Trump White House Official Confirms Knowledge of Muskegon, Michigan Voter Fraud Report in 2020 – CLAIMS THERE WAS AN ARREST – BILL BARR ALLEGEDLY ...

Then let's see it.

Hunter now has Special Counsel attention, which is good. No accused should ever get a complete immunity deal on the unknown.

And Trump's behavior now dictates when his trial starts: the earlier the start, the better the protection of evidence.
Barr and his ilk think they're protecting something.

They are.

A CORRUPT fucking swamp.
This is how they did it.
As long as members of the Uniparty are controlling the polls we'll never get another valid election.

Wonder where JackOfNoTrades is to tell us there is no proof of election fraud and that it is all just a vast rightwing conspiracy?

When JackOfNoTrades assures us that Trump has NO chance of winning again, do you suppose what he is really saying is that he has direct, firsthand knowledge of an effort to steal the 2024 election as well?
A leading propaganda narrative is this notion that "direct evidence" is the only type of evidence. There's actually a crap ton of election fraud and rigging evidence that's legally recognized in a court of law.
An Obama is gay thread was just closed because it gets posted so much.
I wonder when all the stolen election threads will be closed also.
You mucks and your lies are so nauseating.
This is how they did it.
As long as members of the Uniparty are controlling the polls we'll never get another valid election.

In truth I don't know whether there was enough fraud for Biden to steal the 2020 election. And unfortunately, enough evidence has now been destroyed or rendered useless, i.e. ballots removed from the envelopes with signatures etc., that there is no way for us to know.

There is absolutely enough direct and circumstantial evidence of fraud that a majority of Americans--even never Trumpers--do question the outcome of many 2020 elections and suspect there will be fraud in the 2024 elections.

The fact that most Democrats do not care whether there is confidence in the integrity of the election system and reject all measures to tighten up the integrity to provide assurance to all Americans that those who win elections actually won them can only lead to one conclusion:

They want to be able to cheat.
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