Heritage Foundation proven to be lying again.

Easily. But not to the likes of you and those here.

It is an outright lie that the right is more violent than the left. A flat-out, through your teeth lie.

But you, those like you, and the OP won't hear it. You won't believe it, no matter the proof provided.

So why bother? It is like shouting at the brain-dead zombies of the Biden cult.

It is a waste of time.
It's no lie.
The Heritage foundation is known for absurd claims in support of the MAGA party. Many of those claims are seen as false on their face, but the claim that Left-wing is more violent than the right-wing has been proven to be false. A team of researchers from four universities who examined court records and other data relating to 3,500 extremists active in the U.S. between 1948 and 2022, proved that claim to be false. The individuals studied were broken into 3 groups. Left-wing, Right-wing, and Muslim related. Right-wing and Muslims were found to be about equal. Left-wing was a distant third.

Breaking news.

Left wing lunatics report that left wing lunatics are not violent.

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Virtually ALL of the arrests for violence, arson and looting in 2020, were members of right wing groups. No member of BLM was arrested.

Some live in cities like Portland and Seattle where local prosecutors declined to bring some protest-related charges.

Virtually ALL of the arrests for violence, arson and looting in 2020, were members of right wing groups. No member of BLM was arrested.

Virtually ALL of the arrests for violence, arson and looting in 2020, were members of right wing groups. No member of BLM was arrested.

More than 40% of those facing federal charges are white. At least a third are Black, and about 6% Hispanic. More than two-thirds are under the age of 30 and most are men. More than a quarter have been charged with arson, which if convicted means a five-year minimum prison sentence. More than a dozen are accused of civil disorder, and others are charged with burglary and failing to comply with a federal order. They were arrested in cities across the U.S., from Portland, Oregon, to Minneapolis, Boston and New York.

Attorneys for those facing federal charges either declined to comment or didn’t respond to messages from the AP.

Brian Bartels, a 20-year-old suburban Pittsburgh man who is described by prosecutors as a “self-identified left-wing anarchist,” was flanked by his parents when he turned himself in to authorities. Bartels, who lives at his parents’ house, spray painted an “A” on a police cruiser before jumping on top of it and smashing its windshield during a protest in the city, prosecutors said. He pleaded guilty in September.
One defendant who was arrested during a protest in the central Massachusetts city of Worcester told authorities he was “with the anarchist group.” Vincent Eovacious, 18, who is accused of possessing several Molotov cocktails, told authorities that he had been “waiting for an opportunity,” according to court documents.

No mention of right-wing here.

It gave you heartburn so whatever you are whining about has to be a good thing. :)

Come to that.....Where do you get off thinking anyone here gives a fat-rat's ass about what you parrot from your leftist masters?.....Sucks for you just being their low-IQ lackey.

HA!.....You don't have an original thought in your pointed head.
You MAGAs seem to be very interested. dumb ass.
Breaking news.

Left wing lunatics report that left wing lunatics are not violent.

It must be so disheartening for you to have yet another of your favorite lies shat upon.
The Heritage foundation is known for absurd claims in support of the MAGA party. Many of those claims are seen as false on their face, but the claim that Left-wing is more violent than the right-wing has been proven to be false. A team of researchers from four universities who examined court records and other data relating to 3,500 extremists active in the U.S. between 1948 and 2022, proved that claim to be false. The individuals studied were broken into 3 groups. Left-wing, Right-wing, and Muslim related. Right-wing and Muslims were found to be about equal. Left-wing was a distant third.
Proof isn't a thing for MAGA. What matters is the accusation. They'll take it from there.
The Heritage foundation is known for absurd claims in support of the MAGA party. Many of those claims are seen as false on their face, but the claim that Left-wing is more violent than the right-wing has been proven to be false. A team of researchers from four universities who examined court records and other data relating to 3,500 extremists active in the U.S. between 1948 and 2022, proved that claim to be false. The individuals studied were broken into 3 groups. Left-wing, Right-wing, and Muslim related. Right-wing and Muslims were found to be about equal. Left-wing was a distant third.

Jesus Christ your articles ridiculous ....you lefties are so cookie cutter simplistic
Lotus eaters nailed you fags to a tee yesterday ...what some of us have been saying for years

Heritage foundation been around for awhile since the 70s
some of their members went onto the Manhattan institute
They were behind city journal 89/ 1990 ...somewhere around there

Fer us sophisticated cosmopolitan urban right wing extremist
City journal was great in the beginning...it's neo con journal today
The Heritage foundation is known for absurd claims in support of the MAGA party. Many of those claims are seen as false on their face, but the claim that Left-wing is more violent than the right-wing has been proven to be false. A team of researchers from four universities who examined court records and other data relating to 3,500 extremists active in the U.S. between 1948 and 2022, proved that claim to be false. The individuals studied were broken into 3 groups. Left-wing, Right-wing, and Muslim related. Right-wing and Muslims were found to be about equal. Left-wing was a distant third.

Yeah, tell it to the cities that were burned in the riots of 2020, there were very few prosecutions of those perps. And why didn't these "researchers" show their work? Was it pier reviewed?

The Heritage foundation is known for absurd claims in support of the MAGA party. Many of those claims are seen as false on their face, but the claim that Left-wing is more violent than the right-wing has been proven to be false. A team of researchers from four universities who examined court records and other data relating to 3,500 extremists active in the U.S. between 1948 and 2022, proved that claim to be false. The individuals studied were broken into 3 groups. Left-wing, Right-wing, and Muslim related. Right-wing and Muslims were found to be about equal. Left-wing was a distant third.
Comparing left, right, and Islam is not valid.

Kamala harris didn't cackle much in this speech but she told a lot of lies

For instance she lied by saying trump plans to outlaw abortion

That just aint so
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Yeah, tell it to the cities that were burned in the riots of 2020, there were very few prosecutions of those perps. And why didn't these "researchers" show their work? Was it pier reviewed?

It was peer reviewed. The study was published July 26,2022 by the NIH

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