The most idiotic debate ever

Nah. He's fine.

Most Trump cult losers, however, do need to be put in a home.

Evidence? Their posts here, which don't even pretend to address reality.
Sure did. Epstein and Trump had a lot of perversions in common,
I'm still waiting for some proof.

"Anonymous retard on the internet" isn't very high on my credibility scale.

Where's the proof, John?

I've got mine.


That sounds like 100% pedo behavior to me.

A grown man showering with his daughter.

Couple that with the naked swimming in front of his female secret service detail...


I think we have established proof positive. Biden is a first class pedophile.
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No one cares what you are waiting for.

You are saying that Trump is a better person than Biden, which reflects so poorly on you,
That you just talk out of you ass while providing not one shred of evidence for the idiotic bullshit you post is an extremely poor reflection on you. does explain why you support Pedo Biden.
A couple of observations about the debate:

First and most controversial, I didn't think Biden did that bad, relatively speaking. Yes, he did badly. Not saying he did well at all. But I expected him to have some kind of physical episode, like falling down, going to the wrong podium, or needing a chair halfway through. His trailing off answer that ended in bragging that he "beat medicare" was the kind of answer I expected him to give all night. I also expected another outlandishly racist story, like his standing up to a bully of color, or a tribe of color eating his uncle.

He exceeded my expectations. I really thought it would be worse. He got in a few good ones. Calling Trump a whiner made him sound like an IMDB debater. How many times do one of us accuse the other of being butthurt or crying? Biden's a guy the Party chose for nothing more his controllability and electability, a combination no other candidate had. They will keep him on the ticket for his controllability, and hope that their "ballot harvesting," and other shenanigans, (now federally funded at every single federal agency) will carry him through.

Every Democrat "journalist" who is claiming to be shocked, shocked! that Biden is so weak and sickly and out of touch is lying through their teeth. They've known the whole time, how bad off Biden is and has been for a while. They have been lying, and lying, and lying. I've said for a while now that Democrats like our colleagues here on IMDB dont' really believe it. They don't mind being lied to, because they feel that they are in on it. As in, they are not being fooled, they are helping the "journalists" fool everyone else. They will now come up with new lies, never admitting to the old ones.

Who TF do these journalists and Democrat pundits who are debating among themselves over whether Biden should step down think they are? The voters have spoken! The voters voted based on the journalists and other Democrats assurances that Biden was fine, that if we see a video of Biden exhibiting clear signs of dementia, we should not believe our lying eyes because all of these are "cheap fakes." Their shock now is being caught in that lie.

Trump answered almost every question as far as I saw. I only watched it once, so I may have missed one, I admit. But for several questions, he did not answer immediately, but gave some talking points and then answered. The one that he did not answer was whether he would sign a nationwide abortion ban. I honestly don't think he knows. He'd be under enormous pressure from the right to sign it, but he could actually gain some favor from the left if he did not. Abortion is always first and foremost with left women. On the other hand, being elected to a second term, he will be even more immune to pressure than he is now.

Just my take . . .

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