Immunity Decision Incoming....

They were immune before.

Only TDS brought this to the fore on a mad rush to "get Trump".

And now you can't "get Trump" and your butthurt about it.

Well...too bad, so sad.

A president NEEDS immunity for official acts, because sometimes they need to make a decision right now without having to worry if they'll be second guessed by a prosecutor Monday morning.

This is not about just Trump, you cult members are far too short sighted.

Before they were at best immune while in office, now they have the ultimate get out of jail free card.

You all are happy because your god will get out of one of his trials, but in the future when there is another Dem POTUS you will be looking back at this day going "what the hell were we thinking"
A President was always immune for official acts.

Accepting a bribe isn't an official act.

A President can nominate Hannibal Lecter for an Ambassadorship. Doesn't mean the Senate will confirm.

Accepting a bribe isn't an official act.

A President can pardon Hannibal Lecter. Yes.

Taking a bribe for it is illegal and not an official act and therefore he could be impeached and prosecuted.


Naming an Ambassador is an official act
Any action relating to naming an Ambassador is immune from prosecution
So, let’s look at Trumps crimes and see if they are the Official Acts of a President.

Running for office is not an official act, it is a partisan act.
Naming fake Electors and pressuring election officials is not a function of a President

Storing Classified Documents once you are no longer President is not an official act. His right to access Top Secret information ends as soon as he leaves office
So, let’s look at Trumps crimes and see if they are the Official Acts of a President.

Running for office is not an official act, it is a partisan act.
Naming fake Electors and pressuring election officials is not a function of a President

Storing Classified Documents once you are no longer President is not an official act. His right to access Top Secret information ends as soon as he leaves office
Speaking with his VP is official... ball game..... and so is looking into voter violations... game over....
So, let’s look at Trumps crimes and see if they are the Official Acts of a President.

Running for office is not an official act, it is a partisan act.
Naming fake Electors and pressuring election officials is not a function of a President

Storing Classified Documents once you are no longer President is not an official act. His right to access Top Secret information ends as soon as he leaves office

The decision was argued in the context of J6.

Scheming to have fake electors submit false documents to Congress isn't an official act to any reasonable person and would be outside the scope of duties for the President.

Failure to return classified documents occurred AFTER he left office to cannot be part of the official duties of the President as CV34FPOTUS45 was not President.

Presidents have nothing official to do with Federal Elections. Those are Constitutionally mandated.

This also prevents people from suing Obama Trump and Biden for any military acts they have taken in the past.

SCOTUS stated there's a separation of powers ... they can't make the President follow the Constitution, no one has standing to sue ... that makes the President above the law, just like Richard Nixon said ...

Doesn't the Russian media cover the "false elector" cases ... does Trump have immunity here ...

We have stolen property that Trump took when he left the White House ... you think he should have immunity ... what if he takes the Presidential airplane (a.k.a. Air Force One), it's his to keep if he has immunity ...

All government employees already have qualified immunity ... if you're caught in a stolen car, the police will arrest you ... if you are later exonerated of any crime, you can't sue the police office ... he's just doing his job, that's not a crime ... on the other paw, if the police office swiped all the money in your wallet ... that's theft, and a crime ... you can sue the police officer for stealing your money ... no immunity ...

That's the theory at least ... obviously this is abused all over the place ... but courts are beginning to crack down some ... not any more ... immunity now extends to crimes as well ... courts have no standing to intervene, separation of powers ...
This is not about just Trump, you cult members are far too short sighted.

Before they were at best immune while in office, now they have the ultimate get out of jail free card.

You all are happy because your god will get out of one of his trials, but in the future when there is another Dem POTUS you will be looking back at this day going "what the hell were we thinking" all of American History Donald J Trump is the ONLY president to be charged with a crime post presidency.

Weird huh.

Russia Hoax.

Two fake impeachments.

The NY Legislature changes the law to extend the 30 YEAR statute of limitation for the E. Carrol case with no evidence. Dress didn't exist. Guilty.

New York claims Trump overvalued his properties...lender says they did their due diligence and are happy as clams. Guilty.

Cohen gets an Legal NDA...Trump pays from his personal account. Normal as can be. Guilty.

If you want to lay the blame for codifying presidential immunity...look in a fucking mirror.

You obsessed TDS idiots wanted to win an election by burying a candidate in lawfare.


Since no other president had EVER been prosecuted for a crime...and you dipshits are trying this bullshit...we have to solve THIS crisis first.

If your butthurt hypothetical crisis comes down the pike in the future...we'll deal with it then.
SCOTUS stated there's a separation of powers ... they can't make the President follow the Constitution, no one has standing to sue ... that makes the President above the law, just like Richard Nixon said ...

Doesn't the Russian media cover the "false elector" cases ... does Trump have immunity here ...

We have stolen property that Trump took when he left the White House ... you think he should have immunity ... what if he takes the Presidential airplane (a.k.a. Air Force One), it's his to keep if he has immunity ...

All government employees already have qualified immunity ... if you're caught in a stolen car, the police will arrest you ... if you are later exonerated of any crime, you can't sue the police office ... he's just doing his job, that's not a crime ... on the other paw, if the police office swiped all the money in your wallet ... that's theft, and a crime ... you can sue the police officer for stealing your money ... no immunity ...

That's the theory at least ... obviously this is abused all over the place ... but courts are beginning to crack down some ... not any more ... immunity now extends to crimes as well ... courts have no standing to intervene, separation of powers ...

Is there a point in there?
Huuuuge win for Trump.

Speaking to the public while still POTUS....Official act.

Speaking to the VP while still POTUS.....Official act.

Obama declaring a US Citizen a terrorist and killing him without trial.....Official act.
So, let’s look at Trumps crimes and see if they are the Official Acts of a President.

Running for office is not an official act, it is a partisan act.
Naming fake Electors and pressuring election officials is not a function of a President

Storing Classified Documents once you are no longer President is not an official act. His right to access Top Secret information ends as soon as he leaves office
Keep spinnin'.

But you're done.

Better luck next time.
Huuuuge win for Trump.

Speaking to the public while still POTUS....Official act.

Speaking to the VP while still POTUS.....Official act.

Obama declaring a US Citizen a terrorist and killing him without trial.....Official act.

Storing Top Secret Documents while no longer President is not an Official Act

Establishing Fake Electors to substitute for the voters chosen Electors is not an official act

Pressuring election officials to “find” votes is not free speech and is not an official act
This is not about just Trump, you cult members are far too short sighted.
Before they were at best immune while in office, now they have the ultimate get out of jail free card.
You all are happy because your god will get out of one of his trials, but in the future when there is another Dem POTUS you will be looking back at this day going "what the hell were we thinking"
How many times has a president been charged with crimes? Very few.

This USSC ruling on immunity is moot unless the idiot voters elect a criminal president.

Its NOT a get out of jail free card, unless his action is "presidential", private actions are prosecutable.
Storing Top Secret Documents while no longer President is not an Official Act
Establishing Fake Electors to substitute for the voters chosen Electors is not an official act
Pressuring election officials to “find” votes is not free speech and is not an official act
The cases against Trump are over until after the election.
Jack Smith needs to be confirmed by the court as legally appointed. All the cases may be dismissed.
How many times has a president been charged with crimes? Very few.

This USSC ruling on immunity is moot unless the idiot voters elect a criminal president.

Its NOT a get out of jail free card, unless his action is "presidential", private actions are prosecutable.

And what does a POTUS do that is not "presidential"?

Hell, SCTOUS ruled that his tweets were official statements.

Is calling the SOS of a state and asking for a specific number of votes to be found "presidential"?

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