People are questioning whether Biden actually resigned or was the victim of a coup

I do not believe he resigned. I do not believe it was his idea.

I believe it was done in his name and they are pushing him out whether he wants to or not. They have been taking advantage of him for years now because he would sign, say or do whatever he was told to in exchange some money and power, and now that he is old and feeble they are taking advantage of him again by just shuffling him away.

I kind of wonder if he even knows he has resigned yet.
I don't think there's any doubt that this is a coup.
Did Joe Biden make this decision? Or did the elites in the Democratic Party make this decision for him? Kicking him to the curb against his will.

This is what happens when politicians like Biden allow the Democrat oligarchs make them, because they can always take it all away and break you too.

So much for "our democracy." The democrat voters were never going to be allowed to use the primary election to nominate their candidate for president. They were having a big laugh while all those simpletons went to the polls, thinking they actually had a say in who would be on the Democratic Party ballot for president.

I have been saying for many months now, that Biden will not be the Democrat's candidate. The Democrat machine knew that their party's presidential primary was a sham. They always knew that they were going to force Joe out, and then the Democratic Party oligarchs, who look down their noses at the stupid unwashed voters with disdain, would simply pick the presidential candidate for them.
I do not believe he resigned. I do not believe it was his idea.

I believe it was done in his name and they are pushing him out whether he wants to or not. They have been taking advantage of him for years now because he would sign, say or do whatever he was told to in exchange some money and power, and now that he is old and feeble they are taking advantage of him again by just shuffling him away.

I kind of wonder if he even knows he has resigned yet.
These are Democrat leaders on full display…..ruthless, hateful, self-serving, soulless people.
Did Joe Biden make this decision? Or did the elites in the Democratic Party make this decision for him? Kicking him to the curb against his will.

This is what happens when politicians like Biden allow the Democrat oligarchs make them, because they can always take it all away and break you too.

So much for "our democracy." The democrat voters were never going to be allowed to use the primary election to nominate their candidate for president. They were having a big laugh while all those simpletons went to the polls, thinking they actually had a say in who would be on the Democratic Party ballot for president.

I have been saying for many months now, that Biden will not be the Democrat's candidate. The Democrat machine knew that their party's presidential primary was a sham. They always knew that they were going to force Joe out, and then the Democratic Party oligarchs, who look down their noses at the stupid unwashed voters with disdain, would simply pick the presidential candidate for them.

it’s 11:00 a.m. Do Americans know where their president is?
The Democrat voters think they voted to choose their primary candidate. We now see that the Democrat oligarchs run the show.

Those millions of dem voters will only do what their masters tell them to do. Democrat voters will sit there like lumps on a log, thinking they have a say in who their presidential candidate might be.

Once the oligarchs decide who the unwashed masses are allowed to vote for, the voters will gleefully vote for that candidate, and pretend they supported them all along.

Watch and see. Once the oligarchs decide who will be on the Democratic Party ticket for president, the unwashed masses of easily led Democrat voters will be on the US Message, defending, promoting and gushing all over them, whoever their presumptive candidates might be is irrelevant.

It really does not matter who the (D) candidates on the ticket are, the sheeple will pretend they are represented by them. They will attack anyone who is critical of "their candidate." And the dem voters will pretend they are actually still taking part in preserving "our democracy," while being purposefully oblivious to the fact that they have absolutely no say in any of this.

The dem campaign message will be the same old one as before, hate the Republicans, and just shut up and vote (D).
The Democrat voters think they voted to choose their primary candidate. We now see that the Democrat oligarchs run the show.

Those millions of dem voters will only do what their masters tell them to do. Democrat voters will sit there like lumps on a log, thinking they have a say in who their presidential candidate might be.

Once the oligarchs decide who the unwashed masses are allowed to vote for, the voters will gleefully vote for that candidate, and pretend they supported them all along.

Watch and see. Once the oligarchs decide who will be on the Democratic Party ticket for president, the unwashed masses of easily led Democrat voters will be on the US Message, defending, promoting and gushing all over them, whoever their presumptive candidates might be is irrelevant.

It really does not matter who the (D) candidates on the ticket are, the sheeple will pretend they are represented by them. They will attack anyone who is critical of "their candidate." And the dem voters will pretend they are actually still taking part in preserving "our democracy," while being purposefully oblivious to the fact that they have absolutely no say in any of this.

The dem campaign message will be the same old one as before, hate the Republicans, and just shut up and vote (D).
You know you’re a fucking lunatic, right?

We had all become quite convinced that Biden could not win the election and finally convinced him of that. Biden did the right thing for the party and the country and decided to leave the race. The party be responsible for choosing a replacement as has always been the case.

Democracy occurs in November when we vote between the candidates, where everyone will have a free choice to vote for whom they want. If they don’t like the candidate that the party nominates, they don’t have to vote for them.

And a lot of Democrats will absolutely support the nominee because it’s undoubtedly a far better choice given how Trump attempted to take away our votes in the last election.
^^^ is this above statement irony, dishonesty, or brainwashing?
Do you think Biden had any chance of winning in November?

Do you think Biden should be running?

If the answer is no, then there’s nothing to criticize here.
Do you think Biden had any chance of winning in November?

Do you think Biden should be running?

If the answer is no, then there’s nothing to criticize here.
no primary means no citizen voting, meaning a candidate is placed by the DNC as a candidate and not american civilians voting.. And you're telling us about democracy? go shit yourself some more.
Do you think Biden had any chance of winning in November?

Do you think Biden should be running?

If the answer is no, then there’s nothing to criticize here.
Just because polls showed Biden losing is no reason for Dem leaders to disenfranchise voters and force, cajole, and strongarm Biden into quitting so they can decide who is a better candidate.

The truth is the arrogant Dem leaders, including Obama, figured they could keep the truth about the extent of Biden’s dementia from voters, and they were willing to put up for re-election a man so incapacitated that he is worse than my Stage 4/5 mother - and it was ONLY after they saw the dismal polls that they decided to humiliate the guy and get him to drop out.

There’s a reason Biden hasn’t been seen even after such a momentous announcement: he is too furious by being forced out with threats, or he is so spent from the ordeal the Dem leaders put him through that he is incapable of making an appearance.
Just because polls showed Biden losing is no reason for Dem leaders to disenfranchise voters and force, cajole, and strongarm Biden into quitting so they can decide who is a better candidate.

The truth is the arrogant Dem leaders, including Obama, figured they could keep the truth about the extent of Biden’s dementia from voters, and they were willing to put up for re-election a man so incapacitated that he is worse than my Stage 4/5 mother - and it was ONLY after they saw the dismal polls that they decided to humiliate the guy and get him to drop out.

There’s a reason Biden hasn’t been seen even after such a momentous announcement: he is too furious by being forced out with threats, or he is so spent from the ordeal the Dem leaders put him through that he is incapable of making an appearance.
I notice you didn’t answer the questions I posed.

Biden was convinced by party leadership that he wasn’t going to win and shouldn’t be running. The vast majority of the party agrees.

The criticism from the right is absolutely unhinged and absurd. You guys have been saying he’s mentally unfit and now you’re mad that he’s dropping out? It doesn’t matter what anyone does, you’ll figure out a way to portray it as something terrible.

All you have is hatred and rage with no consistency or coherence.
You know you’re a fucking lunatic, right?

We had all become quite convinced that Biden could not win the election and finally convinced him of that. {snip}
The Democrat Party leaders were quite convinced that Biden was never mentally fit to be president, even before the primary. These oligarchs allowed the Democrat voters to think they were participating in "our democracy" by letting them hold their primary. The oligarchs knew all the while that they were going to force Biden off the ticket and select their own candidate.

No, I'm not the lunatic. The lunatics are the idiot Democrat voters, who even now, think they are participating in a democrat nomination process.

It was clear as hell to anyone paying attention, that the Republican leadership DID NOT want Trump to be the nominee in 2016, or 2020.

Hilary still claims that the democrat elites sabotaged her in 2008 and rigged the primary for Obama.​
Bernie Sanders was forced out of the race in 2016, in favor of Hilary.​
Even now, Biden is being forced out, even after winning his pprimary.​

There is no democracy going on in the Democrat primaries. The primaries are not where Democrat voters nominate their candidates, because it does not matter who they want, the oligarchs always decide.

If anything is crystal clear, it's that the Republican primary voters actually do choose their candidates, even when the old guard, Republican establishment want another candidate. The dem voters never have any say in who their candidate is, it's all an elaborate illusion, because the oligarchs will decide otherwise.
The Democrat Party leaders were quite convinced that Biden was never mentally fit to be president, even before the primary. These oligarchs allowed the Democrat voters to think they were participating in "our democracy" by letting them hold their primary. The oligarchs knew all the while that they were going to force Biden off the ticket and select their own candidate.

No, I'm not the lunatic. The lunatics are the idiot Democrat voters, who even now, think they are participating in a democrat nomination process.

It was clear as hell to anyone paying attention, that the Republican leadership DID NOT want Trump to be the nominee in 2016, or 2020.

Hilary still claims that the democrat elites sabotaged her in 2008 and rigged the primary for Obama.​
Bernie Sanders was forced out of the race in 2016, in favor of Hilary.​
Even now, Biden is being forced out, even after winning his pprimary.​

There is no democracy going on in the Democrat primaries. The primaries are not where Democrat voters nominate their candidates, because it does not matter who they want, the oligarchs always decide.

If anything is crystal clear, it's that the Republican primary voters actually do choose their candidates, even when the old guard, Republican establishment want another candidate. The dem voters never have any say in who their candidate is, it's all an elaborate illusion, because the oligarchs will decide otherwise.
The primary was not rigged for Obama in 2008. He got more votes.

The primary was not rigged for Clinton in 2016. She got more votes.

The primary was not rigged in 2024. Biden dropped out because he was convinced that the party and country would be better of if he did.

Candidates can drop out. It’s not an attack on democracy.

An attack on Democracy is when Trump tried to wipe out millions of votes in order to win the election.

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