Apparently Biden Didn't Go Willingly

And he's angry!
Joe's never backed down from a fight, but Obama and Pelosi stabbed him up in the back.

Sure. :itsok:

Potato wanted to go; and he’s not upset about being shoved out of the race. Not at all.



deaf dumb blind Liability.png

note: you started (your personal attacks in posts - staff can find) shortly after coming back from vacation. Please go away.
Given that NONE of the ballots have been printed at this point, and that downballot candidates have not even been decided, your meme is clearly a lie, and you've now been proven to be either/or both stupid and gullible, or a lying piece of shit for posting this conspiracy theory.
Who said Leftards had no sense of humor!

Meanwhile someone is too stupid to delete embarrassing tweets.

Donald Trump was:
  • Impeached
  • Banned from all social media
  • Threatened with ballot removal
  • Indicted
  • Arrested
  • Convicted
  • Shot
And Joe Biden is the one who dropped out.

All which goes to prove which political party puts country before party, now doesn't it.

That Republicans refuse to remove this proven conman and criminal, and chose to run a lying fraudster and rapist for the highest office in the land, shows the complete corruption and unsuitability of any member of the Republican Party for high office.

How many times do the American people have to vote Donald Trump out of office, before he gets the hint that the American people don't want him as President?
All which goes to prove which political party puts country before party, now doesn't it.

That Republicans refuse to remove this proven conman and criminal, and chose to run a lying fraudster and rapist for the highest office in the land, shows the complete corruption and unsuitability of any member of the Republican Party for high office.

How many times do the American people have to vote Donald Trump out of office, before he gets the hint that the American people don't want him as President?
Save Democracy: Invalidate all primary elections, keep people off ballots, arrest opponents on charges nobody has ever been charged with, and change the rules after you’ve been recalled (aka Newsominism).

“Spokespersons for alternative candidates say they’re also seeing challenges in Delaware, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia. “We expect to be challenged in every state that we file in this year,” said Rick Lass, ballot access director for the Green Party’s Stein.”

View attachment 981848

note: you started (your personal attacks in posts - staff can find) shortly after coming back from vacation. Please go away.
Please note that your off topic lies have no power here.

Substantively, your misuse of a trite meme only confirms the validity of my point.

You have nothing intelligent to say regarding the obvious fact that Joe is bitter about being shoved out of the race.

That said, you should go away, the dainty.
Save Democracy: Invalidate all primary elections, keep people off ballots, arrest opponents on charges nobody has ever been charged with, and change the rules after you’ve been recalled (aka Newsominism).

“Spokespersons for alternative candidates say they’re also seeing challenges in Delaware, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia. “We expect to be challenged in every state that we file in this year,” said Rick Lass, ballot access director for the Green Party’s Stein.”

The primary elections haven't been invalidated. These people voted for the Biden-Harris ticket, and were always comfortable with the idea of Kamala Harris taking over if Biden couldn't continue.

Trump's voters had no part in selecting JD Vance as their VP pick since Trump didn't bother to tell them who would be his VP pick until the convention.

JD Vance was picked for the American people by the Heritage Society, and their Dark Money donors, California technocrats, like Elon Musk, and the extreme right wing Christian theocrats who seek a white Christian nationalist dictatorship, to restore "American values".

The same people who gave you the radical Supreme Court, which is busy setting up "judicial legislation from the bench to overturn Congressional laws regarding the regulatory state".

Judges will now decide matters of science and medicine, based on their personal biases and religion.
Pride and ego. The most stubborn of human emotions. We can't admit when our time is done.
But the Dems?...were just giving Biden the truth.

Unlike his opponent. :auiqs.jpg:
Biden by endorsing Harris, upset the top Democrats that wanted a stronger candidate, this makes it tougher to move away from Harris, which if she focuses and listens to those running the campaign, could be the next President.

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