What does Kamala Harris bring to the race that Joe Biden couldn’t

Interesting watching Republicans take the Kamala is a Wnore route

Meanwhile they run a man who cheated on three wives, banged Playboy Models and Porn Stars, molested a woman in a dressing room and married a Porn Model
Who said she’s a whore? Trump isn’t the issue here you dumb-ass
….And after a year of screaming , "Old People shouldn't be President", you guys will be stuck with an old guy who rants about Hannibal Lector.
After a year of screaming that the advanced age of a candidate isn’t an issue, you now do a 180 on that.

After a year of screaming that the advanced age of a candidate isn’t an issue, you now do a 180 on that.

I think it's an evaluation. After the debate, there were legitimate questions about Biden, that in the end, he had to concede, because he's a grownup.

As opposed to your side, where Trump rants about Hannibal Lector, and you guys try to pretend that is normal.
.:..Under Trump, Putin will be given Ukraine
Why did Putin wait until Trump was out of office before he invaded Ukraine? What is supposed to be done about that now? Has the current administration done anything substantial to force Russia out of Ukraine?

Biden encouraged Putin to invade and nothing can change that.
Remember this is the same Harris who entered the Democratic primary race for 2020 to much hype and fanfare and quickly flamed out and was out of the race before the Iowa caucuses.
I think it's an evaluation. After the debate, there were legitimate questions about Biden, that in the end, he had to concede, because he's a grownup.

As opposed to your side, where Trump rants about Hannibal Lector, and you guys try to pretend that is normal.
Trump broke your brain too.

Biden didn’t withdraw willingly. He was told that all financial support would end and he would lose in a humiliating way.
Republicans have a President who was banging porn stars, sexually assaulting women in dressing rooms and a First Lady who was a former Porn Star

And they call Kamala Harris a whore

Glass Houses?
Fair play. Your cult has been wanking about Trump's sexual exploits for 8 years.
If you guys want to alienate women even further than you already have, sure, have at it.
Why? Is she ashamed?
There are three kinds of right wing idiots calling Kamala a whore:

1. GOP men who have never been laid and act like sex is some embarrassing thing for women.
2. GOP men who married a woman who was raw dogged by several men before they met, has a 50% likelihood they are being cheating on, and have the nerve to act like sex is some embarrassing thing
3. Religious nuts who married a 14 year old virgin for their second wife and act like sex with an adult is some embarrassing thing.
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1. Voters who hate Trump but think Biden is just too old
2. Voters who hated the choice given by Trump and Biden
3. Young voters
4. Black voters
5. Those who don’t want candidates in their 80s
Harris will attract global warming realists, supporters of reproductive freedom, opponents of gender and racial discrimination, as well as dictatorial authoritarianism, respecters of certified democratic elections, America's system of justice and law enforcement agents, loyalty to democratic allies, and all the 'law and order' folks who prefer middle-aged prosecutors to elderly convicted criminals with sordid records of sexual abuse and business fraud.
1. Voters who hate Trump but think Biden is just too old
2. Voters who hated the choice given by Trump and Biden
3. Young voters
4. Black voters
5. Those who don’t want candidates in their 80s
Racists who want black men incarcerated and kept there.
Uh, Trump has failed at most of his "Empire", requiring the state to bail it out.

View attachment 981644
Trump has had over 500 different business ventures. Some of them have indeed not been successful. You've posted some 20 businesses that were not. Quite frankly that's laughable. The ratio of success to failure in Trump ventures is staggeringly weighted towards success!
If she’s not the Democrat’s nominee the far left wing, which is rapidly becoming the dominating force in the party, will revolt.

Harris is the candidate of the extreme left. There is not one issue where she is not way out there on the far left wing. She makes Bernie Sanders look like a centrist.

She does not give the Democrats a substantial chance. She’s also going hurt the Democrats chances in the competitive house and senate
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I think it's an evaluation. After the debate, there were legitimate questions about Biden,…
Those questions and concerns were there long before the debate.l. All the debate did was make it so the liberal media could no longer hide it.

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