Beware the Marxist world of Kamalla Harris: "There’s a big difference between equality and equity."

Now, America is engineered to give the best outcome for those who most deserve it

Meaning the smartest, the wisest, the hardest working, the most ambitious, the risk takers

Which can and often does include black people
Bull hockey. Do you believe a person born into an upper-middle-class family or a family with millions, or even billions of dollars, gets the best outcome due to "hard work"? They were born with access to resources that most other people don't have.

The smartest and wisest are often unconcerned with becoming rich and just want to dedicate themselves to their academic research and field, their work, whatever that might be. Many of the smartest people depend upon government grants or a salary to eat.

The working class takes the real risk, by being present and laboring in the workplace, often under hazardous conditions. Employees risk their health, and lives, working in a dictatorial environment, without much say on how their workplace is run. They're often reduced to just a cog, a piece of machinery, that can be discarded at any moment's notice, "Don't come back on money, you're fired". That's all risky and dehumanizing. That's why most people hate their jobs. Working in capitalism is often nothing more than drudgery. It numbs the soul.
Equity does give everyone a chance at that apple by making adjustments.

equality does not guarantee that you will get that apple and failure is always an option simply because of circumstances beyond your control. There are winners and losers.

So equity makes everyone a winner. levels the playing field.
You’re an idiot. It means everyone is a loser. You can’t have equity without making sure the best are not paid anymore than the worst. Equity means keeping the best down to the level only the worst can achieve.
My profs often tell me about blacks who invented and discovered anything and everything, but then tell me we are disadvantaged.
Blacks have accomplished things even as the deck has been stacked aganst us. That is just the facts.
I doubt it. I have seen CEOS get drunk, take their clothes off and run atound a field naked while getting beer thrown on them. Rugby.
I see them get falling down drunk and doing karaoke every family gathering. I have one uncle who loves to sing Ernest Ranglin (old ass jamaican singer from like the 50s) after two bottles of wine. :lol:
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lol No you have not.
Yes, I actually have. I played rugby. Club rugby is an amateur sport played by people of all walks of life. So I played on a club team with CEOS, attorneys, doctors, and even against a state senator. After each game there is generally a social function where beer served and so is food. People get drunk and crazy. CEO is just a title. Once you start a businsess and file your papers for incorporation, you name the Chief Executive Officer and there is your CEO. You can be a corporation with 5 people and if you are the Cheif Executive Officer you are a CEO.

So it is very possible that you can hear a CEO saying "she so fine" during informal conversation in the office. I doubt you hear that in a business meeting or interview, but in the day to day, it's entirely possible.
I see them get falling down drunk and doing karaoke every family gathering. I have one uncle who loves to sing Ernest Ranglin (old ass jamaican singer from like the 50s) after two bottles of wine. :lol:
LOL! I can see that.
Yes, I actually have. I played rugby. Club rugby is an amateur sport played by peOple of all walks of life. So I played on a club team with CEOS, attorneys, doctors, and even against a state senator. After each game thereis generally a social function where beer served and so is food. People get drunk and crazy. CEO is just a title. Once you start a businsess and file your papers for incorporation, you name the Chief Executive Officer and there is your CEO. You can be a corporation with 5 people and if you are the Cheif Executive Officer you are a CEO.

So it is very possible that you can hear a CEO saying "she so fine" during informal conversation in the office. I doubt you hear that in a business meeting or interview, but in the day to day, it's entirely possible.
I'm talking about Fortune 500 CEOs and similar, not some guy owning a mechanic shop and calling himself president.

You're comparing people recreating to bad grammar. Apples and oranges. People using Ghetto Speak like "She be so fine" are nowhere near CEO.

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