Bad judgment Joe!

Whatever Biden does has nothing to do with 2020 when Biden whipped Trump's ass real good. Biden beat Trump's ass so bad you Trump cult asslickers are still crying over it four years later.

Oh btw, cultist. You still can't prove your crying rant about 2020, but we know your delusions makes you feel better, so have fun with it, 2020 loser.

Joe don't let them steal YOUR nomination, fight! Remember also over prepare for the next debate. :muahaha:
Joe, they’re a threat to our democracy! Have the Trump Hit Team Secret Service detachment watch over them wink 😉 wink 😉
Joe Bidens ego has the Democratic party drifting into the abyss. His botched speeches, bumbling debate performance, and pig-headed determination to run for a 2nd term will bring Bidens Presidency and quite possibly his party's grip on power to an end for at least the next 2 years.

Biden could have announced his decision to be a 1 term President last year, given younger Democrats a chance to raise cash, mount a campaign, and give his party some much needed energy. Political leanings aside, it looks like we're headed for another Trump presidency.

Bad judgement Joe!
It's not just Joe. There is a swarm of people in the know, including the MSM, who backed Biden and tried to hide the truth from everyone else. They're all acting like it was a surprise and they were blindsided but they really weren't. Part of it is pure TDS. They waited too long and now the TDS has become terminal.
Can't beat Trump now, didn't beat Trump then. Trump beat Hillary, then GAINED something like 10 million more votes! An incumbent usually DOESN't GAIN votes (Obumma didn't) much less do so then LOSE reelection. Never happens, never HAS happened. Historical FACT. Especially as republicans also did well in every other category.

Trump got the most votes of any incumbent ever in history. If Biden wasn't such a chickenshit coward, he would stay in and show us his 81 million votes wasn't a fluke achieved via rigging.

No, just still pointing out what the Left ADMITTED TO IN PRINT, that the 2020 election was rigged through a massive election fraud spending 400 million dollars and using the Chinese Flu virus as an excuse to rig election laws across the country to allow near unlimited, uncertified, unsupervised voting for Biden.

Not to mention a thousand other documentaries on how it was cheated. But prove all of this wrong: keep Joe in and beat him by 7 million votes again.
HAHAJAHAHAHAHA! Parroting Trump deranged raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant last night about Covid, dummy?

I told you last night five minutes into Trump's speech that the sociopath in him was just bursting to get out & I was right. You were warned.

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