Something That's Been On My Mind Today About The Shooting

Even one inch away from death (literally) Trump still put America first. He could have cowered in fear and simply just left the scene without a word, but he couldn't leave without pulling himself back up onto his feet like the true warrior that he is and reminded us all to fight to get our country back (with our votes not violence) and that he's not only fighting with us, but fighting for us instead and refusing to step aside.

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Donald trump is a modern day hero. A true inspiration to all. He has fought against corruption, treason, espionage, lawfare, and has taken a bullet.
Trump cowered....


...until he was told the shooter was dead.

If you wonder just how stupid the left is, well, they're this fucking stupid.
And even on a video you're still getting it wrong

Slobbers the idiot who didn't know the difference between a Special Counsel appointed by an Attorney General, from the U.S. Office of Special Counsel.


Imbecile, you're denying reality. The video shows Trump grab his ear... cower down... USSS jump on top of him to form a human shield... confirm the shooter is dead... yell, clear... then Trump gets up with the USSS who escort him out.
No way on God's Green Earth will that event ever be downplayed
as if Theatre or casually.
No Matter how the Scumbaggers at MSNBC try.
And try they will.Their eventual downfall.
Americans are not about to cotton any more Lies
and character asassinations by Them.You can take that
to the bank.

Or, maybe traditional Republicans want to get rid of Trump.

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