Americans claim guns make for a safe society

It looks like your overall homicide rate has barely changed at all...

And it continues to climb for YEARS after handguns were banned.

So what the fuck are you bragging about?

Homicide rate chart UK...

View attachment 981572

Now let's look at the US overall homicide rate.


We cut ours in half as well...which is about the best you guys did...and we didn't ban guns to do it.

In fact we EXPANDED gun rights to 28 states permit less Constitution Carry.

So again...what are you bragging about.

Yes...we have a more homicides...but we ALWAYS had more homicides.

And if we banned guns tomorrow...likely the same amount of murders would occur...just using a different, say a sharp, pointy knife...or a bat...or a club...or a rock, just like Cain did it.
It looks like your overall homicide rate has barely changed at all...

And it continues to climb for YEARS after handguns were banned.

So what the fuck are you bragging about?

Homicide rate chart UK...

View attachment 981572

The Caveman has a limited ability to think for himself.

He's a subject you know, not a citizen.
Didn't you ban handguns in 1997?
They did;

When did the UK ban guns and what are the laws on gun ownership?

Mar 29, 2023When were guns banned in the UK? Handguns were banned in the UK in 1997 following the 1996 Dunblane school shooting, which killed 16 children and their teacher. A man named Thomas Hamilton invaded ...


UK Gun Laws - How Strict is Gun Control in the UK? -

Gun control measures in the UK involve a blanket ban on machine guns and machine gun sales. The cost of a five year shotgun licence in the UK is £79.50. In December 2021, the government updated its requirements in terms of which medical conditions must be disclosed during the licensing process.


Firearms regulation in the United Kingdom - Wikipedia

In the United Kingdom, access by the general public to firearms is subject to strict control measures. Members of the public may own rifles and shotguns, however, they must be properly licensed.Most handguns have been banned in Great Britain since the Dunblane school massacre in 1996. Handguns

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