The American Genocide of the Indians—Historical Facts and Real Evidence

The disease that a lot of white people brought over from Europe. Smallpox, Chicken pox, Gonorrhea, Mu

Well, those are not even "European diseases", as Smallpox originated in Asia. And Chickenpox is also believed to have originated there.

Great, Europeans brought Gonorrhea to the Americas. They also returned and brought Syphilis back to Europe. And HIV came out of Africa. Your point of that is what, exactly?

You know, that is what a "Virgin Field Epidemic" is, and has been seen on every part of the planet since humans first migrated out of Africa, and will continue to happen until the sun swallows the Earth. The only reason that those in the Americas were spared that was because of how long ago those two continents were isolated before humans crossed over. That created continent sized islands that had almost no bacteria or virus that could infect humans.

And one of the interesting little tidbits in evolution is varicella-zoster itself. That is the general name of the herpes virus that causes chickenpox. And the strain that mutated to create that disease only happened around 8,000 years ago. But the monkeys in the Americas have an even older strain, that dates to around 23 million years ago. But that strain did not make the evolutionary leap to humans, or we might have seen the reverse. Where an American disease wiped out million in Eurasia.

My ancestors who originally moved here got damned lucky. They crossed over to two continents that had been so isolated that there were almost no viral or bacteriological threats to them. And their low population densities tended to keep things that way. All the way up until they finally met those who had not been so lucky.

But here is the amazing thing about diseases. Those of us alive now are no more susceptible to diseases than Europeans are. We are the survivors, and have made the same adaptations that those in Europe did. After all, funny how nobody ever seems to want to mention that diseases from Asia killed over half of the population of Europe not all that long before they came to the Americas.
The white people knew that they had some kind of sickness that was killing the Indian people.

Gee, nice claim. To bad it is contradictory to actual scientific history.

You are talking about a period of time roughly 4 centuries before the "Germ Theory" was even a thing. If you had gone and asked even the most learned in that era, they would have told you that diseases were primarily caused by bad air. And that was the universally accepted "Scientific Consensus" of what caused diseases at the time. Specifically, it is now known as the "Miasma Theory", and had been accepted for almost 2,000 years by that time. Both Hippocrates and Galen (@ 400 BCE) and Galen (@200 CE) talked about that in their writings, and there was no evidence to the contrary at that time.

Sorry, complete fail there. And remember, this was in an era where diseases were still regularly spreading throughout Europe. Where only a century before over 50 million died to Bubonic Plague in Europe. SO to a European arriving, seeing diseases spreading would have been seen as simply how things were. That was the norm in Europe, why would they think it anything different in the Americas?
The Indians were at war with each other before white people arrived.!? They were at war over the natural resources on the land, and the different Indian tribal beliefs.!? And Territorial disputes.

Oh, you really need to learn some REAL Indian History.

You might want to start with the implosion of the Mississippian Culture. Sadly it was all in the era of Pre-History for them, but we know from archaeology that it was a very violent period. Where the villages heavily fortified themselves, to a degree not found elsewhere in North America during that time period. Villages do not build the massive moat and palisades they had erected among almost every village without a damned good reason. And the tribes that fled that cultural implosion were among the most hostile on two continents.

Even the Aztecs were not as hostile to outsiders, other than their demand for blood sacrifices. And even then, they would sacrifice themselves as well as outsiders. And it was hardly unique, human sacrifice was common among the North American tribes also. Hell, the Pawnee were doing it into the middle of the 19th century.

SO yes, they were very much at war with each other, always had been. And had been doing it for so long that they had even evolved rules and rituals for conflicts.

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