Rate Of Young Women Getting Sterilized Doubled After Roe Was Overturned

That's not going to happen, Chicken Little

Unfortunately, many USAID-funded global health activities remain rooted in patterns that began decades ago and measure improvements in terms of inputsā€”money spentā€”instead of outcomes achieved. From the 1950s to 1970s, the major recognized threats to human health were infectious diseases such as polio and smallpox, and USAID funded programs ā€œinā€ a country, not ā€œwithā€ a country. Maternal and child health, food, water, and sanitation programs were often intermittent. USAID consistently financed population control, contraception, and abortion as essential to ā€œdevelopment.ā€ Most programs focused on one disease or condition but had little integration with other global health activities. Chronic diseases were ignored.Consequently, the next conservative Administration should focus on updating the Global Health Bureauā€™s portfolio, emphasizing a comprehensive approach to supporting women, children, and families; building host-country institutional capacity; increasing awards to local and faith-based partners (expanding what occurred during the Trump Administration with the NPI); and improving USAIDā€™s ability to coordinate with local partners


In Roe decision, Justice Clarence Thomas invites new legal challenges to contraception and same-sex marriage rights​

Experts told The Texas Tribune that Thomasā€™ opinion signals an openness from the court to reconsidering other settled legal precedents related to rights the court has ruled are protected by the constitution.

In Roe decision, Justice Clarence Thomas invites new legal challenges to contraception and same-sex marriage rights

Thomas wrote, ā€œIn future cases, we should reconsider all of this Courtā€™s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.ā€

Unfortunately, many USAID-funded global health activities remain rooted in patterns that began decades ago and measure improvements in terms of inputsā€”money spentā€”instead of outcomes achieved. From the 1950s to 1970s, the major recognized threats to human health were infectious diseases such as polio and smallpox, and USAID funded programs ā€œinā€ a country, not ā€œwithā€ a country. Maternal and child health, food, water, and sanitation programs were often intermittent. USAID consistently financed population control, contraception, and abortion as essential to ā€œdevelopment.ā€ Most programs focused on one disease or condition but had little integration with other global health activities. Chronic diseases were ignored.Consequently, the next conservative Administration should focus on updating the Global Health Bureauā€™s portfolio, emphasizing a comprehensive approach to supporting women, children, and families; building host-country institutional capacity; increasing awards to local and faith-based partners (expanding what occurred during the Trump Administration with the NPI); and improving USAIDā€™s ability to coordinate with local partners


In Roe decision, Justice Clarence Thomas invites new legal challenges to contraception and same-sex marriage rights​

Experts told The Texas Tribune that Thomasā€™ opinion signals an openness from the court to reconsidering other settled legal precedents related to rights the court has ruled are protected by the constitution.

In Roe decision, Justice Clarence Thomas invites new legal challenges to contraception and same-sex marriage rights

Thomas wrote, ā€œIn future cases, we should reconsider all of this Courtā€™s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.ā€


Contraception isn't going to be outlawed. That's just hyperbole you loons screech
Contraception isn't going to be outlawed. That's just hyperbole you loons screech

was it in the past? it was.

was abortion legal up to the point of viability?

it was.

mifepristone is safe for now - the supremes ruled against the case because it didn't have standing that does NOT mean it can be polished up & then revisited.

talk about a disCONnect. wow.
Sophia Ferst remembers her reaction to learning that the Supreme Court had overturned Roe v. Wade: She needed to get sterilized.

After Roe was overturned in June 2022, doctors said a wave of young people like Ferst started asking for permanent birth control like tubal ligations, in which the fallopian tubes are removed, or vasectomies.

New research published this spring in JAMA Health Forum shows how big that wave of young people is nationally.

So much for the forced birth great white wave. Good job whitetards, you just accelerated the minority population.

Young white single women vote near 70% dem.

Blacks vote 92% dem.

Great news either way!
was it in the past? it was.

was abortion legal up to the point of viability?

it was.

mifepristone is safe for now - the supremes ruled against the case because it didn't have standing that does NOT mean it can be polished up & then revisited.

talk about a disCONnect. wow.

You're just being hysterical. Calm down
Sophia Ferst remembers her reaction to learning that the Supreme Court had overturned Roe v. Wade: She needed to get sterilized.

After Roe was overturned in June 2022, doctors said a wave of young people like Ferst started asking for permanent birth control like tubal ligations, in which the fallopian tubes are removed, or vasectomies.

New research published this spring in JAMA Health Forum shows how big that wave of young people is nationally.

So much for the forced birth great white wave. Good job whitetards, you just accelerated the minority population.
Conservatives screwup again; Republicans are incapable of sound, responsible governance.

Such is the idiotic right.
LOL. Then there simply won't be enough Trad Wives to supplement the amount of lily white births you were counting on to keep you relevant.
Congrats, you just replaced yourself! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
So what, they also won't be raising little assholes either. That will end of thinking abortion should be used as birth control. So again, thank you. Oh and they will no longer get to kill their child for convenience.
So what, they also won't be raising little assholes either. That will end of thinking abortion should be used as birth control. So again, thank you. Oh and they will no longer get to kill their child for convenience.

I'm in the firm belief women like her shouldn't have children. She sounds like a selfish bitch
it already is in some states & if project 2025 gets thru - courtesy of yer chosen one's election, then it will be banned 100% gone.

ummm no. but it's also none of your business if your tax dollars aren't paying for it & the vast majority of abortions occur in the 1st trimester - WELL b4 viability.

IT'S THEIR CHOICE. women aren't stupid. AND they can decide for themselves. are you for real???
Doing away with roe-v-wade gave the power to the states dumbass. If Trump wanted to do away with abortion he would of kept roe-v-wade in which the federal government could've done away with it. Thanks again for spreading misinformation, you're saving hundreds of thousands of babies deaths and making it so these women will have no children. To raise to be little shits.
I'm in the firm belief women like her shouldn't have children. She sounds like a selfish bitch
I know, they are doing us a favor. Because none of these women will have children to raise to teach abortion is okay. Also there will be less money planned parenthood will be receiving from abortions. To give to the democrat party. They give them millions.
Doing away with roe-v-wade gave the power to the states dumbass.

um - the power should be with bodily autonomy.

If Trump wanted to do away with abortion he would of kept roe-v-wade in which the federal government could've done away with it.

he needs the religious right to vote for him - he doesn't care about r V w unless it gets him what he needs & will say what it takes to get 'er dun.

Thanks again for spreading misinformation,


you're saving hundreds of thousands of babies deaths and making it so these women will have no children.

they can make up their own minds. radical concept, isn't it?

To raise to be little shits.

okey dokey! :113:
Not educated? Lol, coming from someone who thinks a baby with a beating heart is a fetus. That's funny, also coming from the party that thinks you can change your gender.

um - the power should be with bodily autonomy.

he needs the religious right to vote for him - he doesn't care about r V w unless it gets him what he needs & will say what it takes to get 'er dun.


they can make up their own minds. radical concept, isn't it?

okey dokey! :113:
Yes because if they sterilize themselves they killed no one and will never have the opportunity to do so. So again thanks spreading misinformation about Trump doing away with abortion. I hope everyone of them gets sterilized. Maybe we should start a go fund me page to raise money for it. I'm all for it!

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