Turn Out The Lights, Biden's Party Is Over

If you have noticed, we have democrats all over the place and their lefty media all piling on Biden to step down as the Democratic nominee. Republicans and their media don't even have to say anything. The piling on is being done by Biden's own side and it is getting to be more and more, even after the ABC interview. Turn Out The Lights, Biden's Party Is Over. Trump was already going to win and now he not only has a massive war chest to attack Biden with in ads, but Biden and his team are giving them tons of free ammunition. There is only one solution left, bring in the second string quarterback. How embarrassing.
They installed the senile old man and lied to hide his dementia for three 1/2 years. He thinks he earned and deserves the WH, and he's not going anyplace.

THe shadenfreude descending on the Dem cult couldn't be sweeter.
They installed the senile old man and lied to hide his dementia for three 1/2 years. He thinks he earned and deserves the WH, and he's not going anyplace.

THe shadenfreude descending on the Dem cult couldn't be sweeter.
I have said numerous times that the Biden presidency is the karma presidency. Karma has come back to slug them across the face with an axe.
If you have noticed, we have democrats all over the place and their lefty media all piling on Biden to step down as the Democratic nominee. Republicans and their media don't even have to say anything. The piling on is being done by Biden's own side and it is getting to be more and more, even after the ABC interview. Turn Out The Lights, Biden's Party Is Over. Trump was already going to win and now he not only has a massive war chest to attack Biden with in ads, but Biden and his team are giving them tons of free ammunition. There is only one solution left, bring in the second string quarterback. How embarrassing.
I'm hoping Biden can survive this storm.
For now. But it's a long way to November and even with Biden's stumbles, I don't see Trump crushing the poll numbers. That's because most voters, don't want to see either one of them. I'd hold the Trump victory party. :)
Six- point difference in leftwing polls is a pretty astounding lead, especially when they skew 10 points in favor of Democrats to start with.
If you have noticed, we have democrats all over the place and their lefty media all piling on Biden to step down as the Democratic nominee. Republicans and their media don't even have to say anything. The piling on is being done by Biden's own side and it is getting to be more and more, even after the ABC interview. Turn Out The Lights, Biden's Party Is Over. Trump was already going to win and now he not only has a massive war chest to attack Biden with in ads, but Biden and his team are giving them tons of free ammunition. There is only one solution left, bring in the second string quarterback. How embarrassing.
They installed the senile old man and lied to hide his dementia for three 1/2 years. He thinks he earned and deserves the WH, and he's not going anyplace.

THe shadenfreude descending on the Dem cult couldn't be sweeter.
I'm hoping Biden can survive this storm.
Me too but it ain't happenin. There is just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many attack ads Trump could run against him, not only with his dementia, but with many in his own party wanting him to step down. These people can't take it back. It's all on video.
They installed the senile old man and lied to hide his dementia for three 1/2 years. He thinks he earned and deserves the WH, and he's not going anyplace.

THe shadenfreude descending on the Dem cult couldn't be sweeter.
I just don't see how Biden can go on. The sheer number of attack ads Trump could air is stunning. Not only regarding Biden's dementia but numerous calls by his own party to step down. Those can't be taken back. All Trump has to say in his ads is, "You don't even have to listen to me, just listen to all of those in Biden's own party saying that Biden isn't up to the job".
I just don't see how Biden can go on. The sheer number of attack ads Trump could air is stunning. Not only regarding Biden's dementia but numerous calls by his own party to step down. Those can't be taken back. All Trump has to say in his ads is, "You don't even have to listen to me, just listen to all of those in Biden's own party saying that Biden isn't up to the job".
I'm pleasantly surprised that Trump is keeping quiet as the Biden campaign turns into a dumpster fire.

July looks like a free month to bank cash and watch his poll numbers climb.

I'm sure that the democrat billionaires will come out strong against Trump after the dem ticket is set after the DNC convention.
If you have noticed, we have democrats all over the place and their lefty media all piling on Biden to step down as the Democratic nominee. Republicans and their media don't even have to say anything. The piling on is being done by Biden's own side and it is getting to be more and more, even after the ABC interview. Turn Out The Lights, Biden's Party Is Over. Trump was already going to win and now he not only has a massive war chest to attack Biden with in ads, but Biden and his team are giving them tons of free ammunition. There is only one solution left, bring in the second eme quarterback. How embarrassing.
You would think so but Democrats are dumb motherfuckers . They would vote for Hillary Clinton imagine thAt
I don't think so.

Hey, I love Biden, and wish him well, but I have to look at what people who don't eat and breathe this stuff think. Because they are the middle that are going to swing this election.

I watched the debate with my wife, who for those playing along at home, is from China. She thought Biden looked tired and confused during the debate.

The issue should be Trump's mental instability and love of fascism.

Instead, it's "Is Biden okay?"
It will. tRump can't stay quiet for much longer. The news cycle will revolve.
I'm pleasantly surprised that Trump is keeping quiet as the Biden campaign turns into a dumpster fire.

July looks like a free month to bank cash and watch his poll numbers climb.

I'm sure that the democrat billionaires will come out strong against Trump after the dem ticket is set after the DNC convention.
I think with Trump it is a 50/50 thing. One half is in being smart enough to just sit back and watch the fire burn. The other half is the fear that Biden may be forced to step down and Trump would rather run against Biden. If he piles on, he might just be pushing Biden over the edge of the cliff, assuming Biden hasn't already fallen.
You would think so but Democrats are dumb motherfuckers . They would vote for Hillary Clinton imagine thAt
Democrats arrogantly thought that they had the deep state in place so much that they would never lose again, Republicans would never win again, and the anointed one would be the beginning of their king/queen dynasty that would last thousands of years. Trump destroyed that in 2016 and for that they have decided that he must pay the price.
Regardless of Biden or his replacement winning, there's no way the US establishment will allow Trump to become the president again.
He would interfere with the war against Russia and that can't be allowed.

The risk Trump represents to the country is too great.

I think for that reason, the impossibilities with Biden can be believed to be possible.

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