I Truly Believe All Of Those Trump Lovers Should Be Drug And Mental Tested. It Was Bizzare

They were cheering, crying with adoring love, and it was bizarre. If that is unity, Lord have mercy on their perception of unity.
He was divisive. He was rambling over an hour and half of sheer bragging and nonsense. He praised dictators and so happy with Orban endorsement. He promises to kick out 11,000 people if he keeps his promise ( according to MSNBC stats) of largest deportation since Eisenhower. He flip flopped and seemed lost when he jumped over to words of love for Hannibal Lector. He promises to find a cure for cancer and Alzheimer

CNN is claiming he has the electoral college and winning. This brings me to what in the world are these trance like people hearing? I kept thinking of Jim Jones and Jonestown. ( looking for koolaid drinks in their hands) and Drill baby Drill was chanted and he said he would do away with Green Initiatives . I guess all forgot about the awful heat we are enduring.
He was off script and claimed he was not supposed to be “ here tonight”, pretending to give God praise and then gave himself credit for turning his head a certain way , He played that violin for a awhile.. He went over to the deceased dead victim’s fireman’s suit and kissed it. I almost vomited.

Psychiatrists will write many books on that delusion for many years to come.
I think you'd better take advantage of the special day set aside for the most irrational of TRUMP! haters to vote so they don't come in contact with regular people. I'll check, but I think it's sometime in December.

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