republicans supporters should not be complacent and think Trump is a sure win in Nov .

many Republicans on this site are acting as though there is no way Trump could lose in Nov .. my message to them is to face the fact that the left and the msm are all in for Harris no matter what is revealed about her radical far left history .. make no mistake, the left is going to ramp up the identity politics to a level possibly never seen before .. have no doubt the ist and ism [just pick a word to put in front of said letters] will be in full mode soon .. now half the country with common sense knows that such tactics are week and disingenuous but the other half will fall for it by the millions .. so my advise is no matter what the polls say we must realize that the left will stoop to any level to win ! the left is very very good at getting out the vote ! so come election time don't be complacent ! make sure you get out and vote so we can MAGA !
It's going to be the biggest defeat yet. trump has alienated so many groups of voters it isn't funny. I doubt he even breaks 40 million votes.
if you vote you will be able took look in the mirror and know that you at least tried to stop the damage and pain the Dems inflicted on Americans ..
Compared to the devastation trump has wrought on America the Democrats are looking better and better.
Trump cant attack Harris [a woman of color] in the same manner as he did Biden .. he has to be careful and not turn off female voters ..
He already has alienated women voters in not allowing them control over their own bodies / reproductive rights.
It's going to be the biggest defeat yet. trump has alienated so many groups of voters it isn't funny. I doubt he even breaks 40 million votes.
lol ! Trump will get as many votes as he did in 2020 .. will Harris get 81 million ?? if you think your candidate is a sure win your are crazy .. and the right wont be nearly as triggered as the left if their candidate doesn't win ..
Trump cant attack Harris [a woman of color] in the same manner as he did Biden .. he has to be careful and not turn off female voters ..

I think Trump can go after her voting record as a senator and what she did as the AG in Cali and also what she's said and will say, but he can't get personal. I'm not sure he has the restraint to stick to the issues. IMHO, if he does then he wins but if he doesn't, then .... we'll see.
lol ! Trump will get as many votes as he did in 2020 .. will Harris get 81 million ?? if you think your candidate is a sure win your are crazy .. and the right wont be nearly as triggered as the left if their candidate doesn't win ..
There will be more new voters than ever ( 8 million + ) and almost half of them are people of color. And the tide has shifted in favor of Democrats. trump only has token members when it comes to minorities.
I think Trump can go after her voting record as a senator and what she did as the AG in Cali and also what she's said and will say, but he can't get personal. I'm not sure he has the restraint to stick to the issues. IMHO, if he does then he wins but if he doesn't, then .... we'll see.
He doesn't do well with lawyers , he should stick to his schemes he calls policy. That'll fool a few people into voting for him.
Nah, he just needs 270..thats all that’s required!
If he loses the popular vote by an even greater margin and uses deceit and manipulation of any kind to get the electoral college to support him that will end it for good. People will not stand for having their votes nullified. But again the chance of that is also minimal. trump is finished , he killed his chances in so.many different ways. It's totally ironic.
I think Trump can go after her voting record as a senator and what she did as the AG in Cali and also what she's said and will say, but he can't get personal. I'm not sure he has the restraint to stick to the issues. IMHO, if he does then he wins but if he doesn't, then .... we'll see.
He never stuck to the issues before. He's a drama queen. Loves the emotional roller coaster as long as the ride is up. Goes into a tantrum and seclusion ( like the crazy person he is ) on the down part of the ride. This is going to be the biggest down yet. Kamala knows how to treat really bad criminals. Lawyers deal with the worst of the worst and she's got her work cut out for her with trump.
Trump cant attack Harris [a woman of color] in the same manner as he did Biden .. he has to be careful and not turn off female voters ..
/—-/ I mother’s what you’re counting on, but you still don’t know Trump after all this time.
trump attacks everyone all the time , even his own people, he's brutally attacked ( verbally , not physically yet ) no less than 19 republicans. He feels he has to when things don't go his way. Can't accept loss either. Sad character.
/—-/ What’s your point?

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