Yes, illegal immigrants can register to vote.

It`s also a known reality that the GOP has lost the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 elections. Could it be that most Americans just don`t like that party and most of the things it stands for? You`ll never lose the racists and the gun fondlers but maybe it`s a good time for the GOP to reach out and try to appeal to normal people with a sense of decency that know right from wrong.
No it is because California and New York vote predominately democrat and California has millions more poeple in it then any other State. Thats why Republicans win the Presidency because it isn't by popular vote but by electoral vote and more people in the different states are republicans
It`s also a known reality that the GOP has lost the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 elections.
Popular votes doesn't win elections in this country and there's a reason for that.

You`ll never lose the racists and the gun fondlers but maybe it`s a good time for the GOP to reach out and try to appeal to normal people with a sense of decency that know right from wrong.
Maybe we can pickup the 'normal' people that burn down city blocks and attack conservatives, you know, the ones your party favors.
It`s also a known reality that the GOP has lost the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 elections. Could it be that most Americans just don`t like that party and most of the things it stands for? You`ll never lose the racists and the gun fondlers but maybe it`s a good time for the GOP to reach out and try to appeal to normal people with a sense of decency that know right from wrong.
Some strange assumptions being made here. Exactly what leads you to think the GOP is not appealing to normal people with a sense of decency that know right from wrong ? :dunno:
Popular votes doesn't win elections in this country and there's a reason for that.

Maybe we can pickup the 'normal' people that burn down city blocks and attack conservatives, you know, the ones your party favors.
This is the United STATES of America, not the United PEOPLE of America.
They show up no ID, no English but the incoming get them thru, give them paper with name and temporary ID numbers. They get sent to selected states.

The charity setups get them situated and registered into programs, ditto voting as many as possible. They register them homeless and can use the office address. Ballots go out and if the office closed up the USPS gets them to be forwarded or returned. Guess what.....harvest time! you dumb Blind OXYEN. Only takes 10K-100K to change elections (along with other cheating). ~15 million bogus names recently available. TX had nearly 2 million new names since 2023.

IF they send it to shelter or motel or RV park, well, it gets taken care of.

Kiss off commee fake news lying maggots UNK & LUSH:

Wisconsin’s election law embodies a commitment to facilitate voting for all qualified individuals, including those who happen to be homeless at the time of the election. The information in this memorandum is designed to facilitate participation of qualified individuals while protecting the integrity of the electoral process. It is essential that all qualified Wisconsin electors be provided with the opportunity to help choose the elected governmental representatives who develop and implement policies that affect them.

Establishing Residency​

Any United States citizen aged 18 or older who is not otherwise disqualified may vote in Wisconsin if he or she meets the statutory residency requirements. Qualified individuals must have lived in Wisconsin for at least 28 days. These persons must have an identifiable location that they consider their residence for voting purposes and to which they intend to return, when absent.

Homeless individuals may designate a fixed location for their residence for voting purposes if it is an identifiable location in the state of Wisconsin which could conceivably serve as a temporary residence. This location may be a homeless shelter, a park bench, or other location where a homeless individual may spend time or return to when absent.

A homeless individual may claim a shelter for the homeless as his or her residence for voting purposes, notwithstanding any restriction in the shelter’s rules prohibiting its use as a residence address. “Residence” for voting purposes is distinct from other types of residence.

Proof of Residence​

In order to establish that a person without a traditional residence is a qualified elector, the person must produce a form of proof of residence with his or her name and residence for voting purposes. This proof of residence document may include a letter from a shelter for the homeless or from a private or public-social service organization providing services for homeless individuals. The letter identifies the individual and describes the location designated as the person’s residence for voting purposes. The proof of residence should be on letterhead and signed by a person affiliated with the social services organization.

Local election officials or persons working to facilitate voting for qualified homeless individuals may contact the Wisconsin Elections Commission Help Desk at 608-261-2028 or at [email protected] with questions.

Please note that most voters must also provide voter photo ID to receive a ballot. For more information about voter photo ID requirements, please visit the Bring it to the Ballot website: or contact the Wisconsin Elections Commission.

***suck on it maggots
No it is because California and New York vote predominately democrat and California has millions more poeple in it then any other State. Thats why Republicans win the Presidency because it isn't by popular vote but by electoral vote and more people in the different states are republicans

CA is nearly 25% non-citizens at any time (can be proven by the number of "illegal" Children attending public school). That is 4 million right there. Yes...many of them vote. Whether they know it or not. If they need it, a Ballot will be generated and submitted.
Illegal Voting became simple in 2020 with the flood of Mail-In ballots. Now with tens of millions passing thru the border since 2021.......the voter rolls become a "moving target". Names added everyday by unscrupulious D workers at intake facilities. The non-citizens may not even know what they are signing up for.........but the promise of an EBT card assures they will all agree. It is hard work to clean any voter roll with Deep State working overtime to muddy it up and Prevent any cleanup in Courts.
A number you don't know, so you can "prove" nothing that way.

I've done the math on this very site Teacher. I lived decades in CA. I know, we know, everyone knew and knows but you apparently. EXAMPLE:If 8 million are in public school....and 25% are known non-citizens = 2million + 2*2million illegal parents = 6 million right there dummy. Pound your fake news button with your boyfriends loser. I got to go to real work.
CA is nearly 25% non-citizens at any time (can be proven by the number of "illegal" Children attending public school). That is 4 million right there. Yes...many of them vote. Whether they know it or not. If they need it, a Ballot will be generated and submitted.
Wrong. Virtually none of them vote.
Interesting how most of those claiming that NO illegal aliens are voting in our elections are the same ones who strongly believe that collusion with the Russians is how Trump won POTUS in 2016. :rolleyes::eusa_think:
There are several states that don't require proof of citizenship for a driver's license:

  1. California
  2. Colorado
  3. Connecticut
  4. Delaware
  5. Hawaii
  6. Illinois
  7. Maryland
  8. New Mexico
  9. Nevada
  10. New York
  11. Oregon
  12. Utah
  13. Vermont
  14. Washington
  15. Washington, D.C.
  1. California
  2. Colorado
  3. Connecticut
  4. Delaware
  5. Hawaii
  6. Illinois
  7. Maryland
  8. New Mexico
  9. Nevada
  10. New York
  11. Oregon
  12. Utah
  13. Vermont
  14. Washington
  15. Washington, D.C.
Mostly Liberal states/Sanctuary Cities...
Of course if the government did its job and controlled the border, all this speculation would be much less necessary. In any case, it is irrational to claim "proof" that rests on information one does NOT have.

Uh....yeah. Corrupted voter rolls are out there. At least some Politicians in AZ are looking into it.

The Arizona Republican Party filed a lawsuit against the corrupt Secretary of State Adrian Fontes after discovering from 500,000 to 1.3 million ILLEGAL VOTERS on the state’s voter rolls.

The Arizona Republican party has filed a BOMBSHELL lawsuit against the Secretary of State for violations of the National Voter Registration Act after discovering between 500,000 to 1.3 Million ILLEGAL voters on the voter rolls, including dead people & nonresidents.

“The lawsuit highlights outrageous voter registration rates, with some counties exceeding 100% of eligible voters. The lawsuit uncovered that Arizona has between 500,000 to 1,270,000 unaccounted-for voters on the rolls, including deceased individuals and those who have moved away.”

“Our findings reveal a staggering number of counties with more registered voters than eligible citizens, this is a clear indication of a system in disarray. We are holding Adrian Fontes accountable to ensure fair and credible elections in Arizona.”

This exactly how Democrats cheat, bloated voter rolls combined with universal mail in ballots. Republicans have to get ahead of this before November 5th.

Arizona has at least 500,000 registered voters on the voter rolls who should have otherwise been removed. In other words, at least 500,000 registered voters currently listed on the Secretary’s voter rolls
for Arizona are deceased or no longer reside in Arizona.And a review of other reliable data sources shows that Arizona has between 1,060,000 and 1,270,000 unaccounted-for voters on the state voter rolls.

“Election integrity is a serious issue in our nation,” said Mussi. “Ensuring that Arizonans can have faith in the integrity of our election system and representative government starts with clean voter rolls that leave no doubts about who is able to cast a ballot. That’s why we sent a prelitigation notice to Secretary Fontes last August highlighting the artificially high voter registration rates. Unfortunately, most Arizona counties continue to have voter registration rates far exceeding the national average. We hope that the court compels Secretary Fontes to comply with his obligations under the NVRA to clean up Arizona’s voter rolls.”

Joining Mussi as Plaintiffs in this challenge are the Chair of the Republican Party of Arizona, Gina Swoboda, and Steven Gaynor.

In their lawsuit, the Plaintiffs argue that Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes has failed to perform his mandatory list maintenance duty under the NVRA. For example, the most recent voter registration and census data show that up to four Arizona counties – Apache, La Paz, Navajo, and Santa Cruz – have more registered voters than eligible citizens. The remaining counties across the state have implausibly high voter registration rates that far exceed the average national and statewide voter-registration rates in recent years. Consistent with these artificially high registration rates, the complaint alleges that Arizona has at least 500,000 registered voters on the rolls who should have otherwise been removed because they are deceased or no longer reside in Arizona.

***now let the STAIN bark and cows bellering at medication time.
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Here want the full PDF lawsuit? chew on this "FAKE NEWS" PeeKKK and UNK 3months off. I am not sure that one lazy mormon judge who let SIG review scam go thru will be able to understand all of this? Hope somebody else gets it.


  • AZ NVRA Complaint_FINA... - az-nvra-complaint-filed-5-31-24.pdf
    3.8 MB · Views: 1
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5 Providing voter registration percentages using inaccurate data points may appear to show NVRA-compliant list maintenance, when in fact this is not the case. For example, instead of including the CVAP in the calculation, an election official might include only VAP (this number would include non-citizens, who are not eligible to vote). Or, as opposed to including total registered voters, an election official might include only “active” registered voters—thus removing from the calculation the universe of inactive voters who are still on the jurisdiction’s voter rolls. By comparing VAP (as opposed to CVAP) against active registrants (as opposed to total registrants), one can see what the percentage of registered should be (by removing likely-moved inactive voters and non-citizens), not what the percentage of total registered voters actually is. In fact, this is exactly what the Secretary already attempted to do. See supra § III (discussing the letters attached as “Exhibit 3” where the Secretary responded to Plaintiff’s 90-day notice letter by citing misleading statistics).

suck it stain. AZ has massive snow-bird population living here RV parks, homes, trailers etc. during the winter.....registered two states for the stain I would almost guarantee. Mail in ballots flooded out as many as they needed kept counting past 04NOV2020

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