Beware the Marxist world of Kamalla Harris: "There’s a big difference between equality and equity."

'Equity' is hideous, and should not be tolerated in a free capitalistic society!!

We all should be on board for 'equality'. We know, that has not been the case in the past, but the goal starting today, is that everyone should have an equal opportunity.

'Equity' on the other hand, is a whole different animal, and is very un-American!

Not surprisingly, a Marxist will always be for 'equity', where you take and give depending on their needs. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". Sound familliar? This is the world that Kamalla Harris wants for America.

"The government cannot deny rights to certain people because they are black, female, Muslim, etc.—this would be unequal treatment. A mandate to foster equity, though, would give the government power to violate these rights in order to achieve identical social results for all people. In accordance with this thinking, the authorities might be justified in giving some people more rights than others."

Kamala Harris Says Equal Outcomes Should Be the Goal of Public Policy​

"There’s a big difference between equality and equity."​

I used to be a Marxist-Leninist, and now I'm a national socialist. Capitalism has to serve the nation (the public), it can't just focus on profits. People's basic, legitimate needs have to be legally ensured by society, for people to have equality of opportunities, as you've just mentioned. Food, housing, healthcare education, utilities, public transit, and employment, has to become a human right, for every citizen and legal resident (illegals get deported). Private ownership of the means of production should only exist in the consumer goods market, not in industries vital to the nation's infrastructure and economy. Such companies should be publicly owned and managed by the state.
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But that’s just it, you accept no disagreement that doesn’t align with the things you read in your books and news sites. You spend a lot of time researching in an echo chamber, and get caught up in the hate of it all, and then come here and when people push back on you, the first thing you turn to is “well it’s because you’re a racist..”
No, thats not it. You have disagreed with me on things I have lived through, seen others looking like me lived through and have listened to others looking like me in national and international conferenses talking about livinig through.

Thisis a study from Boston Uinversity Law school that you disagreed with. It is based on EVIDENCE, and yet you disagreed based on nothing. You are called a racist because that is what you are. You seem to believe that you know more about what blacks have endured and why than someone black. But you don't and it's not about me going into echo chambers or hate. It is about you being white ignorant and arrogant.

It's not about capituation, but when your ass is shown govermemt policy that has actual discriminatory languge or was proven by process to have actually excluded blacks then you say that it did not happe nor it is not the cause of the problem, YOU are the one with the problem.
Stop what?
I corrected him, blacks are a fine group, so are Asians, so are whites, so are Hispanics.
To stop this disingenuous argument you guys make about equity. Because you ignore what whites have done to create inequty and all you are argung for is to maintain the same inequity because you benefit from it.
To stop this disingenuous argument you guys make about equity. Because you ignore what whites have done to create inequty and all you are argung for is to maintain the same inequity because you benefit from it.

Just out of curiosity, are you employed in the field of perpetual victimhood? I mean seriously, do you actually work and contribute, or is your living made by the racial identity industry? Kind of a junior Al Sharleton, or Jesse Jackass?
No, thats not it. You have disagreed with me on things I have lived through, seen others looking like me lived through and have listened to others looking like me in national and international conferenses talking about livinig through.

Thisis a study from Boston Uinversity Law school that you disagreed with. It is based on EVIDENCE, and yet you disagreed based on nothing. You are called a racist because that is what you are. You seem to believe that you know more about what blacks have endured and why than someone black. But you don't and it's not about me going into echo chambers or hate. It is about you being white ignorant and arrogant.

It's not about capituation, but when your ass is shown govermemt policy that has actual discriminatory languge or was proven by process to have actually excluded blacks then you say that it did not happe nor it is not the cause of the problem, YOU are the one with the problem.
I believe Black people should get at least 1/3rd of the country. Native Americans should get 1/3rd and we Whites should get another 3rd. Split the union into three countries, and we'll establish treaties and do our best to co-exist peacefully. We're willing to cooperate with our neighbors, establishing good diplomatic relations based on mutual respect and common interests.
Just out of curiosity, are you employed in the field of perpetual victimhood? I mean seriously, do you actually work and contribute, or is your living made by the racial identity industry? Kind of a junior Al Sharleton, or Jesse Jackass?
That's what many of the capitalists you worship do. They sit on their asses by the pool, drinking piña coladas while other human beings produce everything for them. Talk about worthless parasites, that's the ultimate leech right there. Someone exploiting other human beings for a profit, living off of other people's labor.
'Equity' is hideous, and should not be tolerated in a free capitalistic society!!

We all should be on board for 'equality'. We know, that has not been the case in the past, but the goal starting today, is that everyone should have an equal opportunity.

'Equity' on the other hand, is a whole different animal, and is very un-American!

Not surprisingly, a Marxist will always be for 'equity', where you take and give depending on their needs. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". Sound familliar? This is the world that Kamalla Harris wants for America.

"The government cannot deny rights to certain people because they are black, female, Muslim, etc.—this would be unequal treatment. A mandate to foster equity, though, would give the government power to violate these rights in order to achieve identical social results for all people. In accordance with this thinking, the authorities might be justified in giving some people more rights than others."

Kamala Harris Says Equal Outcomes Should Be the Goal of Public Policy​

"There’s a big difference between equality and equity."​

Equity is not "each according to their needs" at all.

"Equity" can be defined as the amount of money the owner of an asset would be paid after selling it and any debts associated with the asset were paid off. For example, if you own a home that's worth $200,000 and you have a mortgage of $50,000, the equity in the home would be worth $150,000. Equity is VALUE. How much is something valued.
I have nothing to prove to you little girl. Understand that. So when you've done something more in life then let a bunch of morons pump you up into getting embarrassed, come talk.
You say you have nothing to prove to me, but then you keep trying to prove something.
is this how you think it is used today (examples from milken institute) i had to reformat ....

The Difference Between Equity and Equality​

“The route to achieving equity will not be accomplished through treating everyone equally. It will be achieved by treating everyone justly according to their circumstances.”

—Paula Dressel, Race Matters Institute 1

A city cuts the budget for 25 community centers by reducing the operational hours for all centers by the same amount at the same times.

The city determines which times and how many hours communities actually need to use their community centers and reduces hours for centers that aren’t used as frequently.



A community meeting, where all members of the community are invited, about a local environmental health concern is held in English though English is not the primary language for 25% of the residents.


Examples of EquityThe community leaders hire translators to attend the meeting or offer an additional meeting held in another language.



Examples of EqualityAll public schools in a community have computer labs with the same number of computers and hours of operation during school hours.


Examples of EquityComputer labs in lower income neighborhoods have more computers and printers, as well as longer hours of operation, as some students don’t have access to computers or internet at home.

do they have it wrong? or can you refer to a seminal article?

what makes the equity approach "marxist?" (not that i consider that to be bad)

in the cases abovr there are circumstances in which either solution, or a combination may be appropriate.
I believe Black people should get at least 1/3rd of the country. Native Americans should get 1/3rd and we Whites should get another 3rd. Split the union into three countries, and we'll establish treaties and do our best to co-exist peacefully. We're willing to cooperate with our neighbors, establishing good diplomatic relations based on mutual respect and common interests.

Give 13% of the population a third of the country. Ummmm, no.
White Americans really need to shut up about this. Go back and re read your history so you understand how America was socially engineered to provide the best possible outcomes for whites.
Now, America is engineered to give the best outcome for those who most deserve it

Meaning the smartest, the wisest, the hardest working, the most ambitious, the risk takers

Which can and often does include black people
Give 13% of the population a third of the country. Ummmm, no.
The descendants of the slaves, I would give them much more than 13% of the land. About 30% would be more appropriate, given what their ancestors were subjected to as slaves. The same applies to the Native Americans. We take our 30% and build our nation, with our people.
Now, America is engineered to give the best outcome for those who most deserve it

Meaning the smartest, the wisest, the hardest working, the most ambitious, the risk takers

Which can and often does include black people
My profs often tell me about blacks who invented and discovered anything and everything, but then tell me we are disadvantaged.
The descendants of the slaves, I would give them much more than 13% of the land. About 30% would be more appropriate, given what their ancestors were subjected to as slaves. The same applies to the Native Americans. We take our 30% and build our nation, with our people.

And you can bet the other 60% would be sneaking in to our 30%.

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