Biden MUST win to keep from being jailed!

Biden gave up the documents upon request. He didn't lie and try to hide them like Trump did.

C'mon Lisa, get the cross out of your pussy!
So he gave up the documents once he was caught?

Does that mean I can rob a bank, hide the money in my house, and when the cops show up, I’m absolved of the felony because I give the money back?

Try stuffing some of the grey matter back in, and stop defaulting to your disgusting lowlife talk.
Are you a lawyer?
Are you a constitutional expert?
What is your expertise to determine it is "hearsay evidence"!
The deposition represents the first time the 54-year-old Hunter has admitted that his former business partner James Gilliar was referring to Joe Biden when he raised the prospect on May 13, 2017, of the first son holding a 10% stake in the lucrative joint venture involving CEFC China Energy “for the big guy.

Hunter admits it!

Fuck the constitution. The new right wing Supreme Court Injustices and Trump appointed Judges are making their fucked up rulings. Any time they don't like a decision, they find a way to deem something that happened as "unconstitutional". This is very slick but we're already on to them.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump nominee, said in her 93-page decision that Smith's appointment was "unlawful" and unconditional. "The clerk is directed to close this case," she wrote.

And the Heritage Foundation/Project 2025 says we are in the 2nd American Revolution and it'll be bloodless if the left allows.
Here is my proof! WHERE IS YOURS??? Talk about a dumb ass... YOU provide nothing like the below! Point out with links, substantiation that the below is WRONG!!
The first son Hunter Biden affirmed during his Wednesday impeachment inquiry deposition that his father, Joe, was “the big guy” referenced in an email about a business deal with a Chinese state-linked energy firm that yielded millions for Biden family members and other associates, more than three years after The Post broke the story — but rejected the notion that the president was ever penciled in for a 10% stake.

The contract was part of an arrangement designed to funnel $5 million from the Chinese communist government-connected CEFC to Hunter and James Biden to compensate them for work done while Joe Biden was vice president, according to an FBI interview summary of Tony Bobulinski.
But other records held by the FBI reveal frustration by the Bidens about CEFC’s payment being delayed. Records previously released by Grassley and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) show James and Hunter Biden ultimately profited from a $5 million payment from a company connected to CEFC via a separate arrangement.
These documents also indicate that Joe Biden was aware of Hunter Biden’s business arrangements and may have been involved in some of them. It remains unclear whether the FBI took appropriate steps to follow up on this information or passed it to the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office.

After years of denials, Hunter Biden FINALLY acknowledged Joe was ‘the big guy’ in $5M China deal​

At long last, first son Hunter Biden affirmed during his Wednesday impeachment inquiry deposition that his father, Joe, was “the big guy” referenced in an email about a business deal with a Chinese state-linked energy firm that yielded millions for Biden family members and other associates, more than three years after The Post broke the story — but rejected the notion that the president was ever penciled in for a 10% stake.

The deposition represents the first time the 54-year-old Hunter has admitted that his former business partner James Gilliar was referring to Joe Biden when he raised the prospect on May 13, 2017, of the first son holding a 10% stake in the lucrative joint venture involving CEFC China Energy “for the big guy.”

You should be sued for defamation for publishing this.

You should be sued for defamation for publishing this.
So you are saying NY Post should be sued?
More importantly where is your PROOF that what was commented on was NOT True?
How did he prove him wrong? Trump is a modern day Nazi. It's like he is running the Hitler playbook for god sakes. Better than Adolf. Trump is the best campaigner I've ever seen. Shitty president. Only represented half of America. Hell, 33% of America.
So sealybobo... you totally approve of this statement from Biden?
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "
Consequence of that: Illegal border crossings have averaged 2 million per year since 2021 or over 8 million illegals that took Biden at his word...
"surge to the border!
Or this statement and the destruction of fossil fuels?
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”
September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Now prove these statements have improved your life?
The CEO of Chevron , Mike Wirth's statement..
"You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”
So sealybobo... you totally approve of this statement from Biden?
I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "
Consequence of that: Illegal border crossings have averaged 2 million per year since 2021 or over 8 million illegals that took Biden at his word...
"surge to the border!
Or this statement and the destruction of fossil fuels?
I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”
September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

Now prove these statements have improved your life?
The CEO of Chevron , Mike Wirth's statement..
"You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’”

During a speech in Green Bay, Wisconsin, former President Donald Trump pointed to a chart on apprehensions of people trying to enter the U.S. illegally at the southwest border.

“See the arrow on the bottom? That was my last week in office,” Trump said. “That was the lowest number in history.” But Trump was wrong on both points.

Even though Biden is physical challenged...(remember what was said by Robert K. Hur in clearing Biden of unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents said the reason for clearing Biden is Hur considered that
"Biden would likely present himself to a jury … as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,"
So the problem Biden has is he doesn't have the financial resources to defend he and Hunter for extremely severe prosecutions of their various criminal activities.
Now some of you Biden supporters say where's the proof?
Just like we did when Biden's prosecutors were going after Trump.
What will happen though is Biden may win but he won't live to complete the term simply because of his AGE!
The real reason Biden is running for President is survival! He and Hunter as well as other family members will be prosecuted by Trump for sure and before any of that occurs, Biden's health will hinder.

FBI Possesses Significant, Impactful, Voluminous Evidence Of Potential Criminality In Biden Family Business Arrangements​

Grassley seeks specific records from FBI related to Biden deals with foreign nationals and companies connected to the communist Chinese regime​

They have absolutely no evidence of any crimes by Biden. Here is what we know , first your point is a lie . but trump knows as does everyone else that if Trump doesn't win he will go to jail for the rest of his life. Canon will be overturned and this time thrown off the case. And when shitpants loses the election he will ask his followers to kill for him and they will without a doubt , he will do that because it's that or going to jail and he knows it. So will you kill for him when he asks.
So an unarmed person standing in an open field can defend himself against a sniper shooting bullets at him?

Trump really proved how well he thinks under pressure, and how resilient he is in the face of hate and vile.
Trump was back to his old ways of throwing out more hate and vile, than any other politician, in his hour and half acceptance speech.
Trump was back to his old ways of throwing out more hate and vile, than any other politician, in his hour and half acceptance speech.
Yeah, I saw that CNN made that claim this morning in order to get their brainwashed cultists to stsrt spreading the hate again. I see you’re obliging them.
Even though Biden is physical challenged...(remember what was said by Robert K. Hur in clearing Biden of unauthorized removal and retention of classified documents said the reason for clearing Biden is Hur considered that
"Biden would likely present himself to a jury … as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,"
So the problem Biden has is he doesn't have the financial resources to defend he and Hunter for extremely severe prosecutions of their various criminal activities.
Now some of you Biden supporters say where's the proof?
Just like we did when Biden's prosecutors were going after Trump.
What will happen though is Biden may win but he won't live to complete the term simply because of his AGE!
The real reason Biden is running for President is survival! He and Hunter as well as other family members will be prosecuted by Trump for sure and before any of that occurs, Biden's health will hinder.

FBI Possesses Significant, Impactful, Voluminous Evidence Of Potential Criminality In Biden Family Business Arrangements​

Grassley seeks specific records from FBI related to Biden deals with foreign nationals and companies connected to the communist Chinese regime​

There was no evidence of intent. The additional language trump appointee Hur included, in violation of DoJ protocol, was the result of his hands being tied based on the evidence. So he did what he could to smear Joe, like treacherous Repubs do, since prosecution was never an option.
Trump was back to his old ways of throwing out more hate and vile, than any other politician, in his hour and half acceptance speech.

Literally not one word of hate or vile.

I fear that his near death experience may lead to him forgetting how evil you bastards are and he ends up not crushing y'all to the extent that you need crushed.
Literally not one word of hate or vile.

I fear that his near death experience may lead to him forgetting how evil you bastards are and he ends up not crushing y'all to the extent that you need crushed.
Na. He’s more dedicated than ever.
Na. He’s more dedicated than ever.

Dedicated to winning.

I fear not dedicated enough to crippling the apparatus and the people who drive it.

The Democrat Party should be shredded to the point that they are never viable again,
So he gave up the documents once he was caught?
If there was any evidence Joe was concealing his possession of them, like ignoring a subpoena or having employees move them around, Hur would have had something to charge him with. As it is all he could do was harm Joe in the only way available. A very public smear. Something he'll likely be rewarded for by orange jesus if he gets the chance.

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