Whatever happened to this "BILL"?

They'd have to provide them a letter as well, which should be easy enough to research if one has access to state records.

The form says if you can't check all 4 boxes in question 1, then you should not fill out the form.

So the question is how much should these state agencies and those entrusted with counting these votes be trusted? What mechanisms are in place to validate these registration applications, how easy is it to fraudulently register to vote?

(Homeless voters only) A letter from an organization that provides services to the homeless that identifies the voter and describes the location designated as the person’s residence for voting purposes

In point of fact, the Homeless register vote as long there an address to which the registration card can be sent. Usually a shelter or homeless center. I know because I used to register the Homeless in San Fancisco and San Rafael Ca. They would out the registration and received their card where they received their mail. Nor is it not uncommon for churches to act as polling stations, my polling station in San Rafael was community hall of a Baptist Church.

And in California, and certain state a former inmate (convict) can vote. But IF and only IF that former inmate as fulfilled all requirements of their sentencing reccomendation and have been released for probation with signed certificate by the probation officer.
In point of fact, the Homeless register vote as long there an address to which the registration card can be sent. Usually a shelter or homeless center. I know because I used to register the Homeless in San Fancisco and San Rafael Ca. They would out the registration and received their card where they received their mail. Nor is it not uncommon for churches to act as polling stations, my polling station in San Rafael was community hall of a Baptist Church.

And in California, and certain state a former inmate (convict) can vote. But IF and only IF that former inmate as fulfilled all requirements of their sentencing reccomendation and have been released for probation with signed certificate by the probation officer.

So what? Ignorant much? By defintion all Non-Citizen Illegals are "homeless" and can use the Shelter address. That is the entire problem. They use RV parks, motels...they are long gone by the time any election happens. But ballots flood out. Someone gets them. You know the rest.
I can't spoon feed an idiot over the internet.

Still nothing.

Candy just stares at the ceiling.
Here you go sheetbags. I trust Musk word more than all LW in the universe put together.

Dude, it is their job to post your assertions as conspiracy theories. Their main objective in life, is to get past this election winning, then shrug off anything that shows they are full of crap. (think the Hunter laptop being Russian dis-information)

In many instances, they may very well be 100% accurate, but NOBODY can trust them. They have cried wolf so much, that they are now screwing themselves. Their credibility is in the toilet.

If voters really care about reality, all they need do is go back and view what the Left said about GW! Then view on YouTube, what the Left said about HW. Then view, what the Left said about Reagan; all accessible on YouTube.

For THINKING individuals, does it ALL sound familiar?

They ALWAYS go back to their playbook 101, because it has always been successful. Just ask Mac a Doodle, IM a Racist, and the rest of the crowd of Leftists on here.

So why, oh why, are they so afraid of Trump?

Because he is the 1st person to run for President in the modern era, to stand up to Leftists. All you need do is look at YouTube, and see how other Republicans reacted. All other candidates tried to pick off a few voters to win while making excuses for what Leftists accused them of. Trump says--------->screw you, I am going for my base, your base, and everyone in the middle between the two!

Will he be able to do it? It remains to be seen. But remember, the Left is quaking in their boots that he might succeed.

Up until November, we have the advantage, lol. Why? Because they are much more afraid of us, then we are of them, lol. We will always resist their nonsense. But, if they lose; their whole house of cards is coming down.......and they know it; which is why they are resisting so damn hard-)
If no one challenges the dont have to prove citizenship to vote law then they will flood the vote like always.


As I said in other threads its time for Red States to pass laws and stop this BS in our states. Tell the Fed to fyck off after.

If they can do Santuaries for illegals we can make laws BANNING them here.

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