Were the 14 million Americans who voted for Biden in the Primary the victim of a bait and switch?

I know right, how dare I speak with people I have been friends with for 30 plus years in some cases on a Sunday night

I don't doubt what you're saying, but the microcosm of your social life is hardly indicative of the electorate. There are a lot of upset Democrats on social media over what has transpired. More than likely, they'll vote for her in the end (or whoever), but switching out a party nominee this close to the election under the circumstances in which it was done can come with a price.
MAGA wingnuts are so concerned about the feelings of Democrats. :auiqs.jpg:

First, if you are referring to me I am not a MAGA wingnut. I don't support his isolationism in particular though many of his policies, especially in spirit, are necessary. Actually I don't believe him on his isolationism to be frank. Like Rubio, I suspect Trump knows how to deal and he uses convincing language to get good terms.

I am concerned with democracy. In the true sense, not the dog whistle sense some use it for.

I am also concerned for Taiwan and the global impact of the wrong person in the W.H. Provide a legitimate leader besides Trump right now. One that doesn't stand back and watch millions illegally enter your nation. One that won't ensure China influences even more of the world.

These are for the heaviest stakes. The world absolutely needs the right president at this time.
No, they voted for Biden. Yes, everyone knows Harris is on the ticket with him, but she wasn't going to be the president, he was. Harris couldn't even muster 15% of the primary vote in California when she ran in 2020. She was grossly unpopular and even now her approval ratings are in the 30s. She's been one of the most incompetent VPs ever.

The "enthusiasm" you're seeing right now is a knee jerk reaction to Biden bowing out after the worst debate performance in presidential history and sinking poll numbers. Maybe they'll stick with her; maybe they won't. Give it a few weeks and see how the polls look between her and Trump. If she doesn't see much improvement you may have a rocky convention coming up.
this does seem very orderly, for democrats, but i think it has been planned for a while, waiting on the repub convention to end for timing.
Most knew they were doing so as even the most ardent Biden supporter knew he did would not be able to serve 4 more years had he won

That makes them all pretty fucking stupid then, but if they associate with you, that's a given I guess.
A younger, more vibrant candidate with the energy and smarts to beat Trump?
So incredibly smart

Some posters on youtube are angry, some claiming they are a victim of fraud.

Were they fooled into voting for Biden when those behind him knew he was going to bow out (by force or otherwise) and his electorates transferred to Harris?
Those voters were disenfranchised and democrats did threaten democracy in real-time.
14 million Americans voted in those primaries only to have their vote negated so that the party elite can choose their nominee for them. Even in normal election years they use super delegates to override the people if they don't get the result the political elites want (ie. Bernie Sanders)

From the party that tells you to vote for them in order to "save" democracy.

You apparently underestimate the TDS syndrome, anything is preferable to Trump, I thought you were in that camp? I'm really waiting for the excuse they use for whoever the next R nominee is in 4 years, every single one after Trump will be worse than him and the one that came before. It's all the left knows how to do, personal destruction and ridicule, they have nothing else to run on.



Well, what is someone launched a class action lawsuit?

If someone votes for President, not just in the Primaries, do they reasonably expect or anticipate that their vote will be nullified if the guy writes a letter after three months, "you know what, this isn't what I thought it was going to be like. I quit. It's been my honor. I fully endorse my V.P and whoever they choose for V.P. Take care".

Not even a live presentation to the nation to ensure them that this is his decision made in sound health?

Think about this a little more literally in the context of democracy and democratic processes that we lecture Russia and China about. In fact, these issues should be universally agreed upon by all parties. The GOP didn't like that Trump won their Primary in 2016,I didn't want him to win either. However, they embraced real democratic processes.

Call me an old school purist. I believe the West is far stronger when they stick to their principles. Especially in elections.
Typical half-truth.

During an appearance on the syndicated “Morning Hustle” radio program, Harris was asked by co-host Headkrack to explain the conflict “in layman’s terms for people who don’t understand what’s going on and how can this directly affect the people of the United States?”, the New York Post reported.

Speaking slowly, Harris began, “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe.”

“It exists next to another country called Russia,” she continued. “Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.”
Typical half-truth.

During an appearance on the syndicated “Morning Hustle” radio program, Harris was asked by co-host Headkrack to explain the conflict “in layman’s terms for people who don’t understand what’s going on and how can this directly affect the people of the United States?”, the New York Post reported.

Speaking slowly, Harris began, “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe.”

“It exists next to another country called Russia,” she continued. “Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.”

Skilled orator, Kamala Harris

"We invested an additional $12 billion into community banks, because we know community banks are in the community, and understand the needs and desires of that community as well as the talent and capacity of community."

Well, what is someone launched a class action lawsuit?

If someone votes for President, not just in the Primaries, do they reasonably expect or anticipate that their vote will be nullified if the guy writes a letter after three months, "you know what, this isn't what I thought it was going to be like. I quit. It's been my honor. I fully endorse my V.P and whoever they choose for V.P. Take care".

Not even a live presentation to the nation to ensure them that this is his decision made in sound health?

Think about this a little more literally in the context of democracy and democratic processes that we lecture Russia and China about. In fact, these issues should be universally agreed upon by all parties. The GOP didn't like that Trump won their Primary in 2016, however, they embraced real democratic processes.
What if UFO landed on the WH lawn?

You people are legal scholars from Trump University. LOL

You being an ignorant Canadian and person should look up how a filed lawsuit makes it into the court system.

then go hide your head in shame and apologize to all of Canada for embarrassing them posing as a voice of Canada.

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