*Biden Moves, Ashli Babbit Case To DC; For A Judge His Has In Back Pocket!*

You're lying again. They were not all evacuated at 2:20. It was at 2:20 they BEGAN evacuating.

And I showed you video where the gunshot was heard by members of Congress still inside the House chamber.

And i showed you video of a Congresswoman who was there who said she heard it.

Now you're just lying.
You decided to be an asshole. I am done trying to reason with you.
PRESCOTT, AZ - Representative Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement in remembrance of Ashli Babbitt, who was killed in the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.

“Six months ago today, Ashli Babbitt, a 110-pound woman with nothing in her hands, not a rock, not a stick or a bat, was shot dead by a still unknown Capitol Hill police officer. Her death has been ruled a homicide. Yet, we have very little information about her death. Our fake news media has asked no questions or sought information about this tragedy. So, I have. And now President Trump has joined me in seeking the truth.

In many instances, when a law enforcement officer kills an individual for any reason, that officer’s name is publicly released. There is then an investigation and the public is given updates, briefings and ultimately a copy of the investigation. But not in the case of Ashli Babbitt. Instead, there is a determined effort to cover up the full circumstances of this homicide and the American people won’t stand for it.

Why won’t the Department of Justice identify the shooter? Why won’t the Department of Justice release the nearly 14,000 hours of surveillance video taken on January 6? I have asked for this for months. Why haven’t the SWAT team members standing by Ashli at the moment of her murder been interrogated and their statements released? They were right next to her and saw no threat. Certainly, no lethal threat. Why were there no warnings given or escalation of command and force in proper law enforcement technique? Why have no charges been brought against the shooter for negligent homicide or more?

It is unjust to sweep Ashli’s death under the rug by merely saying she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, as so many have. Her life mattered. We do not allow the execution of citizens by street “justice” in our country. We have rejected vigilantism and police abuse for generations.

Ashli’s family and the American people deserve to know the truth about her death. A fair investigation is needed, and this cannot just be hidden from public scrutiny. Transparency is critical for the public to accept the conclusions. I will not stop my quest to find answers to who killed Ashli Babbitt,” said Rep. Gosar.

His name wasn't immediately released because Trump nuts were publicly stating they wanted to kill him.
You decided to be an asshole. I am done trying to reason with you.

Calling a liar a "liar" doesn't make me an asshole. Not my problem your feelings are so delicate.

But you've told numerous lies to prop up this fantasy of yours that this was murder.

I showed the weapon she was carrying AND the law identifying it as an illegal "dangerous weapon" to carry in the Capitol -- yet you lie, still denying she was armed.

I showed video of lawmakers in the House chamber as the gunshot can be heard -- yet you lie saying they're lying, they weren't there when Ashes was shot.

I posted video of an eyewitness standing next to Ashes who said he heard police warning them to "get back" and how she didn't heed the warnings -- yet you lie still claiming she wasn't warned.

You falsely claimed the closest door leading into the House chamber was 60 feet away.

You falsely claimed I defended Floyd's murderer.
I want to talk to rational people. Let's chat when you wake up.

I'm completely rational. You're the one who's saying a weapon isn't a weapon, saying your own sources can't be trusted, saying your own ears can't hear the gunshot that others say they heard, saying a cop was a "scaredy-cat" because he felt an imminent threat by a violent mob trying to break into the restricted area he was in.

At what point do you hold Trump's thugs accountable for their illegal actions?
Thankfully you are a very rare human being that has the gall to defend a cop who shot to death a hero to this country.

"a hero to this country."

At what point do you hold Trump's thugs accountable for their illegal actions?
You sure are no fan of the US Constitution. Protests are contained as a right, and lookee here, in the damned constitution you clearly hate so much.
Why did they hide Byrd under Guard on an Airforce base for over two weeks after the Shooting if he did no wrong ?
Obama started this shit trying to prosecute Trump. Biden was with him the whole time. Obama wanted Trump in prison as much as Biden ever has.

Proof is Obama told the press to attack Trump claiming he was with the Russians.

This shit dates all the way back to Obama.

The Intelligence Community Assessment: Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections

Summary of Initial Findings

The Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) released in January 2017 assessed that Russian activities in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election represented a significant escalation in a long history of Russian attempts to interfere in U.S. domestic politics. This escalation was made possible by cyber-espionage and cyber-driven covert influence operations, conducted as part of a broader "active measures" campaign that included overt messaging through Russian-controlled propaganda platforms. The ICA revealed key elements of a comprehensive and multifaceted Russian campaign against the United States as it was understood by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the end of 2016.

President Obama in early December 2016 tasked the Intelligence Community with writing an assessment that would capture the existing intelligence on Russian interference in U.S. elections. end of report by the feds by Robert W.

Why this time. Was he hurting Hillary? She lost yet worked to overturn the election of Trump.

Democrats instantly classified Trump as the target.

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At what point do you hold Trump's thugs accountable for their illegal actions?
I see the Supreme Court as working to right the wrong against the protestors.

The media says insurrection. But the Courts do not call it that. They will lose to the Supreme Court.
You sure are no fan of the US Constitution. Protests are contained as a right, and lookee here, in the damned constitution you clearly hate so much.

Protests in restricted areas are not protected by the Constitution. Don't believe? Break into the Oval Office and protest. Tell me how that goes if they don't shoot you.
I see the Supreme Court as working to right the wrong against the protestors.

The media says insurrection. But the Courts do not call it that. They will lose to the Supreme Court.

Umm, some were convicted of Seditious Conspiracy, which is the planning or incitement of insurrection.

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