Republicans voted to pass the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act

It would have been easier to have the law note that, to register, one must have a state issued Real ID license of Identification card, and that states must provide such licensing free. Registration can be done online and requires that ID # as a reference. Requiring someone to physically register is burdensome and contrasts with how most persons register.
A person shouldn't have to submit a certified copy of their birth certificate, but instead provide any copy, or just the information the state can use to locate and verify their birth certificate. Such as give your birth name, birth date, parents names, state and county, and if the information matches, they don't have to get a certified copy, which can easily run $20-$50.
A person shouldn't have to submit a certified copy of their birth certificate, but instead provide any copy, or just the information the state can use to locate and verify their birth certificate. Such as give your birth name, birth date, parents names, state and county, and if the information matches, they don't have to get a certified copy, which can easily run $20-$50.
Thats a good point. Frankly the state should be able to pull it up, online or have a system in place that verifies your submitted data vs. their data in real time. Derp now I am thinking like an old fart too.

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