Biden MUST win to keep from being jailed!

Yeah, I saw that CNN made that claim this morning in order to get their brainwashed cultists to stsrt spreading the hate again. I see you’re obliging them.
The Trump cultists claimed all anti-Trump people were in the Biden cult. Unlike the Trump lemmings, there is no cult around any antiTrumper. We unite around our country and Constitution not a person.
So you are saying NY Post should be sued?
More importantly where is your PROOF that what was commented on was NOT True?
You are deliberately defaming, meaning you are knowingly lying. The Proof is on you, and you don't have it.
You are deliberately defaming, meaning you are knowingly lying. The Proof is on you, and you don't have it.
AGAIN what are your qualifications? Remember I'm not reporting it... NY Post and you are calling them for defaming,
FACT: Defamation is any false information that harms the reputation of a person, business, or organization. Defamation includes both libel and slander. Libel generally refers to defamatory statements that are published or broadcast (more permanent) while slander refers to verbal defamatory statements (more fleeting).

Is this: " false information?
The first son Hunter Biden affirmed during his Wednesday impeachment inquiry deposition that his father, Joe, was “the big guy” referenced in an email about a business deal with a Chinese state-linked energy firm that yielded millions for Biden family members and other associates, more than three years after The Post broke the story —

Now again who the hell do you think you are to be spouting legal terms that YOU obviously can't even use the Internet to confirm? Are you a lawyer? I'm not but I ask simple question... what is "defaming".
If there was any evidence Joe was concealing his possession of them, like ignoring a subpoena or having employees move them around, Hur would have had something to charge him with. As it is all he could do was harm Joe in the only way available. A very public smear. Something he'll likely be rewarded for by orange jesus if he gets the chance.
Of COURSE he was concealing his possession of them. He had them - and they dated back to when he was a senator.

And Hur had plenty to charge him with. But he got him off by saying he was mentally unfit - and the transcripts of the demential patient’s interview are so damaging that Garland won’t turn them over, and is now in contempt of Congress.

You Leftists have excuses for anything the lying, corrupt Biden. Unbelievable how you are willing to see a country destroyed.

The brainwashing of leftists is unbelievable.
FBI Possesses Significant, Impactful, Voluminous Evidence Of Potential Criminality In Biden Family Business Arrangements
Weasel words. It's all just "potentially criminal". Never say what the crime is. Just using scary words to win political points.
So then how can you say and I quote "You should be sued for defamation for publishing this."
Obviously you aren't a lawyer and actually evidently even less educated to make such totally stupid
comments like:
"You should be sued for defamation for publishing this.
and then turn around and say..."You should be sued for defamation for publishing this."
And what's worse your attention span of LESS than the Average American of 8.5 seconds is obvious!
PROOF The Human Attention Span [INFOGRAPHIC] | Wyzowl
What's with the fake quote of me? I didn't say that.
I am calling on you for defaming. Don't gaslight.
AGAIN what are your qualifications? Remember I'm not reporting it... NY Post and you are calling them for defaming,
FACT: Defamation is any false information that harms the reputation of a person, business, or organization. Defamation includes both libel and slander. Libel generally refers to defamatory statements that are published or broadcast (more permanent) while slander refers to verbal defamatory statements (more fleeting).

Is this: " false information?
The first son Hunter Biden affirmed during his Wednesday impeachment inquiry deposition that his father, Joe, was “the big guy” referenced in an email about a business deal with a Chinese state-linked energy firm that yielded millions for Biden family members and other associates, more than three years after The Post broke the story —

Now again who the hell do you think you are to be spouting legal terms that YOU obviously can't even use the Internet to confirm? Are you a lawyer? I'm not but I ask simple question... what is "defaming".,
Even though Biden is physical challenged...(remember what was said by Robert K. Hur in clearing Biden of unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents said the reason for clearing Biden is Hur considered that
"Biden would likely present himself to a jury … as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,"
So the problem Biden has is he doesn't have the financial resources to defend he and Hunter for extremely severe prosecutions of their various criminal activities.
Now some of you Biden supporters say where's the proof?
Just like we did when Biden's prosecutors were going after Trump.
What will happen though is Biden may win but he won't live to complete the term simply because of his AGE!
The real reason Biden is running for President is survival! He and Hunter as well as other family members will be prosecuted by Trump for sure and before any of that occurs, Biden's health will hinder.

FBI Possesses Significant, Impactful, Voluminous Evidence Of Potential Criminality In Biden Family Business Arrangements​

Grassley seeks specific records from FBI related to Biden deals with foreign nationals and companies connected to the communist Chinese regime​

Don't be ridiculous. He is a Democrat, above the law . If Obama and the Clinton's were not arrested nobody should be.

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