Yeah, Trump did call military personnel "suckers" and "losers"

Why would any rational person abandon Baghram which WAS defensible and run an evacuation out of an airfield in the middle of a city that you don't control? That's just idiotic.
Um, because the people we wanted to evacuate were in Kabul, not the air base, which was 64 KM away.

"Hey, contractors, all you have to do is drive 64 KM to Bagram and we'll get you out!"
More people died of Covid under Biden than did so under Trump and that's AFTER Biden was given a surplus of ventilators and the vaccines thanks to Trump! Face it, Winger...Joe Biden's "super power" is the ability to fuck up everything he touches! He's an idiot. He always HAS BEEN an idiot!

That is because of the worthless vaccine Trump left for him.
If Biden was President, he would have developed a vaccine that stops COVID in its tracks within a matter of weeks.

The TRUMPVaccine killed more people than it saved
No disgrace for anyone to have dodged the draft while the Vietnam War was going on. Fight your enemies....not those who never attacked you, never threatened you, and never even said an unkind word about you.

Remember how Trump mocked and ridiculed John McCain's service?

Remember when he ditched the memorial service in France and stole $750,000 in artworks from the US embassy in Paris instead?

Your hero is a pig.
How dare you make such an accusation.
I didn't the Vets did.



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