Harris has made her choice to cozy up to Muslims and gives a F-U to Jews

There is a lot attributed to Jesus that it is doubtful he ever said, as he was an observant Jew and would never elevate himself to a deity. That’s something Jews don’t do, and the Old Testament never positioned the messiah as a god of some sort.
I am impressed that his mother----BORN QUEEN OF PARADISE---
went to the Temple first thing----and engaged in rituals that
christians like to claim JESUS REJECTED ---although he never
seems to have said so.
You don't want people to wake up. You want them to share your wet dream of firing up the ovens.

The Jews said "Never again". They meant it. And there's nothing an internet pussy like you can do to change it.

People are waking up and those ovens never existed, but in the twisted Jew-mind. People are realizing that now too:

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A good 95% of what you know is simply not true. If you said the sun comes up in the east, I'd get up early with a compass.

But you're just as likely to screech "JOOS MAKE THE SUN COME UP IN THE WEST!!!"


Haha, a Holocaust denier is here

Well, at least the trumpers can feel very smart, by comparison.

I kid, I kid. .

Deny it attention, and it will go away.
People are waking up and those ovens never existed, but in the twisted Jew-mind. People are realizing that now too:

More Resources:

So, the Holocaust never happened...but Hitler didn't kill enough Jews.

If this is some way of trying to convince me you're not retarded, it's not working.
So, the Holocaust never happened...but Hitler didn't kill enough Jews.

If this is some way of trying to convince me you're not retarded, it's not working.
The "Holocaust" never happened, but many people, both Jewish and non-Jewish died as a result of the war. Millions of Eastern Orthodox Christians in Russia died due to Jewish Communism. Jews were the main organizers and propagators of Marxist communism in Europe and Russia.





You serve your radical Muslim masters well, and you will be rewarded.

Just kidding! They'd slash your throat in a heartbeat if it served their purposes. You will likely kiss their feet as you bled out.
Keep fantasizing you k%ke sicko.
The "Holocaust" never happened, but many people, both Jewish and non-Jewish died as a result of the war. Millions of Eastern Orthodox Christians in Russia died due to Jewish Communism. Jews were the main organizers and propagators of Marxist communism in Europe and Russia.
You're boring me, boy. I'd tell you to be more entertaining, but you're redlined. This is the absolute best you can do.

You serve your radical Muslim masters well, and you will be rewarded.

Just kidding! They'd slash your throat in a heartbeat if it served their purposes. You will likely kiss their feet as you bled out.
Is that "person" really a "priest"?
You're boring me, boy. I'd tell you to be more entertaining, but you're redlined. This is the absolute best you can do.


Your indifference to the truth is pathetic, but others take notice and won't flippantly dismiss reality as you do. I respond to your trash, for the sake of others, not you.


The Jewish couple who gave nuclear secrets to the USSR were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. They were American citizens who were convicted of espionage for passing atomic bomb information to the Soviet Union during the Cold War. They were tried in 1951 and convicted of treason, then executed in 1953.

Don't know, don't care. He's full of shit.

But it's shit the resident Nazis like the taste of, so they eat it with a smile.
You're obviously the one who is full of shit. Your only response to what I post, is essentially.."NAAH AAHHHH". That's essentially your response to all of the evidence I present - NAH AAAAH. Practically all of my evidence comes from Jews themselves, admitting to everything I'm saying.


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