Busy Hurricane Season is predicted for 2024

I'm not arguing with you or them. I'm correcting it. Science works best when challenged.
You're not arguing because you've yet to formulate an even trivially viable hypothesis and no one is interested in wasting their time with you.
You're not arguing because you've yet to formulate an even trivially viable hypothesis and no one is interested in wasting their time with you.
I'm arguing against extreme weather events being a sign that increased CO2 is the cause.
Extreme weather events.
You've managed to get the cart before the horse. CO2 is causing warming which is increasing the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans. Those increased temperatures provide more energy for storms. No one has suggested that increased storms are evidence that increased CO2 has caused increased storms. The only argument being made along those lines is that increased storm intensity and acceleration is evidence that water and air temperatures have increased and it is already long-accepted that those increases are due to human GHG emisisons. Science is not debating what is causing the warming we're experiencing. That ship has sailed.
You've managed to get the cart before the horse. CO2 is causing warming which is increasing the temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans. Those increased temperatures provide more energy for storms. No one has suggested that increased storms are evidence that increased CO2 has caused increased storms. The only argument being made along those lines is that increased storm intensity and acceleration is evidence that water and air temperatures have increased and it is already long-accepted that those increases are due to human GHG emisisons. Science is not debating what is causing the warming we're experiencing. That ship has sailed.
That's you putting the cart before the horse. It's temperature which affects weather patterns. And since this interglacial period is 2C colder than previous interglacial periods, there's nothing unusual about today's weather. It's exactly like it been in every other interglacial period which were warmer than today. You think CO2 is responsible for the recent warming trend. I think it is due mostly to the planet warming back up to its pre-glacial temperature like it always does after a glacial period.
That's you putting the cart before the horse. It's temperature which affects weather patterns. And since this interglacial period is 2C colder than previous interglacial periods, there's nothing unusual about today's weather.
You've tried to run that line a hundred times. What you have NEVER done, despite numerous requests, is to explain why every interglacial should have the same maximum temperature or what evidence makes you think the HCO wasn't this period's peak.
It's exactly like it been in every other interglacial period which were warmer than today. You think CO2 is responsible for the recent warming trend. I think it is due mostly to the planet warming back up to its pre-glacial temperature like it always does after a glacial period.
Warming up HOW?
You've tried to run that line a hundred times. What you have NEVER done, despite numerous requests, is to explain why every interglacial should have the same maximum temperature or what evidence makes you think the HCO wasn't this period's peak.

Warming up HOW?
The exact same way it did in every other interglacial period. Return of heat circulation from the Atlantic to the Arctic followed by a period of naturally warming back up to its pre-glacial temperature..

What you have NEVER done, despite numerous requests, is to explain why every interglacial should have the same maximum temperature
Glacial cycles are driven by changes in ocean circulation. A disruption of heat circulation from the Atlantic to the Arctic. The main components being salinity changes, density changes, wind pattern changes from solar changes. So it's not the exact same temperature each time but you can clearly see a range of values where the reversal occurs.
The vast majority of heat is stored on the ocean, not the atmosphere.
You'd think lefties would be flocking to Texas and Florida to harness all that wind power.
Glacial cycles are driven by changes in ocean circulation. A disruption of heat circulation from the Atlantic to the Arctic. The main components being salinity changes, density changes, wind pattern changes from solar changes. So it's not the exact same temperature each time but you can clearly see a range of values where the reversal occurs.
When you say "solar changes", you mean Milankovitch cycles, correct? So why don't you show us the changes in the Milankovitch parameters that would produce the last 150 years of this pattern:


Or this

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