Yeah, Trump did call military personnel "suckers" and "losers"

Joe Biden botched Afghanistan. People died who didn't need to. We abandoned our allies to the Taliban. We gave a terrorist regime billions of dollars in military equipment. It's just one more example of Joe Biden's innate ability to turn anything he touches into a steaming pile of manure!

Uh, the guy who abandoned our "Allies" (Actually, a bunch of quisling who were just taking government checks) was Trump when he signed the Doha Accords committing us to pull out and releasing 5000 Taliban prisoners.
Uh, the guy who abandoned our "Allies" (Actually, a bunch of quisling who were just taking government checks) was Trump when he signed the Doha Accords committing us to pull out and releasing 5000 Taliban prisoners.
Pulling out was the right thing to do. Trump wouldn't have done the moronic things that Biden did. Those 13 Americans would be alive today if Joe Biden wasn't President. He hasn't made a foreign policy decision that's been right in the last 40 years!
Yes, the Orange Hole said it

Hiis Chief of Staff, Major General Kelly heard him say it. Don't need any vid or tape. Kelly's word is sufficient.

You vets who vote for him are flamboozled, and that is only your fault, not that of any one else.

View attachment 969749
This guy retired as a Major? Was he there and heard it? Oh and Biden dodged the draft just like Trump, Clinton, Bush Jr etc. I love how everyone acts like their guy was some war hero and that only the politicians on the other side are draft dodgers. It's been 3 decades since someone who's served in combat has sat in the oval office.
Pulling out was the right thing to do. Trump wouldn't have done the moronic things that Biden did. Those 13 Americans would be alive today if Joe Biden wasn't President. He hasn't made a foreign policy decision that's been right in the last 40 years!

Uh, guy, the 13 guys who died were because a rogue ISIS faction targeted them. Not sure what Trump would have done to prevent that, ISIS made plenty of attacks on his watch before the Iranians stomped most of them out in Syria and Iraq.
We've been over this. Before the pandemic hit, Trump threw out the Pandemic response plan, failed to restock needed supplies, disbanded the Pandemic response team at the NSA, and closed down the CDC field office in Beijing that could have coordinated data when this broke out.

After it broke out, he called it a hoax, recommended quack cures, told people it would clear up by Easter (it didn't) told people it was no worse than a flu (It wasn't), encouraged nutters to go to their state capitols with guns. .

Well, yes, if they have no understanding of statistics, they probably think this. The reality is that his GDP Growth was lame, and he is the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

None of which is true, of course.

Except more people were crossing the border under Trump than Obama.

Actually, I can't think of another President who was handed the mess that Trump handed Biden and turned it around so quickly.
You actually think you can just lie about Trump's record and Biden's record and people will believe you, don't you, Joey? That you can tell them that they're "mistaken" when they think they have less money in their pockets under Joe Biden than they did under Donald Trump?

I've got news for you. The reason that Joe Biden is losing the black and Hispanic vote in historic numbers isn't because he's done such a great's because people KNOW that he hasn't and they KNOW that his policies have taken money out of their pockets! They're going to vote for Trump because they know they were better off under his administration than they are under Joe Biden. It's as simple as that.
Uh, guy, the 13 guys who died were because a rogue ISIS faction targeted them. Not sure what Trump would have done to prevent that, ISIS made plenty of attacks on his watch before the Iranians stomped most of them out in Syria and Iraq.
Those 13 Americans died because Biden closed down the air base that we could have kept our people safe in. They never should have been put in that position.
Obama was not eligible for the draft
Clinton and Biden received legitimate college deferments

Trumps excuse?
Wait for it…..

Bone Spurs!

Trump received 4 student deferments and a 1-Y designation after college (could only be draft in a national emergency)

Biden recieved 5 student deferments and ....... a 1-Y designation after college just like Trump...

Clinton received 2 induction notices after long delays due to his familial connections, and when he returned from Oxford to show up for induction his was rescinded so he could join the ROTC at Arkansas.

In other words you're full of shit.
Pulling out was the right thing to do. Trump wouldn't have done the moronic things that Biden did. Those 13 Americans would be alive today if Joe Biden wasn't President. He hasn't made a foreign policy decision that's been right in the last 40 years!

More MAGA revisionist history

Afghanistan would be a functioning Democracy, Russia would have never invaded Ukraine, Hamas would not have attacked Israel……If only Trump were President

Are you aware that nobody would have died of COVID if Biden was President?
Lol this fucking guy says the diary cant be trusted even though she admitted the published diary was hers.
But we can use hearsay as proof for the fat man.
Amazing what politics does to peoples brains.
You actually think you can just lie about Trump's record and Biden's record and people will believe you, don't you, Joey? That you can tell them that they're "mistaken" when they think they have less money in their pockets under Joe Biden than they did under Donald Trump?

Well, some of them are idiots. I know I have more money in my pocket now than I did under Trump. I was also able to upgrade to a nicer house and a better paying job.

I've got news for you. The reason that Joe Biden is losing the black and Hispanic vote in historic numbers isn't because he's done such a great's because people KNOW that he hasn't and they KNOW that his policies have taken money out of their pockets! They're going to vote for Trump because they know they were better off under his administration than they are under Joe Biden. It's as simple as that.

Trump isn't doing any better this time than he did in 16 or 20. The only problem is people have reservations about Joe's age.

Those 13 Americans died because Biden closed down the air base that we could have kept our people safe in. They never should have been put in that position.
Except the contractors we were trying to evacuate weren't at the airbase, they were in Kabul.
Uh, guy, the 13 guys who died were because a rogue ISIS faction targeted them. Not sure what Trump would have done to prevent that, ISIS made plenty of attacks on his watch before the Iranians stomped most of them out in Syria and Iraq.
Not given up Bahram AB and used it to evacuate everyone instead of the Kabul airport which wasn't fortified and vastly more difficult to defend. Ultimately, it doenst matter. The buck stops at Biden's desk, it happened under his watch and so he gets the blame. You can be sure that he would taking credit had it gone well, and you'd be on here touting how well it went as well.
Not given up Bahram AB and used it to evacuate everyone instead of the Kabul airport which wasn't fortified and vastly more difficult to defend. Ultimately, it doenst matter. The buck stops at Biden's desk, it happened under his watch and so he gets the blame. You can be sure that he would taking credit had it gone well, and you'd be on here touting how well it went as well.
Except the people we wanted to evacuate weren't at Baghram, they were in Kabul.

The guy who fucked up Afghanistan was Bush, when he invaded it, and then took all the troops out to get Saddam, giving the Taliban a chance to regroup.

Biden just pulled the bandage off that should have been pulled off years earlier.
More MAGA revisionist history

Afghanistan would be a functioning Democracy, Russia would have never invaded Ukraine, Hamas would not have attacked Israel……If only Trump were President

Are you aware that nobody would have died of COVID if Biden was President?
More people died of Covid under Biden than did so under Trump and that's AFTER Biden was given a surplus of ventilators and the vaccines thanks to Trump! Face it, Winger...Joe Biden's "super power" is the ability to fuck up everything he touches! He's an idiot. He always HAS BEEN an idiot!
Except the people we wanted to evacuate weren't at Baghram, they were in Kabul.

The guy who fucked up Afghanistan was Bush, when he invaded it, and then took all the troops out to get Saddam, giving the Taliban a chance to regroup.

Biden just pulled the bandage off that should have been pulled off years earlier.
Why would any rational person abandon Baghram which WAS defensible and run an evacuation out of an airfield in the middle of a city that you don't control? That's just idiotic.
This guy retired as a Major? Was he there and heard it? Oh and Biden dodged the draft just like Trump, Clinton, Bush Jr etc. I love how everyone acts like their guy was some war hero and that only the politicians on the other side are draft dodgers. It's been 3 decades since someone who's served in combat has sat in the oval office.
He retired as a Marine Major General. He was Chief of Staff to Trump. He is known for his integrity and straightforwardness.

If he said that Trump said it, then Trump said it
More people died of Covid under Biden than did so under Trump and that's AFTER Biden was given a surplus of ventilators and the vaccines thanks to Trump! Face it, Winger...Joe Biden's "super power" is the ability to fuck up everything he touches! He's an idiot. He always HAS BEEN an idiot!
You mean after Trump let the disease run rampant over the country, openly fought the governors on containment measures, and took a lackidasial approach to it.

"You're not fixing the stuff I fucked up fast enough!!!"

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