Here is something that Hasbara novice Troll , Sayimanarse , omits

The youngster probably has had no details from his office:_

the most extreme, sadistic and depraved atrocities never took place. They were fabricated by Israeli soldiers, officials and emergency responders.

One figure central to this deception was Yossi Landau, a leader of the Jewish religious emergency response organisation, Zaka. He and his staff concocted outlandish tales that were readily amplified not only by a credulous western press corps but by senior US officials too.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken graphically told of a family of four being butchered at the breakfast table. The father’s eye was gouged out in front of his two children, aged eight and six. The mother’s breast was cut off. The girl’s foot was amputated, and the boy’s fingers cut off, before they were all executed. The executioners then sat down and had a meal next to their victims.

Except the evidence shows none of that actually happened.

Just one snippet of the truth Hasbara Novice Troll .
😂 😂



TheIntercept lunacy conspiracy theories, including vicious Rape Denial.
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The original poster has said nothing about the Jewish president of Ukraine giving a standing ovation to a Nazi from the World War II era.

It’s possible that his paymasters or Israeli influencers are telling him to stay away from Ukraine and just continue the propaganda approved by hasbara.

The op doesn’t have the best interest of the Israeli people.
FranklinRoosevelt_FTW said:
The original poster has said nothing about the Jewish president of Ukraine ...
Again with this Zelenskyy thing of yours , even if true, represents no Jewish entity or group or Israeli entity or group.
In any case, it's off topic.

It resembles more a typical islamic-lobbiest posting-tactic.

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