Marriage rates are at an all-time low.

People have instant entertainment. They don't need the hassle of marriage and kids and the like.

It's the way the modern world is going. In Europe they have all these immigrants from countries with high child birth numbers, as soon as they get rich in Europe they have less kids.

Birth rates have always gone down as a society has become richer. Been that way all of recorded history.
Birth rates have always gone down as a society has become richer. Been that way all of recorded history.

Sure it has. And marriage rates too. Women don't need to be with men, they are with them if they want to. Money gives them that freedom.

Some people don't like women having freedom.
Sure it has. And marriage rates too. Women don't need to be with men, they are with them if they want to. Money gives them that freedom.

Some people don't like women having freedom.

indeed they do not. most likely because they cannot get laid when when have some choices
Clearly this is the effect of the Gay/Lesbian Agenda and the failure of the New Right to defend traditional marriage by outlawing GLBT relationships. Once our Constitution is amended to define marriage as only the union of one man and one woman it will go far in making sure traditional marriage is protected.

Well, maybe not clearly; the rights of others to enjoy the benefits of marriage has nothing to do with the news in the OP, though I have no doubt the loud and proud members of the New Right 'think' so.
Yup. People actually believe that shit What a boatload of bizarre bovine excrement!! “ Clearly this is the effect of the Gay/Lesbian Agenda “ I would ask, how in the name of holy Frankenfuck does that make any sense?? It is beyond stupid to think that supporting gay marriage is -as they seem to think-an attack on “traditional “marriage. It is not a zero sum game. You do not lose something when others win so stop whining. And that shit about “outlawing GLBT relationships.” is over the top outlandish Outlawing relationships. !!! They have no business dictating what relationships consenting adults have None!
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Well, there are different things that come into play.

1. Alot of Men don't deserve to get married with how their attitudes are.
2. It cost alot of $$$ and we are in a recession.
3. A woman can just dump her man and go with some guy who is rich, or who has a huge dick.
4. With modern relationship ethics, it's rare to find something that would work.

Would YOU want to marry a woman who would be likely to leave you for another man because he is better in a way and then get fucked in divorce court? I wouldn't.
Or would YOU want a man who would cheat on you and/or beat you and doesn't give the respect and loyalty you deserve? I wouldn't.

It's just easy to go get a fuck buddy, get off, and be happy for a few days.
That is some seriously dark and cynical shit Bubba
Dropping marriage rates is a big negative for America. As a prime example, the inner cities have the lowest marriage rates in the country and are the worst places to live in terms of crime, education and general quality of life. That was not the case pre-1960 when inner city marriage rates were high and family units were strong.
Clearly this is the effect of the Gay/Lesbian Agenda and the failure of the New Right to defend traditional marriage by outlawing GLBT relationships. Once our Constitution is amended to define marriage as only the union of one man and one woman it will go far in making sure traditional marriage is protected.

Well, maybe not clearly; the rights of others to enjoy the benefits of marriage has nothing to do with the news in the OP, though I have no doubt the loud and proud members of the New Right 'think' so.
Hogeash. Gay marriage has zero affect.
Dropping marriage rates is a big negative for America. As a prime example, the inner cities have the lowest marriage rates in the country and are the worst places to live in terms of crime, education and general quality of life. That was not the case pre-1960 when inner city marriage rates were high and family units were strong.
What do you think should be or could be done about that?
Well I’m not sure what this has to do with the trend of people not getting married in the first place, but it certainly has a bearing on the issue of people being unmarried as the result of divorce. Perhaps the number of people who were married , but no longer are, are factored into the “marriage rate statistic, in which case this would be realivent to the topic.

Its interesting the article that you link to makes no mention of the rate that men ‘cheat . It seems to put the entire onus on women, given an air of misogyny to the issue. In any case, I have said many times that I have doubts that the human species is hard wired for monogamy. Yet people routinely freak out , abandon all rational thought and run to the divorce lawyer over any sexual indiscretion committed by a spouse. In our society it is viewed as the ultimate betrayal .

Maybe there is a better way. If people have such a hard time playing by the rules, maybe the rules need to be changed. I am of the belief that moving away from the idea that monogamy is an absolute and immutable aspect of marriage may hold the key. Non-monogamy can take many forms from and “open marriage “ to” dating” another couple to swing parties.

The bottom line is that if women (and men) are not getting what they need from traditional marriage, these alternative may be worth exploring. It can give married couples an opportunity to find fulfillment without “breaking the rules” and thereby avoid the specter of divorce. It may also serve to boost the marriage rate by alleviating the fear of being trapped in an unfulfilling marriage that some people may harbor. Win, win

Or, as an alternative, we can just prohibit women from holding jobs outside of the home, from driving cars, exposing their hair, arms or legs, and going out in public without a male relative as a chaperone . Which do you prefer ?
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Its interesting the article that you link to makes no mention of the rate that men ‘cheat . It seems to put the entire onus on women, given an air of misogyny to the issue. In any case, I have said many times that I have doubts that the human species is hard wired for monogamy. Yet people routinely freak out , abandon all rational thought and run to the divorce lawyer over any sexual indiscretion committed by a spouse. In our society it is viewed as the ultimate betrayal .

It is the ultimate betrayal.

Maybe there is a better way. If people have such a hard time playing by the rules, maybe the rules need to be changed. I am of the belief that moving away from the idea that monogamy is an absolute and immutable aspect of marriage may hold the key. Non-monogamy can take many forms from and “open marriage “ to” dating” another couple to swing parties.

There are other ways, not sure they are better or worse, just different.

I know two married couples that are in polymerous relationships and it seems to be working well for them. Having sex with someone else in these relationship is not a betrayal as it has been agreed upon ahead of time

The bottom line is that if women (and men) are not getting what they need from traditional marriage, these alternative may be worth exploring. It can give married couples an opportunity to find fulfillment without “breaking the rules” and thereby avoid the specter of divorce. It may also serve to boost the marriage rate by alleviating the fear of being trapped in an unfulfilling marriage that some people may harbor. Win, win

As long as both partners are ok with it and it is agreed to ahead of time I think these things can work for many people
Well I’m not sure what this has to do with the trend of people not getting married in the first place, but it certainly has a bearing on the issue of people being unmarried as the result of divorce. Perhaps the number of people who were married , but no longer are, are factored into the “marriage rate statistic, in which case this would be realivent to the topic.

Its interesting the article that you link to makes no mention of the rate that men ‘cheat . It seems to put the entire onus on women, given an air of misogyny to the issue. In any case, I have said many times that I have doubts that the human species is hard wired for monogamy. Yet people routinely freak out , abandon all rational thought and run to the divorce lawyer over any sexual indiscretion committed by a spouse. In our society it is viewed as the ultimate betrayal .

Maybe there is a better way. If people have such a hard time playing by the rules, maybe the rules need to be changed. I am of the belief that moving away from the idea that monogamy is an absolute and immutable aspect of marriage may hold the key. Non-monogamy can take many forms from and “open marriage “ to” dating” another couple to swing parties.

The bottom line is that if women (and men) are not getting what they need from traditional marriage, these alternative may be worth exploring. It can give married couples an opportunity to find fulfillment without “breaking the rules” and thereby avoid the specter of divorce. It may also serve to boost the marriage rate by alleviating the fear of being trapped in an unfulfilling marriage that some people may harbor. Win, win

Or, as an alternative, we can just prohibit women from holding jobs outside of the home, from driving cars, exposing their hair, arms or legs, and going out in public without a male relative as a chaperone . Which do you prefer ?

I have seen several instances in which infidelity among married women is discussed, but men's infidelities are ignored or glossed over.

Perhaps with "liberation" came the idea to cheat as much as men.

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