People are questioning whether Biden actually resigned or was the victim of a coup

The primary was not rigged for Obama in 2008. He got more votes.

The primary was not rigged for Clinton in 2016. She got more votes.

The primary was not rigged in 2024. Biden dropped out because he was convinced that the party and country would be better of if he did.

Candidates can drop out. It’s not an attack on democracy.

An attack on Democracy is when Trump tried to wipe out millions of votes in order to win the election.
/——-/ And how did Trump try and wipe out votes? Did he use a magic eraser?
/——-/ And how did Trump try and wipe out votes? Did he use a magic eraser?
A few different ways.

One way was asking Mike Pence to refuse to count the electoral votes of 6 states.

Other ways included asking state legislatures to wipe out the chosen electors and appoint new ones for him.

Still other ways included calling state officials and asking them to change the results for him.

Then of course tons of lawsuits where Trump tried to get the courts to change the election rules after the election occurred.
A few different ways.

One way was asking Mike Pence to refuse to count the electoral votes of 6 states.

Other ways included asking state legislatures to wipe out the chosen electors and appoint new ones for him.

Still other ways included calling state officials and asking them to change the results for him.

Then of course tons of lawsuits where Trump tried to get the courts to change the election rules after the election occurred.
/——/ None of that is true.
The primary was not rigged for Obama in 2008. He got more votes.
Tell that to Hilary, she's still claiming it was stolen from her
The primary was not rigged for Clinton in 2016. She got more votes.
Tell that to Bernie and his supporters
The primary was not rigged in 2024. Biden dropped out because he was convinced that the party and country would be better of if he did.
Everyone knew Biden was not capable of running for reelection. The self-anointed leaders of the Democratic Party allowed the primary to go on, knowing they were going to force Joe off the ticket at the last minute. The dem leadership always knew they were going to bypass the will of the people, and select their own candidate at the Democrat convention. the primary was known to be a farce and all for show.
Candidates can drop out. It’s not an attack on democracy.

An attack on Democracy is when Trump tried to wipe out millions of votes in order to win the election.
The only one here who is delusional is you, if you think this was all organic, and the dems suddenly noticed, after the primaries ended, that Biden was a senile mess of a man. And now, oops-a-daisy, the oligarchs will just have to pick your presidential nominee for you.
The primary was not rigged for Obama in 2008. He got more votes.

The primary was not rigged for Clinton in 2016. She got more votes.

The primary was not rigged in 2024. Biden dropped out because he was convinced that the party and country would be better of if he did.

Candidates can drop out. It’s not an attack on democracy.

An attack on Democracy is when Trump tried to wipe out millions of votes in order to win the election.
you didn't say that out loud!!!!
We last saw Biden -- 5 -- days ago.
Something very weird is going on. The man who adamantly insisted that he was going to stay in the race “announces” via a statement written by an unnamed source that he is dropping out - and nobody has seen hide nor hare of him?
I notice you didn’t answer the questions I posed.

Biden was convinced by party leadership that he wasn’t going to win and shouldn’t be running. The vast majority of the party agrees.

The criticism from the right is absolutely unhinged and absurd. You guys have been saying he’s mentally unfit and now you’re mad that he’s dropping out? It doesn’t matter what anyone does, you’ll figure out a way to portray it as something terrible.

All you have is hatred and rage with no consistency or coherence.
OMG ^^^ this one is too deranged to waste keystrokes on.
/——/ None of that is true.
Even if Pence had done as Trump asked of him, all that would have happened is that the Congress and the SCOTUS would have got involved, and everything would have been resolved before Biden was sworn into office. The country was never in danger of anything, it especially would not have been "overthrown" as so many idiot dems claim
When the Party says your done your done, now the smartest, sharpest, lying narcissist in the room is forced into retirement against his will. The Party is only concerned with power, controlling the puppet, that will faithfully promote their agenda. Kamala is the perfect candidate, she will do and say as directed by the central party. It’s rather humerus that one’s mental faculties can decline so rapidly in 60 days which begs one to ponder just who has been running the country for the past three and a half years🤔.
/——/ None of that is true.
It’s all true.

Did you ever read the Eastman memo? That’s exactly what they wanted him to do.

Several state legislatures were pressured by Trump to change the electors. Rusty Bowers testified to it.

What is false?
When the Party says your done your done, now the smartest, sharpest, lying narcissist in the room is forced into retirement against his will. The Party is only concerned with power, controlling the puppet, that will faithfully promote their agenda. Kamala is the perfect candidate, she will do and say as directed by the central party. It’s rather humerus that one’s mental faculties can decline so rapidly in 60 days which begs one to ponder just who has been running the country for the past three and a half years🤔.
It’s Obama.

But who is HE answering to?
Tell that to Hilary, she's still claiming it was stolen from her
Do you repeat everything Clinton says mindlessly? You’re the one repeating and accepting it. It’s not true. Think for yourself.
Tell that to Bernie and his supporters
Same as above.
Everyone knew Biden was not capable of running for reelection. The self-anointed leaders of the Democratic Party allowed the primary to go on, knowing they were going to force Joe off the ticket at the last minute. The dem leadership always knew they were going to bypass the will of the people, and select their own candidate at the Democrat convention. the primary was known to be a farce and all for show.
Nice conspiracy theory. Too bad it has no factual basis.
The only one here who is delusional is you, if you think this was all organic, and the dems suddenly noticed, after the primaries ended, that Biden was a senile mess of a man. And now, oops-a-daisy, the oligarchs will just have to pick your presidential nominee for you.
It became apparent after the debate.
It’s all true.

Did you ever read the Eastman memo? That’s exactly what they wanted him to do.

Several state legislatures were pressured by Trump to change the electors. Rusty Bowers testified to it.

What is false?
/——/ All traitor Pence had to do is send the results back to the state legislatures. He refused.
Funny how it’s ok for drmocRATs to question election results, and have bags of uncounted votes magically appear to swing an election.
Go pound sand.
OMG ^^^ this one is too deranged to waste keystrokes on.
Republicans say Biden is too senile to run.

Republicans angry that Biden drops out of the race.

Nothing makes you happy, so no one should give a fuck what you say. It’s all just deranged nonsense.
OMG ^^^ this one is too deranged to waste keystrokes on.
Yup, the gullible sheep on the democrat side, have swallowed the lie that not the news media, not the Biden admin, not the Democrats in congress, and definitely not the Democrat voters, ever noticed that Biden was a senile mess. Even over the many months prior, when we showed them video after video of Biden behaving like a senile mess, they lied and called them "cheap fake videos." The Democrat voters swallowed that whole as well.

Let me beat that dead horse again, because some people didn't notice. The oligarchs running the Democrat party KNEW months ago, that Biden was never going to be the nominee. They purposely waited until after the primary, so the the voters were taken out of the process. Then they would force Joe off the ticket, and then they, not the voters, they would decide who was going to be on the Democrat's ballot for president.
/——/ All traitor Pence had to do is send the results back to the state legislatures. He refused.
Funny how it’s ok for drmocRATs to question election results, and have bags of uncounted votes magically appear to swing an election.
Go pound sand.
There’s no such thing as “send it back to the state legislatures”. The Eastman memo shows that wasn’t the plan because such a thing doesn’t exist.

Even if it did go back to the state legislatures, what do you think they wanted the state legislatures to do?

Appoint new electors, which would wipe out the votes of the citizens.

So Im still right. You’re in denial.
Biden did not resign from anything and there was no coup.

Biden withdrew from the race to become the next president. The same thing at least 16 other people that were officially in the race have done so far this election cycle.

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