's been repeatedly ridiculed over it by the media.

if that makes you feel special, sure.

I deal in practicalities. We already know what a nightmare a Trump presidency will be because we lived through it.

While it seems she's going to be the nominee, I hold out hope, albeit a slim one, that between now and the convention people in your party will pull their head out of their ass and realize they're floating towards a waterfall in a barrel and maybe come convention time will have enough sense to nominate someone with firing neurons in their brain.
^^Typically well-informed dimocrap^^

Don't take my word for it, take the word of the head of the DNC


Donna Brazile said the 2016 primary was rigged before she said it wasn’t​

It's not a few times. She's been repeatedly ridiculed over it by the media.

While it seems she's going to be the nominee, I hold out hope, albeit a slim one, that between now and the convention people in your party will put their head out of their ass and realize they're floating towards a waterfall in a barrel and maybe come convention time will have enough sense to nominate someone with firing neurons in their brain.
Do you, have you ever supported strong women for political office?
It's not a few times. She's been repeatedly ridiculed over it by the media.

While it seems she's going to be the nominee, I hold out hope, albeit a slim one, that between now and the convention people in your party will pull their head out of their ass and realize they're floating towards a waterfall in a barrel and maybe come convention time will have enough sense to nominate someone with firing neurons in their brain.

She is the only possible choice, to replace here with anyone at this point would be even worse, no matter who it is.

And so far, the Dems are rallying behind her, which is the whole point...to end the in-fighting.

Out of curiosity, is there a Dem you would vote for?
She absolutely can win, especially against the blustering gasbag you clowns lined up behind despite a massive record of losses. You could have actually had a decent nominee like DeSantis or Haley who would clean her clock in a debate. Instead, you stuck with your babbling incoherent assclown who rambles on with his word salads that sometimes put hers to shame.

The debate between those two will be a galactic battle of retards.
Just so you understand where I'm coming from....... I don't like Trump all that much. To me, he's like the Andrew Dice Clay of politics. In fact, I don't like the Republican all that much. Bunch of arrogant fuckwads on the local level. They want THOUSANDS of Dollars just to join their Club. Fuck them.

My motivation is simple: I hate, despise and detest the dimocrap party with every fiber of my Being and with every waking moment of my life. They are, it is the scummiest scumbag piece of fucking shit in the history of the world.

I firmly believe that. I believe they are worse than the NSDAP, the Russian Communist Party, the Chinese communists, the Norks -- Any of them.

Here's why -- The NSDAP (or "Nazis" as the uneducated call them) formed after WW1 and the Weimar Republic could get a grip on the many maladies tearing Germany apart after WW1. Hitler did. He solved their problems. He got Germany out of the Great Depression while FDR was still fucking around with his idiotic Blue Star campaign. And trust me, it was idiotic. So much so, SCOTUS struck it down.

The CHICOMS were trying to recover from WW2 while the Chinese Nationalists were busy with their class war fare bullshit.

Italy was also trying to recover from a War, WW1.

Those parties all fell victim to the age-old axiom of power corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

c'est la vie

Thing is, in this Country there is NO need for the dimocrp scum party. They were the slavers, they started the Civil War, they wrote the Jim Crow Laws, all the racists during that period, George Wallace, Bull Connor, etc ad nauseam were dimocraps. There is no racism in this Country anymore, women can off their babies with elan as much as they want to. Success is there for anybody with a work ethic.

But all dimocrap scum do is bitch and complain about how unfair America is, how greedy and uncaring we are.

There is just no reason for the dimocrap scum party to exist. None. They are the most dishonest, the most horrid political, the most disgusting party to ever exist on the Planet Earth.

Point being, I don't like republicans as much as I DESPISE dimocraps.

And, AFAIC, anybody that votes dimocrap? Something is seriously wrong with them.

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