What is Biden's Path to Victory?

No, trust me, it is real. That is why they hate Russia so much--- not because they invade Ukraine and take a little land but because Putin refuses to be a player.

Well if it's real it's not doing so great huh? Look at France for example. And Canada.

How's the saying go?

Never attribute to malice what can be put down to stupidity
Well if it's real it's not doing so great huh? Look at France for example. And Canada.
How's the saying go?
Never attribute to malice what can be put down to stupidity

Random variations just as some years the weather is stormier or not, but you have to look at the big picture.

Never underestimate an enemy.
They are either made to scurry back under their rocks or we must split.
X marks the spot.

Random variations just as some years the weather is stormier or not, but you have to look at the big picture.

Never underestimate an enemy.

yes but also they always look fearsome until they're....not.

So don't overestimate them either.

Dozens of House Democrats are reportedly considering issuing a public demand that President Joe Biden drop out of the 2024 presidential race.

Biden's troubling debate with former President Donald Trump last week inspired a massive wave of criticism and speculation over whether he could be replaced as the Democratic Party's nominee before November.

Only one Democratic House member—Lloyd Doggett of Texas—had publicly suggested that Biden should step aside as of Tuesday, while the president continues to campaign and has given no indication that he intends to exit the race.

However, at least 25 U.S. House members on Tuesday were "preparing to call for Biden to step aside" if he "seems shaky in coming days," according to a Reuters report based on the comments of an anonymous Democratic House aide.

Now, I don't trust anonymous sources and I won't ask you to trust this one. But it isn't an outlandish idea, considering the outcry after the debate, I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be very real.

The part about Loyd Dogget is real. Dogget is a Texan and even Democrats in Texas know a losing cause when they see it. Democrats hate Texans, even of their own party, so they will disregard this. If twenty-five or more Democrats really do step forward, how will Biden answer?

Here, a Biden surrogate, the Governor of Pennsylvania, talks about Biden's performance in the debate, by attacking Donald Trump.

The host lets him go on and on and then hits him with this:

Governor, If the past is as dark as you say it is, if the threat is as big as you fear it is, is the Joe Biden who was on that stage your best option to prevent it from happening again?


The governor's answer was more attacks on Trump, naturally. Not the point.

This is CNN asking these questions. Biden has lost the media, is the bad news for him and the Dems. Good news for Dems is that they are all but begging you to put up someone else, and the implied promise is a full court press to promote whoever you pick. Free advertising, disguised as news reporting for the duration.

Can Biden win the general with so many of his own party urging him to step down due to inability to handle the job? If so, how in the world can he do it?

"only trump can beat trump."

don't worry about biden and his own party. let trump keep bragging about the supreme court and complaining about sharks, windmills, or whatever else silly delusion he feelz we need to know.

Dozens of House Democrats are reportedly considering issuing a public demand that President Joe Biden drop out of the 2024 presidential race.

Biden's troubling debate with former President Donald Trump last week inspired a massive wave of criticism and speculation over whether he could be replaced as the Democratic Party's nominee before November.

Only one Democratic House member—Lloyd Doggett of Texas—had publicly suggested that Biden should step aside as of Tuesday, while the president continues to campaign and has given no indication that he intends to exit the race.

However, at least 25 U.S. House members on Tuesday were "preparing to call for Biden to step aside" if he "seems shaky in coming days," according to a Reuters report based on the comments of an anonymous Democratic House aide.

Now, I don't trust anonymous sources and I won't ask you to trust this one. But it isn't an outlandish idea, considering the outcry after the debate, I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be very real.

The part about Loyd Dogget is real. Dogget is a Texan and even Democrats in Texas know a losing cause when they see it. Democrats hate Texans, even of their own party, so they will disregard this. If twenty-five or more Democrats really do step forward, how will Biden answer?

Here, a Biden surrogate, the Governor of Pennsylvania, talks about Biden's performance in the debate, by attacking Donald Trump.

The host lets him go on and on and then hits him with this:

Governor, If the past is as dark as you say it is, if the threat is as big as you fear it is, is the Joe Biden who was on that stage your best option to prevent it from happening again?


The governor's answer was more attacks on Trump, naturally. Not the point.

This is CNN asking these questions. Biden has lost the media, is the bad news for him and the Dems. Good news for Dems is that they are all but begging you to put up someone else, and the implied promise is a full court press to promote whoever you pick. Free advertising, disguised as news reporting for the duration.

Can Biden win the general with so many of his own party urging him to step down due to inability to handle the job? If so, how in the world can he do it?

/----/ Good news. Obozo loses his grip on the democRAT Party.
Dinesh D’Souza

The fact that calls from Democrats for Biden to exit the race are gaining momentum shows that Obama no longer controls the party. If Biden goes, Obama goes too! The Obama era, which replaced the Reagan era, may finally be coming to an end
"only trump can beat trump."

don't worry about biden and his own party. let trump keep bragging about the supreme court and complaining about sharks, windmills, or whatever else silly delusion he feelz we need to know.
/----/ And let Dementia Joe keep bragging about beating Medicare.
A big shift is happening within the Democratic Party.

Nancy Pelosi is now declaring that it is perfectly legitimate to question Joe Biden’s mental health, just days after putting Biden’s debate debacle down to a “bad night,” and repeatedly asserting Biden is cognitively sharp.

On Sunday, Pelosi told CNN’s Dana Bash that Biden “has the stamina” to carry on in the race and that it is really Donald Trump who is suffering from dementia.

Fast forward two days to Tuesday and Pelosi is telling MSNBC “I think it’s a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition?” referring to Biden’s mental ability.

Paul Joseph Watson

Nancy Pelosi is now declaring that it is perfectly legitimate to question Joe Biden’s mental health, just days after putting Biden’s debate debacle down to a “bad night,” and repeatedly asserting Biden is cognitively sharp.
"only trump can beat trump."

don't worry about biden and his own party. let trump keep bragging about the supreme court and complaining about sharks, windmills, or whatever else silly delusion he feelz we need to know.
So, your answer is that Trump is so bad that Biden can still beat him even if his party turns on him?
So, your answer is that Trump is so bad that Biden can still beat him even if his party turns on him?
yes, i think major could get more popular votes than trump. electoral votes are questionable. if trump; manages to start enough shit he might win in the legislature or the streets, but he will never have, and does not seem to want, "consent of the governed."
yes, i think major could get more popular votes than trump. electoral votes are questionable. if trump; manages to start enough shit he might win in the legislature or the streets, but he will never have, and does not seem to want, "consent of the governed."
If Trump wins the electoral college, you would not consider that to be "consent of the governed?"

FWIW, I believe that the government has gotten far too big, far too powerful, far two willing to govern us through regulations rather than laws passed by elected lawmakers, and far too willing and able to intrude into our lives if we oppose them for us to give "consent." That's true, no matter who occupies the White House, as we saw especially during Trump's first term.

But the question above assumes that elections are the vehicle for granting "consent."
yes, i think major could get more popular votes than trump. electoral votes are questionable. if trump; manages to start enough shit he might win in the legislature or the streets, but he will never have, and does not seem to want, "consent of the governed."
/—-/ Explain his polling numbers and campaign donations.

Dozens of House Democrats are reportedly considering issuing a public demand that President Joe Biden drop out of the 2024 presidential race.

Biden's troubling debate with former President Donald Trump last week inspired a massive wave of criticism and speculation over whether he could be replaced as the Democratic Party's nominee before November.

Only one Democratic House member—Lloyd Doggett of Texas—had publicly suggested that Biden should step aside as of Tuesday, while the president continues to campaign and has given no indication that he intends to exit the race.

However, at least 25 U.S. House members on Tuesday were "preparing to call for Biden to step aside" if he "seems shaky in coming days," according to a Reuters report based on the comments of an anonymous Democratic House aide.

Now, I don't trust anonymous sources and I won't ask you to trust this one. But it isn't an outlandish idea, considering the outcry after the debate, I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be very real.

The part about Loyd Dogget is real. Dogget is a Texan and even Democrats in Texas know a losing cause when they see it. Democrats hate Texans, even of their own party, so they will disregard this. If twenty-five or more Democrats really do step forward, how will Biden answer?

Here, a Biden surrogate, the Governor of Pennsylvania, talks about Biden's performance in the debate, by attacking Donald Trump.

The host lets him go on and on and then hits him with this:

Governor, If the past is as dark as you say it is, if the threat is as big as you fear it is, is the Joe Biden who was on that stage your best option to prevent it from happening again?


The governor's answer was more attacks on Trump, naturally. Not the point.

This is CNN asking these questions. Biden has lost the media, is the bad news for him and the Dems. Good news for Dems is that they are all but begging you to put up someone else, and the implied promise is a full court press to promote whoever you pick. Free advertising, disguised as news reporting for the duration.

Can Biden win the general with so many of his own party urging him to step down due to inability to handle the job? If so, how in the world can he do it?

Biden will get a million billion votes because everyone loves him.

Democrats be "ridin with Biden" even though he is in no condition to drive.

What could go wrong?

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